11 NDDs reported the negative impact of direct costs,15 NDDs had concerns about indirect costs; only 7 donors received supplemental financial support from state mandates and transplant programs. Understanding the financial concerns of NDDs may guide improvements in the NDD donation experience that could support individuals who are interested in donating but lack the financial stability to donate. Removing financial disincentives may help increase nondirected donation rates, increase the living donor pool, and the number of kidneys available for transplantation. Understanding the financial concerns of NDDs may guide improvements in the NDD donation experience that could support individuals who are interested in donating but lack the financial stability to donate. Removing financial disincentives may help increase nondirected donation rates, increase the living donor pool, and the number of kidneys available for transplantation.Limited understanding of the psychological challenges experienced by individuals with chronic critical illness hampers efforts to deliver quality care. We used an interpretive description approach to explore sources of distress for individuals with chronic critical illness in residential care, wherein we interviewed six residents, 11 family members, and 21 staff. Rather than discuss physical symptoms, sources of distress for residents were connected to feeling as though they were a patient receiving medical care as opposed to an individual living in their home. The tension between medical care and the unmet need for a sense of home was related to care beyond the physical being overlooked, being dependent on others but feeling neglected, frustration with limited choice and participation in decision making, and feeling sad and alone. Efforts to refine health care for individuals with chronic critical illness must foster a sense of home while ensuring individuals feel safe and supported to make decisions. Clear cell re