Access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and treatment is limited in Myanmar. We assessed an integrated HIV and viral hepatitis testing and HCV treatment strategy. Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (SOF/VEL) ± weight-based ribavirin for 12 weeks was provided at three treatment sites in Myanmar and sustained virologic response (SVR) assessed at 12 weeks after treatment. Participants co-infected with HBV were treated concurrently with tenofovir. Cost estimates in 2018 USD were made at Yangon and Mandalay using standard micro-costing methods. 803 participants initiated SOF/VEL; 4.8% were lost to follow-up. SVR was achieved in 680/803 (84.6%) by intention-to-treat analysis. SVR amongst people who inject drugs (PWID) was 79.7% (381/497), but 92.5% among PWID on opioid substitution therapy (OST) (74/80), and 97.4% among non-PWID (298/306). Utilizing data from 492 participants, of whom 93% achieved SVR, the estimated average cost of treatment per patient initiated was $1030 (of which 54% were medication costs), with a production cost per successful outcome (SVR) of $1109 and real-world estimate of $1250. High SVR rates were achieved for non-PWID and PWID on OST. However, the estimated average cost of the intervention (under the assumption of no genotype testing and reduced real-world effectiveness) of $1250/patient is unaffordable for a national elimination strategy. Reductions in the cost of antivirals and linkage to social and behavioural health services including substance use disorder treatment to increase retention and adherence to treatment are critical to HCV elimination in this population. To evaluate the effectiveness of two different strategies designed to facilitate implementation of Choosing Wisely Australia guidelines, aiming to reduce unnecessary coagulation study blood tests in patients presenting to a metropolitan hospital ED. In this real-world quality improvement study, the first intervention tested was an education strategy. The second intervention was physically removing coagulation pathology tubes from the bedside trolleys in the ED. Data were collected about clinical appropriateness of testing, as per the Choosing Wisely Australia guideline and total volume of coagulation studies ordered. No reduction in inappropriate coagulation testing was observed following the education intervention whereas a significant reduction in inappropriate coagulation testing was seen after the second intervention (inappropriate testing reduced from 73.8% to 53.0%). Physically removing coagulation pathology tubes from the trolleys was found to be effective at reducing unnecessary testing. Physically removing coagulation pathology tubes from the trolleys was found to be effective at reducing unnecessary testing.Inherited bleeding disorders (IBDs) comprise an extremely heterogeneous group of diseases that reflect abnormalities of blood vessels, coagulation proteins, and platelets. Previously the UK-GAPP study has used whole-exome sequencing in combination with deep platelet phenotyping to identify pathogenic genetic variants in both known and novel genes in approximately 40% of the patients. To interrogate the remaining "unknown" cohort and improve this detection rate, we employed an IBD-specific gene panel of 119 genes using the Congenica Clinical Interpretation Platform to detect both single-nucleotide variants and copy number variants in 126 patients. In total, 135 different heterozygous variants in genes implicated in bleeding disorders were identified. Of which, 22 were classified pathogenic, 26 likely pathogenic, and the remaining were of uncertain significance. There were marked differences in the number of reported variants in individuals between the four patient groups platelet count (35), platelet function (43), combined platelet count and function (59), and normal count (17). Additionally, we report three novel copy number variations (CNVs) not previously detected. We show that a combined single-nucleotide variation (SNV)/CNV analysis using the Congenica platform not only improves detection rates for IBDs, suggesting that such an approach can be applied to other genetic disorders where there is a high degree of heterogeneity.The International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Clinical Practice Consensus Guideline 2018 for management of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and the hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state provide comprehensive guidance for management of DKA in young people. Intravenous (IV) infusion of insulin remains the treatment of choice for treating DKA; however, the policy of many hospitals around the world requires admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) for IV insulin infusion. During the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic or other settings where intensive care resources are limited, ICU services may need to be prioritized or may not be appropriate due to risk of transmission of infection to young people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The aim of this guideline, which should be used in conjunction with the ISPAD 2018 guidelines, is to ensure that young individuals with DKA receive management according to best evidence in the context of limited ICU resources. Specifically, this guideline summarizes evidence for the role of subcutaneous insulin in treatment of uncomplicated mild to moderate DKA in young people and may be implemented if administration of IV insulin is not an option.In the oceans, viruses that infect bacteria (phages) influence a variety of microbially mediated processes that drive global biogeochemical cycles. The nature of their influence is dependent upon infection mode, be it lytic or lysogenic. Temperate phages are predicted to be prevalent in marine systems where they are expected to execute both types of infection modes. Understanding the range and outcomes of temperate phage-host interactions is fundamental for evaluating their ecological impact. Here, we (i) review phage-mediated rewiring of host metabolism, with a focus on marine systems, (ii) consider the range and nature of temperate phage-host interactions, and (iii) draw on studies of cultivated model systems to examine the consequences of lysogeny among several dominant marine bacterial lineages. We also readdress the prevalence of lysogeny among marine bacteria by probing a collection of 1239 publicly available bacterial genomes, representing cultured and uncultivated strains, for evidence of complete prophages.