Inherited retinal disorder (IRD) is a leading cause of blindness, and CRX is one of a number of genes reported to harbour autosomal dominant (AD) and recessive (AR) causative variants. Eighteen patients from 13 families with CRX-associated retinal disorder (CRX-RD) were identified from 730 Japanese families with IRD. Ophthalmological examinations and phenotype subgroup classification were performed. The median age of onset/latest examination was 45.0/62.5 years (range, 15-77/25-94). The median visual acuity in the right/left eye was 0.52/0.40 (range, -0.08-2.00/-0.18-1.70) logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (LogMAR) units. There was one family with macular dystrophy, nine with cone-rod dystrophy (CORD), and three with retinitis pigmentosa. In silico analysis of CRX variants was conducted for genotype subgroup classification based on inheritance and the presence of truncating variants. Eight pathogenic CRX variants were identified, including three novel heterozygous variants (p.R43H, p.P145Lfs*42, and p.P197Afs*22). A trend of a genotype-phenotype association was revealed between the phenotype and genotype subgroups. A considerably high proportion of CRX-RD in ADCORD was determined in the Japanese cohort (39.1%), often showing the mild phenotype (CORD) with late-onset disease (sixth decade). Frequently found heterozygous missense variants located within the homeodomain underlie this mild phenotype. This large cohort study delineates the disease spectrum of CRX-RD in the Japanese population.This study was to investigate the choroidal vessels in eyes with central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) quantitatively. We studied 41 CSC eyes and their fellow eyes, and 41 normal eyes of 41 age-adjusted individuals. En-face optical coherence tomography image of the top 25% slab of Haller's layer was analyze. The mean vessel area, vessel length, and vessel diameter were calculated. The running pattern of the vessels was quantified and used to determine the degree of symmetry, the "symmetry index". The vessel area of CSC eyes was not significantly different from that of fellow eyes but significantly larger than that of normal eyes. The vessel length of CSC eyes was not significantly different from fellow eyes but significantly shorter than that of normal eyes. The mean vessel diameter was larger in CSC eyes than in the fellow eyes and the normal eye. The symmetry index was not significantly different in CSC eyes from that of their fellow eyes but was smaller than that of normal eyes. The quantitative analysis showed that eyes with CSC had larger choroidal vessels and asymmetrical vessels running in Haller's layer.The optical response of a graphene oxide integrated silicon micro-ring resonator (GOMRR) to a range of vapour phase Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) is reported. The response of the GOMRR to all but one (hexane) of the VOCs tested is significantly higher than that of the uncoated (control) silicon MRR, for the same vapour flow rate. An iterative Finite Difference Eigenmode (FDE) simulation reveals that the sensitivity of the GO integrated device (in terms of RIU/nm) is enhanced by a factor of ~2, which is coupled with a lower limit of detection. Critically, the simulations reveal that the strength of the optical response is determined by molecular specific changes in the local refractive index probed by the evanescent field of the guided optical mode in the device. Analytical modelling of the experimental data, based on Hill-Langmuir adsorption characteristics, suggests that these changes in the local refractive index are determined by the degree of molecular cooperativity, which is enhanced for molecules with a polarity that is high, relative to their kinetic diameter. We believe this reflects a molecular dependent capillary condensation within the graphene oxide interlayers, which, when combined with highly sensitive optical detection, provides a potential route for discriminating between different vapour phase VOCs.Structural variants (SVs) contribute to many disorders, yet, functionally annotating them remains a major challenge. Here, we integrate SVs with RNA-sequencing from human post-mortem brains to quantify their dosage and regulatory effects. We show that genic and regulatory SVs exist at significantly lower frequencies than intergenic SVs. Functional impact of copy number variants (CNVs) stems from both the proportion of genic and regulatory content altered and loss-of-function intolerance of the gene. We train a linear model to predict expression effects of rare CNVs and use it to annotate regulatory disruption of CNVs from 14,891 independent genome-sequenced individuals. Pathogenic deletions implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders show significantly more extreme regulatory disruption scores and if rank ordered would be prioritized higher than using frequency or length alone. This work shows the deleteriousness of regulatory SVs, particularly those altering CTCF sites and provides a simple approach for functionally annotating the regulatory consequences of CNVs.Many organisms, when alone, behave differently from when they are among a crowd. Drosophila similarly display social behaviour and collective behaviour dynamics within groups not seen in individuals. In flies, these emergent behaviours may be in response to the global size of the group or local nearest-neighbour density. Here we investigate i) which aspect of social life flies respond to group size, density, or both and ii) whether behavioural changes within the group are dependent on olfactory support cells. Behavioural assays demonstrate that flies adjust their interactive behaviour to group size but otherwise compensate for density by achieving a standard rate of movement, suggesting that individuals are aware of the number of others within their group. We show that olfactory support cells are necessary for flies to behave normally in large groups. These findings shed insight into the subtle and complex life of Drosophila within a social setting.Coronavirus infections of multiple origins have spread to date worldwide, causing severe respiratory diseases. Seven coronaviruses that infect humans have been identified HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-HKU1, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. Among them, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV caused outbreaks in 2002 and 2012, respectively. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is the most recently discovered. It has created a severe worldwide outbreak beginning in late 2019, leading to date to over 4 million cases globally. Viruses are genetically simple, yet highly diverse. However, the recent outbreaks of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and the ongoing outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, indicate that there remains a long way to go to identify and develop specific therapeutic treatments. Only after gaining a better understanding of their pathogenic mechanisms can we minimize viral pandemics. This paper mainly focuses on SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. Here, recent studies are summarized and reviewed, with a focus on virus-host interactions, vaccine-based and drug-targeted therapies, and the development of new approaches for clinical diagnosis and treatment.