The aim of the present study was to compare the in vivo under weight-bearing kinematic behavior of a posterior-stabilized (PS) and an ultra-congruent (UC) total knee arthroplasty (TKA) model during a sit-to-stand motor task, a common activity of daily life. A cohort of 16 randomly selected patients (8 PS Persona Zimmer, 8 UC Persona Zimmer) was evaluated through dynamic radiostereometric analysis (RSA) at a minimum of 9months after TKA, during the execution of a sit-to-stand. The anteroposterior (AP) translation of the femoral component and the AP translation of the low point of medial and lateral femoral compartments were compared through Student's t test (p < 0.05). A significantly greater anterior translation of the femoral component was found for the PS group compared to the UC group. The flexion interval where statistical significance was found was between 30° and 0° (p = 0.017). Both groups showed a significantly greater anterior translation of the low point of the lateral compartment with respect to the medial one (PS p = 0.012, UC p = 0.018). This was consistent with a medial-pivot pattern. Furthermore, a significantly greater anterior translation of the medial compartment was found in the PS group compared to the UC group (p = 0.001). The same pattern was observed for the lateral compartment (p = 0.006). The TKA designs evaluated in the present study showed comparable in-vivo kinematics with regards to medial pivot pattern but differences in absolute AP translation. Specifically, the UC design showed greater AP stability than the PS design. This finding could be positive in terms of implant stability, but negative in terms of premature polyethylene wear and thus implant failure. This remains to be verified in studies with a larger sample size and longer follow-up. IV. IV.The ability to provide prompt, real-time, easily accessible and radiation-free diagnostic assessments makes ultrasound (US) one of the most versatile imaging modalities. The introduction and development of stable microbubble-based ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) in the early 1990s improved visualization of complex vascular structures, overcoming some of the limitations of B-mode and Doppler imaging. UCAs have been used extensively in the adult population to visualize vasculature and to evaluate perfusion and blood flow dynamics in organs and lesions. Since the first observations that air bubbles within a liquid can generate a strong echogenic effect, to the early makeshift approaches with agitated saline, and later to the development of industrially produced and federally approved UCAs, these agents have evolved to become both clinically and commercially viable. Perhaps the most exciting potential of UCAs is being uncovered by current research that explores the use of these agents for molecular imaging and therapeutic applications. As contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) becomes more widely available, it is important for pediatric radiologists to understand the physics of the interaction between the US signal and the microbubbles in order to properly utilize them for the highest level of diagnostic imaging and interventions. In this article we introduce the composition of UCAs and the physics of their behavior in US, and we offer a brief history of their development over the last decades. Pancreatoduodenectomy is the only treatment with a promise of cure for patients with pancreatic head adenocarcinoma, and a negative resection margin is an important factor related to overall survival. Complete clearance of the medial margin with removal of the so-called mesopancreas may decrease the recurrence rate after pancreatic resection. Here, we present some important information about the mesopancreas, total mesopancreas excision, and technical aspects to achieve negative resection margins. The area named mesopancreas is defined as the tissue located between the head of the pancreas and the superior mesenteric vessels and the celiac axis and consists of the nerve plexus, lymphatic tissue, and connective tissue. The superior mesenteric and celiac arteries define the border of the mesopancreas. En bloc resection of anterior and posterior pancreatoduodenal nodes, hepatoduodenal nodes, along the superior mesenteric artery nodes, pyloric nodes, and nodes along the common hepatic artery is necessary. Improved knowledge of the surgical anatomy of the region and technical refinements of excision of the mesopancreas along with standardized pathological examination are important to increase and to determine radical resection of pancreatic head cancer. Improved knowledge of the surgical anatomy of the region and technical refinements of excision of the mesopancreas along with standardized pathological examination are important to increase and to determine radical resection of pancreatic head cancer.Cognition is shaped by signals from outside and within the body. Following recent evidence of interoceptive signals modulating higher-level cognition, we examined whether breathing changes the production and perception of quantities. In Experiment 1, 22 adults verbally produced on average larger random numbers after inhaling than after exhaling. In Experiment 2, 24 further adults estimated the numerosity of dot patterns that were briefly shown after either inhaling or exhaling. Again, we obtained on average larger responses following inhalation than exhalation. These converging results extend models of situated cognition according to which higher-level cognition is sensitive to transient interoceptive states.The intimate relationships between cell fate and metabolism have long been recognized, but a mechanistic understanding of how metabolic pathways are dynamically regulated during development and disease, how they interact with signalling pathways, and how they affect differential gene expression is only emerging now. We summarize the key findings and the major themes that emerged from the virtual Keystone Symposium 'Metabolic Decisions in Development and Disease' held in March 2021.Persistent loss of dietary protein usually signals a shutdown of key metabolic pathways. In Drosophila larvae that have reached a 'critical weight' and can pupariate to form viable adults, such a metabolic shutdown would needlessly lead to death. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-mediated calcium (IP3/Ca2+) release in some interneurons (vGlutVGN6341) allows Drosophila larvae to pupariate on a protein-deficient diet by partially circumventing this shutdown through upregulation of neuropeptide signaling and the expression of ecdysone synthesis genes. Here, we show that IP3/Ca2+ signals in vGlutVGN6341 neurons drive expression of Set2, a gene encoding Drosophila Histone 3 Lysine 36 methyltransferase. Furthermore, Set2 expression is required for larvae to pupariate in the absence of dietary protein. IP3/Ca2+ signal-driven Set2 expression upregulates key Ca2+-signaling genes through a novel positive-feedback loop. Transcriptomic studies, coupled with analysis of existing ChIP-seq datasets, identified genes from larval and pupal stages that normally exhibit robust H3K36 trimethyl marks on their gene bodies and concomitantly undergo stronger downregulation by knockdown of either the intracellular Ca2+ release channel IP3R or Set2.