Despite huge evidence on the link between adherence to dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) eating pattern and several metabolic abnormalities, the association of this diet with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has not been investigated so far. We aim to examine the association between adherence to the DASH diet and prevalence of IBS symptoms and subtypes in adults. This cross-sectional study was done among 3362 adult people in Isfahan, Iran. Usual dietary intakes were assessed using a validated 106-item dish-based semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. To investigate participants' adherence to DASH-style diet, we created DASH score based on 8 main foods and nutrients emphasized or minimized in the DASH diet. Participants were classified into 3 categories according to their DASH-style diet scores. A validated modified Persian version of the Rome III questionnaire was applied for assessment of IBS. Totally, 22.2% of study participants were affected by IBS. After adjustment for potential confounding factors, we found that participants in the highest tertile of DASH score had lower odds of IBS (OR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.50-0.83) compared with those in the lowest tertile. The same findings were also reached for IBS with constipation (OR for the highest vs the lowest tertile of DASH-style diet = 0.56; 95% CI, 0.38-0.85). No significant association was seen between adherence to DASH-style diet and IBS with diarrhea (OR, 1.31; 95% CI, 0.83-2.06). We found a significant inverse association between adherence to DASH dietary pattern and odds of IBS and IBS with constipation. Further prospective studies are required to confirm these findings. We found a significant inverse association between adherence to DASH dietary pattern and odds of IBS and IBS with constipation. Further prospective studies are required to confirm these findings.Obesity is a global epidemic posing a significant burden on patients and healthcare systems. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is associated with obesity and its prevalence is also growing worldwide. Numerous bariatric surgeries and endoscopic procedures have arisen to assist with weight loss and management of obesity-related conditions. However, the effect of these interventions on reflux is variable and the evidence is often conflicting. To date, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass remains the gold-standard for attaining both reflux and weight loss management, however novel endoscopic techniques are quickly becoming more prevalent as an alternative to surgery. This review aims to summarize currently available endoscopic and surgical weight loss procedures and their impact on reflux symptoms while emphasizing areas requiring additional investigation.Fewer than 40 cases of achalasia occurring in pregnant woman have been reported in the literature. Given the rarity of achalasia during pregnancy, and the numerous treatment options that are available for achalasia in general, no guidelines exist for the management of achalasia during pregnancy. Diagnosis of new cases may be difficult as symptoms and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy may obscure the clinical presentation of achalasia. The management of achalasia in pregnancy is also challenging. Treatment decisions should be individualized for each case, considering both the welfare of the mother and the fetus. Since pregnant women suffering from achalasia represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge with complex maternal-fetal aspects to consider, we have reviewed the available literature on the subject and summarized current diagnostic and therapeutic options. Additionally, we present a management algorithm as a means to guide treatment of future cases. We recommend that a conservative approach should be adopted with bridging therapies performed until after delivery when definitive treatment of achalasia can be more safely performed.Approximately 500 patients per year are admitted to the emergency department (ED) of the Erasmus University Medical Center presenting with intoxications with medication. For adequate treatment, it is sometimes important to know which drugs in which quantities were ingested. This can require laboratory analysis of blood or urine samples; however, these samples do not provide information about the possible effects that can still be expected. We performed toxicological screening on the gastric content of three patients admitted to our ED in January and February 2018. These patients underwent gastric lavage or received a gastric tube as part of routine care. The gastric fluid was analysed via UPLC-MS/MS using the Waters method for toxicological screening. In all three patients, we successfully determined drugs in the gastric content. In two patients, we identified more different drugs in the gastric content than in blood plasma. In the other patient, admitted approximately six hours after a severe autointoxication with the betablocker metoprolol, we found significant amounts of metoprolol in the gastric content acquired by gastric lavage. We therefore believe that analysis of gastric content after an intoxication can have multiple applications; for example, it may provide information about symptoms of intoxication that can be expected, it may aid patient care and may provide insight in the toxicokinetics of different drugs. In conclusion, we demonstrate that toxicological screening and quantification of drug levels in gastric content is possible and has potential as an adjunct in patient care, but limitations need to be addressed before implementation in clinical practice.We report on a 75-year-old man with a history of metastatic prostate cancer who presented with haematuria, peripheral oedema, metabolic alkalosis, hypokalaemia, and hypertension. Laboratory evaluation was compatible with the diagnosis of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-dependent cushing's syndrome and suggestive of ectopic ACTH production. Pathology of a prostate biopsy specimen showed a large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) of the prostate. This report describes a case of Cushing's syndrome that was probably caused by ectopic ACTH secretion by a LCNEC of the prostate.