u. were decreased while alpha n.u. were increased, indicating increased vigilance and decreased relaxation. In the subgroup who experienced comfort, there were no significant changes. HRV indices suggested parasympathetic-dominant changes in both subgroups. Weak correlations were observed between a decrease of theta n.u. and sympathetic-dominant changes in HRV indices. Conclusions Alterations in background EEG activities were not the primary factors changing ANS function to parasympathetic-dominant and decreasing HR, but these alterations related to a weak secondary factor changing ANS function. EEG activity by which cortical relaxation and vigilance were represented was the weak secondary factor changing ANS function during acupuncture; the primary factor might be supraspinal reflection.Background Laser acupuncture is a relatively young modality in the field of acupuncture, used successfully for the treatment of various conditions since the early 1970s. It has, despite its ∼50 years of existence, already a comprehensive history behind it. This review deals with facts of this history and summarizes the most-important milestones. Materials and Methods Scientific articles from the PubMed, Google Scholar, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure databases served as research documents. In addition, the research on laser acupuncture history included material published in scientific books. Results A total of 38 listed articles were identified, 7 of which were considered relevant. In addition to a generally recognized definition of laser acupuncture, the beginnings of laser acupuncture and the first clinical applications worldwide, this review also shows the most-important milestones in the development of this discipline. The latter are, of course, the development of laser acupuncture systems, the first clinical studies, the implementation of multichannel laser acupuncture devices with laser-needle technology, and, ultimately, the combination of laser acupuncture with methods from research on photobiomodulation. Conclusions Although considerable progress has been made in evaluating this innovative method of laser acupuncture, further research is needed in the coming years and decades.The association of acupuncture points requires realization of synergistic combinations to be as effective as possible while avoiding possible aggravations. To this end, the meridian balance method is an effective tool. It is based on the 6 systems of Richard T.-F. Tan, MD, which derive from 6 principles of traditional knowledge (1) Chinese meridian-name sharing; (2) branching meridians (Bie-Jing); (3) interior-exterior pairs (Biao-Li); (4) Chinese clock opposite; (5) Chinese clock neighbor; and (6) the same meridian. However, the results seem to unstable over time, and, therefore, synergies with "root" treatment based on Japanese meridian therapy could help stabilize the therapeutic effects of the meridian balance method. Japanese meridian therapy uses pulse diagnosis to identify 4 basic primary patterns (1) Liver Deficiency, generally treated with a combination of acupuncture points LR8-KI10; (2) Kidney Deficiency, treated with LU 5-KI 7; (3) Spleen Deficiency, treated with PC 7-SP 3; and (4) Lung Deficiency, treated with SP 3-LU 9. After reviewing the main principles of Japanese acupuncture, a nondogmatic approach coupling Japanese meridian therapy with Dr. Tan's balance method is proposed in order to use the best of each of the 2 methods in an integrative approach.Objective Acupuncture continues to gain popularity as a first treatment option for a variety of conditions; however, an in-depth understanding of the relationships between the acupoints and the underlying anatomy of the human body is often unclear. This article updates the anatomical relationship between facial acupoints and the trigeminal nerve (CN V) and contrasts the results against the standard textbook Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Methods A literature review, cadaver dissection, and a neuroanatomical stimulation of the CN V was conducted, focusing on the anatomical locations of the acupoints along the CN V on the face and nerve block targets. The results were contrasted against the standard acupoint location and nerve targets described in Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Results The present article classifies CN V acupuncture targets according to 4 different types (1) trunk; (2) bifurcation; (3) branch; and (4) anastomoses. The results of this exploration highlight the specificity with which acupoints are located in relation to the CN V. Areas of high nerve density correspond to several acupoints. Consequently, acupoints overlay closely with CN V branches as they emerge and bifurcate on the face. Conclusions There is a clear and neuroanatomically relevant relationship between facial acupoints and the CN V. The average readability level in the USA is a sixth grade level and for patients with chronic disease it is lower. Cirrhosis is a prevalent chronic disease that requires complex knowledge and instructions to manage. No research has been done about the understandability of online educational content for cirrhotic patients. Patients can find online materials curated by both general health platforms and high-volume liver transplant centers, and thus these materials were analyzed. After determining exclusion criteria, the websites of the top 20 general health platform results and the websites of the top 20 high-volume hepatology centers were analyzed. Readability was assessed using the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (Audiovisual Materials) (PEMAT-A/V), Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level tests, word counts, sentence counts, words per sentence, and time for an average sixth grader to read. The mean grade level readabilities were 12.3 and 11.3 for the general resources and the transplant center resources, respectively. The online resources ranged from 9 to 389 sentences requiring an average of 9.8 min to read. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/MLN-2238.html The mean PEMAT-A/V scores were 70.05% for the general resources and 72.45% for the transplant center resources. There was a statistically significant difference in the Flesch-Kincaid grade level, sentence number, words per sentence, word count, and time for an average sixth grader to read the general resources and transplant center resources (P < 0.05). The online resources both from health platforms and hepatology centers available to patients with cirrhosis are too long and complex and underscore the need for simpler and shorter resources. The online resources both from health platforms and hepatology centers available to patients with cirrhosis are too long and complex and underscore the need for simpler and shorter resources.