These studies provide a simple, scalable strategy for oral delivery of hydrophobic drugs. V.Components of respiratory chains in mitochondria and some aerobic bacteria assemble into larger, multiprotein membrane-bound supercomplexes. Here, we address the functional significance of supercomplexes composed of respiratory-chain complexes III and IV. Complex III catalyzes oxidation of quinol and reduction of water-soluble cytochrome c (cyt c), while complex IV catalyzes oxidation of the reduced cyt c and reduction of dioxygen to water. We focus on two questions (i) under which conditions does diffusion of cyt c become rate limiting for electron transfer between these two complexes? (ii) is there a kinetic advantage of forming a supercomplex composed of complexes III and IV? To answer these questions, we use a theoretical approach and assume that cyt c diffuses in the water phase while complexes III and IV either diffuse independently in the two dimensions of the membrane or form supercomplexes. The analysis shows that the electron flux between complexes III and IV is determined by the equilibration time of cyt c within the volume of the intermembrane space, rather than the cyt c diffusion time constant. Assuming realistic relative concentrations of membrane-bound components and cyt c and that all components diffuse independently, the data indicate that electron transfer between complexes III and IV can become rate limiting. Hence, there is a kinetic advantage of bringing complexes III and IV together in the membrane to form supercomplexes. V.Light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) from the marine green macroalga Bryopsis corticulans is spectroscopically characterized to understand the structural and functional changes resulting from adaptation to intertidal environment. LHCII is homologous to its counterpart in land plants but has a different carotenoid and chlorophyll (Chl) composition. This is reflected in the steady-state absorption, fluorescence, linear dichroism, circular dichroism and anisotropic circular dichroism spectra. Time-resolved fluorescence and two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy were used to investigate the consequences of this adaptive change in the pigment composition on the excited-state dynamics. The complex contains additional Chl b spectral forms - absorbing at around 650 nm and 658 nm - and lacks the red-most Chl a forms compared with higher-plant LHCII. Similar to plant LHCII, energy transfer between Chls occurs on timescales from under hundred fs (mainly from Chl b to Chl a) to several picoseconds (mainly between Chl a pools). However, the presence of long-lived, weakly coupled Chl b and Chl a states leads to slower exciton equilibration in LHCII from B. corticulans. The finding demonstrates a trade-off between the enhanced absorption of blue-green light and the excitation migration time. However, the adaptive change does not result in a significant drop in the overall photochemical efficiency of Photosystem II. These results show that LHCII is a robust adaptable system whose spectral properties can be tuned to the environment for optimal light harvesting. V.The catecholamines, epinephrine (E) and norepinephrine (NE) are important both as neurotransmitters and hormones, and measurement of E and NE in plasma is therefore of great interest in medical research. However, the low concentrations of E and NE in plasma require an analysis method that is both specific and sensitive. Plasma sample E and NE were extracted using solid phase extraction, and analyzed by an in-sample ion-pairing chromatography (IPC) LC-MS/MS method, that enables the ion-pairing reagent to be diverted to waste without entering the ion source of the mass spectrometer. The method was validated with good performance characteristics and the limit of quantification (LOQ) was found to be 0.20 and 0.02 nmol/L for NE and E, respectively. In conclusion, this work presents development and validation of a method for determining E and NE in plasma with a measuring range covering the entire reference interval for human plasma. PURPOSE To 1) determine the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES), Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation (SANE), and Constant-Murley subjective score thresholds for achieving maximal outcome improvement (MOI) after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and 2) identify preoperative predictors of reaching the ASES threshold for achieving MOI. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was performed to identify patients undergoing rotator cuff repair at a high volume institution from 01/2014 to 01/2017 with a 1-year minimum follow-up. Patient characteristics, as well as preoperative and postoperative outcome scores were analyzed. MOI for the ASES, and SANE score were calculated as previously described, and a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to determine thresholds for percentage of maximal improvements for each outcome measure based on a satisfaction anchor question. Lastly, a logistic regression model was used to identify predictors of reaching the ASES threshold for achieving MOI. RESUarthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Preoperative variables including workers compensation cases and surgery to the dominant side were predictors of not achieving maximal improvement. Reducing the complex behavior of living entities to its underlying physical and chemical processes is a formidable task in biology. Complex behaviors can be characterized as decision making the ability to process the incoming information via an intracellular network and act upon this information to choose appropriate strategies. Motility is one such behavior that has been the focus many modeling efforts in the past. Our aim is to reduce the chemotactic behavior in Escherichia coli to its molecular constituents in order to paint a comprehensive and end-to-end picture of this intricate behavior. We utilize a hierarchical approach, consisting of three layers, to achieve this goal at the first level, chemical reactions involved in chemotaxis are simulated. In the second level, the chemical reactions give rise to the mechanical movement of six independent flagella. At the last layer, the two lower layers are combined to allow a digital bacterium to receive information from its environment and swim through it with verve.