The article presents the analysis of drug abuse situation in municipalities and districts of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (KHMAO-Yugra) in 2017-2018, as well as the dynamics of changes of the drug abuse situation in KHMAO-Yugra as a whole in 2015-2018. By 2018, the drug abuse situation in the KHMAO-Yugra improved as compared with previous years of the study period and corresponded to the "tense" level, which indicates the need to continue systematic and targeted intersectoral work aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality associated with the use of drugs and psychoactive substances in this northern region of Russia.The article elaborates on research tasks determining the vector trends and key risks of actual models of self-preserving behavior of population in Russia on scale of national security level and searching the means of increasing effectiveness of regional demographic policy in area of developing effective self-preserving choices of life-style strategies. The results of sociological survey of the aspects of self-preserving behavior of residents of the central regions of the Russian Federation (the study was carried out on a quota sample, n = 1060) are analyzed. The study made it possible to answer the questions about the importance of health and to assess it identifying the groups of relative and absolute risk. The study provided following results the importance factors affecting development of self-preserving behavioral patterns and choice trajectories among respondents, as well as motivation for health protection and for refusal to live longer. The most important factors turned out to be personal resources ande risks of national demographic policy.In the Kabarda-Balkar Republic during last decades, stable dynamics of increasing rates of primary breast cancer morbidity is established. The gaining rate of indicator made up to 40.7% over last 10 years. The prevalence indicator of breast cancer is characterized by high growth intensity twice higher than the national level. In the structure of malignant neoplasms morbidity, breast cancer (23.3%) takes position of leading oncologic pathology. The most of patients with breast cancer (33.0%) are in the age group of 50-59 years. However, higher oncologic alertness of medical personnel concerning young women, especially 20-29 years old is required since their percentage among patients with breast cancer is increasing. Noteworthy is the low indicator of active case finding of patients with breast cancer only 31.8% of cases is diagnosed during prevention examinations. At the early stage of development of tumor process (stage I-II), the rate of identified patients with breast cancer is lower than in the Russian Federation. Especially low is the level of early diagnosis of the disease at stage I. The data testifies existing problems of organization of oncologic medical care in the Kabarda-Balkar Republic and indicates the need of strengthening preventive measures at the primary health care level. Their effectiveness will be assessed by the level of early diagnosis of breast cancer in women and by corresponding appropriate treatment.The purpose of the study is to assess medical efficiency of family doctors involved in early detection of glaucoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS The prospective observation was carried on in polyclinic No.3 (the basis institution of the University Department of family medicine) to provide experimental evidence of role of family physician in medical care of ophthalmic patients. The sampling included 1000 patients visited polyclinic for the first time. In total the cohort was formed from 250 patients of therapist (family physician), 250 patients of neurologist, 250 patients of dentist and 250 patients of other physicians. All patients initially passed Maklakov's eye tonometry prior to visiting medical specialists. After tonometry, all patients have been observed by ophthalmologist and in the process of treatment also by therapist, neurologist, dentist and other medical specialists. THE RESULTS The percentage of patients with intraocular pressure less then 12, 12-16, 17-21, 22-26, 27-31, l32 mm/Hg in the right and thesician included 4.6±0.7 cases of myopia, 3.8±0.6 cases of hyperopia, 2.2±0.5 astigmatism cases, 1.4±0.4 cataract cases, 2.3±0.5 cases of glaucoma, 0.1±0.1 cases of diabetic retinopathy, 4.4±0.7 cases of other eye diseases. CONCLUSIONS The family physician using professional knowledge and skills, can implement diagnostic and therapeutic measures during observation of patients with opthalmologic pathology. The family physician, while observing patients aged 40 years and older, can for the first time diagnose 18.8±1.2 % of eye diseases, including 4.6±0.7 cases of myopia, 3.8±0.6 cases of hyperopia, 2.2±0.5 astigmatism cases, 1.4±0.4 cataract cases, 2.3±0.5 cases of glaucoma, 0.1±0.1 cases of diabetic retinopathy, 4.4±0.7 cases of other eye diseases.The evaluation of social economic losses based on the analysis of mortality of alcohol-associated causes in the Republic of Buryatia was carried out. It is established that in the Republic in 1993-2017 the average mortality due to alcohol-associated causes made up to 3.52% of total population mortality. This indicator is significantly higher among died individuals of able-bodied age, reaching 6.98±0.11% in this cohort. The economic damage due to direct alcohol-associated causes of death of individuals of able-bodied age made up to 4,123.9 million rubles, including 2038.3 million rubles in male population and 319.3 million rubles in female population, considering employment of analyzed population cohort. The social and economic damage due to population premature mortality in the Republic of Buryatia and directly related to alcohol consumption was calculated on the basis of potential demography principle. In average, the annual social losses made up to 80,248.37 man-years not survived till the end of able-bodied age. In total, the concomitant economic losses for the mentioned above period made up to 4.1 billion rubles. The obtained data testify both high level of alcoholization of population of the Republic of Buryatia and necessity of the activation of activities targeted to primary prevention.