Taken together, these results identify PDE3A as a new critical target of the deleterious effects of DEHP on early oogenesis in mammals and highlight cAMP-dependent pathways as major regulators of oocyte and granulosa cell activities crucial for follicle assembly. Moreover, we suggest that the level of intracellular cAMP in the oocytes may be an important determinant for their capability to repair DNA lesions caused by DNA damaging compounds including DEHP.Although studies have reported that polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) can transfer from mothers to fetuses, the underlying transplacental transport and barrier mechanisms are still unclear. Therefore, we conducted a series of comprehensive experiments in humans, Sprague-Dawley rats, and a BeWo cell monolayer model, as well as a molecular docking study. PBDEs in mothers can transfer to fetuses with a ratio of approximately 0.46, suggesting that the placenta could not efficiently acts as a barrier to PBDE transplacental transport. Similar results were observed in pregnant rats, although varying times were required for different congeners to reach a steady-state in fetuses. The transport ratios at pregnancy day 14 in rats were generally higher than those at pregnancy day 18, which demonstrated that the barrier capacity of immature placentas was lower than that of mature placentas. None concentration-dependent transplacental transport was observed in BeWo cells with efflux ratios of 1.73-2.32, which suggested passive diffusion mechanisms govern the influx of PBDEs through placenta. The accumulated ratios of PBDEs and the inhibitor assay indicated that the effluent channel of P-glycoprotein was partially inhibited by PBDEs. Using molecular docking studies, three pocket sites were identified for different congeners in P-glycoprotein, which demonstrated that the inhibition of P-glycoprotein efflux pump through the pocket sites.Metabolic disorders induced by endocrine disruptors (ED) may contribute to amphibian population declines but no transgenerational studies have evaluated this hypothesis. Here we show that Xenopus tropicalis, exposed from the tadpole stage, to the ED benzo[a]pyrene (BaP, 50 ng.L-1) produced F2 progeny with delayed metamorphosis and sexual maturity. At the adult stage, F2-BaP females displayed fatty liver with inflammation, tissue disorganization and metabolomic and transcriptomic signatures typical of nonalcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH). This phenotype, similar to that observed in F0 and F1 females, was accompanied by a pancreatic insulin secretory defect. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pu-h71.html Metabolic disrupted F2-BaP females laid eggs with metabolite contents significantly different from the control and these eggs did not produce viable progeny. This study demonstrated that an ED can induce transgenerational disruption of metabolism and population collapse in amphibians under laboratory conditions. These results show that ED benzo[a]pyrene can impact metabolism over multiple generations and support epidemiological studies implicating environmental EDs in metabolic diseases in humans.Azoxystrobin (AZ) and pyraclostrobin (PY) are strobilurin fungicides that inhibit fungal mitochondrial respiration. In this study, a representative model, zebrafish (Danio rerio), was used as a test species for acute and developmental toxicity. Survival and malformation rates were observed only PY-treated embryos, with an LC50 value of 77.75 ppb accompanied by a dramatic decrease in hatching rate, while AZ did not show great mortality. Morphological changes were observed in PY-treated embryos with the occurrence of pericadial edema at 25 ppb. A delay in growth was observed after treatment with pyraclostrobin at 50 ppb. Use of genetically engineered Tg(cmlcEGFP) allowed fluorescence observation during heart development. PY interfered with normal heart development via upregulation of the nppa gene responsible for the expression of natriuretic peptides. Heart function was dramatically reduced as indicated by reduced heart rates. Increased expression of the nppa gene was also seen in AZ-treated embryos. The expression level of cyp24a1 was also up-regulated, while ugt1a1 and sult1st6 were down-regulated after treatment of zebrafish embryos with AZ or PY. Overall, strobilurin fungicides might inhibit normal heart formation and function within the range of concentrations tested.Urban areas often contain large numbers of migratory bird species during seasonal migration, many of which are nocturnal migrants. How artificial light at night (ALAN) and urban landcover are associated with the diurnal occurrence of nocturnal migrants within urban areas across seasons has not been explored. Here, we use eBird bird occurrence information to estimate the seasonal species richness of nocturnally migrating passerines (NMP) within 333 well surveyed urban areas within the contiguous USA. We model the relationship between seasonal NMP species richness and ALAN, proportion of tree canopy cover, and proportion of impervious surface. NMP species richness reached its highest levels during spring and autumn migration and lowest during the winter and summer. Greater tree canopy cover was associated with higher NMP species richness during spring and autumn migration and the summer. A 10% increase in the proportion of tree canopy cover was associated with a 2.0% increase in NMP species richness during spring migration, a 1.8% increase during autumn migration, and a 0.9% increase during the summer. More impervious surface was associated with higher NMP species richness during the winter. A 10% increase in the proportion of impervious surface was associated with a 6.1-9.8% increase in NMP species richness. Higher ALAN was associated with lower NMP species richness during the winter and summer, and higher NMP species richness during spring and autumn migration. A 50% increase in ALAN was associated with a 3.0-3.6% decrease in NMP species richness during the winter, a 1.7% increase during spring migration, a 2.1% decrease during the summer, and a 5.0% increase during autumn migration. These findings highlight the variable effects of ALAN and urban landcover on the seasonal occurrence of NMP species in urban areas, the value of tree canopy cover during migration and the breeding season, and the importance of reducing ALAN during migration.