stromal cells immediately prior to menses and that local activation of the inflammasome within the endometrium appears to be reflected systemically in by activation of downstream IL-1beta and IL-18. Given the prevalence of menstrual disorders associated with inflammation including dysmenorrhoea and aspects of pre-menstrual syndrome, the inflammasome could be a novel target for ameliorating such burdens. Study funding/competing interest(s) The authors have no competing interests. J.E. was supported by a Fielding Foundation fellowship, NHMRC project grants (#1139489 and #1141946) and The Hudson Institute of Medical Research. L.A.S. was supported by The Hudson Institute of Medical Research and J.H. by an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. We acknowledge the Victorian Government's Operating Infrastructure funding to the Hudson Institute. Trial registration number N/A.The ability of chess experts depends to a large extent on spatial visual processing, attention, and working memory, all of which are thought to be mediated by the thalamus. This study explored whether continued practice and rehearsal over a long period of time results in structural changes in the thalamic region. We found smaller gray matter volume regions in the thalami of expert Chinese chess players in comparison with novice players. We then used these regions as seeds for resting-state functional connectivity analysis and observed significantly strengthened integration between the thalamus and fronto-parietal network in expert Chinese chess players. This strengthened integration that includes a group of brain regions showing an increase in activation to external stimulation, particularly during tasks relying on working memory and attention. Our findings demonstrate structural changes in the thalamus caused by a wide range of engagement in chess problem solving, and that this strengthened functional integration with w