COVID-19 has attracted global attention due to its rapid spread around the world with substantial morbidity and associated mortality. Severe COVID-19 can be complicated by the acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis and septic shock leading to death. These complications are thought to result from an overactivation of the immune system, leading to a cytokine storm syndrome associated with multiple organ failure. Here, we report that high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), a prototypical damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) and a central mediator of lethal inflammation, could be a potential target for innovative therapeutic strategies for COVID-19. Serum HMGB1 in severe COVID-19 patients is elevated (189.40 ± 140.88 ng/ml). Exogenous HMGB1 induces the expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor ACE2 in alveolar epithelial cells in an AGER-dependent manner. Importantly, genetic (using AGER siRNA) or pharmacological (using glycyrrhizin, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, and FPS-ZM1) inhibition of the HMGB1-AGER pathway blocks ACE2 expression. Thus, HMGB1 inhibitors are likewise promising drug candidates for the treatment of patients suffering from COVID-19.Even though indigenous knowledge (IK) is considered as one of the most effective strategies in response to climate change issues, this form is not being sufficiently integrated into the climate change planning and policy at both local and national levels in Vietnam. This study investigates the role of the traditional agricultural practices of the Xo Dang ethnic minority groups in Central Vietnam and provides insights into the factors that influence farmers to adopt these practices in response to climate change. Primary data was obtained through three focus group discussions and 87 household surveys involving the Xo Dang people through face-to-face semi-structured interviews in the Tra Doc commune, Bac Tra My district, Quang Nam province, Central Vietnam. The binary logistic regression model was used to examine the factors which have influenced the choices made by this community in response to climate change. The results showed that Xo Dang people were highly aware of climate change risks and had, in response, employed their current adaptation practices. The major adaptation strategies implemented by the Xo Dang people included the use of flora and fauna indicators, native plant varieties, the adjustment of planting calendars, irrigation practices, and the application of intercropping. The results indicated that the living years, their monthly farm incomes, and farmer's perceptions of ongoing climate change effects on their environment were the factors that significantly affected farmers' adaptation decisions. Understanding indigenous knowledge plays a fundamental role in the processes of deciding the appropriate adaptation techniques more effectively and making use of human resources. Therefore, policy makers should pay much attention to indigenous knowledge to combat climate change in future national policies and projects.A fundamentally new priority method has been developed for the microsampling of endogenous substances from one brain structure for their subsequent introduction into another brain structure. The same universal capillary is first used to extract endogenous substances located in a certain brain structure, and then the same capillary is used to transfer collected substances to another brain structure by increasing the pressure in the capillary when the laser beam heats up its closed cavity located outside. The method can be used to study the neurochemical mechanisms of the formation of emotional-motivational and pathological conditions, and identify specific endogenous substances involved in these processes. The developed method can be used in neurophysiological, psychophysiological, pharmacological, biochemical studies, as well as in molecular biology. To investigate the relationship between blood levels of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) and the expression of miRNA-21 among bladder cancer (BC) patients. The blood concentrations of Cd and Pb in 268 BC patients and 132 controls were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The blood concentrations of Cd and Pb were interpreted according to the type and stage of the carcinoma. The expression of miRNA-21 was assessed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in cancerous and adjacent non-cancerous bladder tissues among the patient groups. The blood concentrations of Cd and Pb were statistically elevated in BC patients compared to those of the controls. This elevation is more prevalent in groups with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) than those with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Among the BC group, miRNA-21 was upregulated in cancerous tissues relative to adjacent non-cancerous tissues. Moreover, the expression was significantly higher in patients with MIBC compared to those with NMIBC. The expression of miRNA-21 in cancerous tissues was significantly associated with blood concentration of Cd and Pb among BC patients. There is a relationship between Cd and Pb body burden and the tissue expression of miRNA-21 among BC patients. This indicates the role of miRNA-21 in Cd and Pb induced BC. There is a relationship between Cd and Pb body burden and the tissue expression of miRNA-21 among BC patients. This indicates the role of miRNA-21 in Cd and Pb induced BC.To "end poverty in all its forms everywhere" and "reduce inequality within and among countries", this study aligns with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 10. It uniquely contributes to the growth-poverty-inequality discourse by using per capita consumption expenditure growth (poverty), Gini index (inequality) and GDP growth (economic growth). It is a comparative analysis of 58 Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Latin American (LAC) countries (from 2000 to 2015) to determine whether economic growth reduces the incidence of poverty and if its interaction with income inequality enhances or alters its impact on poverty. Consistent findings from a multi-analytical approach using pooled ordinary least squares, fixed effects and system GMM reveal that (1) economic growth exhibit poverty-reduction properties; (2) the growth rate of inequality intensifies poverty, (3) inequality aggravates the impact of growth on poverty, and (4) the growth-poverty-inequality trilemma differs across income groups and regional samples.