Even for C. albicans, some strains did not induce vasculitis. The present results suggest that MN-induced vasculitis is strongly dependent on the species and strains of Candida, and also that the MN fractions of some non-albicans Candida induce similar toxicity to those of C. albicans. To investigate whether shortened acquisition or multiple arterial phase acquisition improves image quality of the arterial phase compared with conventional protocol. This retrospective study was approved by the relevant Institutional Review Board. A total of 615 consecutive patients who underwent gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MRI including one of the following three sequences in three different periods were included (i) conventional liver acquisition with volume acceleration (LAVA) (between October 2014 and January 2015, n = 149), (ii) Turbo-LAVA (between March and August 2016, n = 216), and (iii) differential sub-sampling with Cartesian ordering (DISCO) (between January and September 2015, n = 250). We monitored the respiratory bellows waveform during breath holding for each patient and recorded breath-hold fidelity of the patients. Two radiologists independently evaluated the degree of respiratory artifact and scan timing on the arterial phase and compared them between the three protocols (i.e., conventie images by reducing respiratory motion artifact and optimizing the scan timing of arterial phase.Lupus myelitis is a rare but serious condition characterized by myelopathy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Its presentation is usually acute or subacute, and it is often refractory to treatment. We reported a rare presentation of lupus myelitis in a 38-year-old Japanese woman with a 20-year history of SLE. She developed paraparesis and bladder/bowel dysfunction 6 months prior to presentation. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed atrophy of the entire thoracic spinal cord with high intensity on T1-weighted sequence.