The symptomatology of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease mainly involves the feet and the hands. To date, there is no consensus on how to evaluate hand function in CMT. The aim of this study is to correlate the data of the engineered glove Hand Test System (HTS) with specific tests and the CMT examination score (CMTES). We analyzed 45 patients with the diagnosis of CMT using HTS, which measures the hand dexterity by specific sequences performed at maximum velocity. We completed the evaluation with the CMTES, tripod pinch and hand grip strength tested by a dynamometer, thumb opposition test (TOT), and Sollerman Hand function test (SHFT), and we conducted a test-retest with 20 normal subjects. Finger tapping (FT) and index-medium-ring-little (IMRL) sequence showed a significant correlation with CMTES (FT dominant hand (DH) P = .036; non-dominant hand (NDH) P = .033; IMRL DH P = .009; NDH P = .046). TOT correlated with CMTES significantly in both hands (Pā€‰ less then ā€‰.0001). tripod pinch showed a statistically significant correlation with CMTES (DH P = .002; NDH P = .005). Correlation between the hand grip and CMTES was significant only in DH (DH P = .002). SHFT had a significant correlation with the CMTES (DH P = .002). Test-retest showed a good reliability. HTS parameters correlate with CMTES confirming that this tool is sensitive to the hand deficits. In conclusion, we can state that HTS is a good, simple to use, and objective instrument to evaluate the hand function of CMT patients, but more studies on responsiveness and sensitivity are needed.Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is a rare fibrotic autoimmune disorder for which no curative treatments currently exist. Metabolic remodelling has recently been implicated in other autoimmune diseases; however, its potential role in SSc has received little attention. Here, we aimed to determine whether changes to glycolysis and glutaminolysis are important features of skin fibrosis. TG