Intravesical administration of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) has proven useful for treatment and prevention of recurrence of superficial bladder cancer and in situ carcinoma. However, fatal side effects such as disseminated infections may occur. Early diagnosis and accurate therapy for interstitial pneumonitis (IP) are important because exacerbation of IP triggered by infections is the major cause of death. Although some fatality reports have suggested newly appeared IP after intravesical BCG treatment, to our knowledge, there are no reports which have demonstrated acute exacerbation of existing IP. Moreover, autopsy is lacking in previous reports. We report the case of a patient with fatal IP exacerbation after BCG instillation and the pathological findings of the autopsy. A 77-year-old man with a medical history of IP was referred to our hospital because of fever and malaise. He had received an intravesical injection of BCG 1 day before the admission. His fever reduced after the use of antituberculosis a patient with acute exacerbation of existing IP induced by intravesical BCG treatment. Whether the trigger of acute IP exacerbation is infection or hypersensitivity to BCG is still controversial, because pathological evidence confirming BCG infection is lacking. Physicians who administer BCG against bladder cancer should be vigilant for acute exacerbation of IP. We report the first case of acute exacerbation of chronic IP by BCG infection. This is also the first case of autopsy of a patient with acute exacerbation of existing IP induced by intravesical BCG treatment. Whether the trigger of acute IP exacerbation is infection or hypersensitivity to BCG is still controversial, because pathological evidence confirming BCG infection is lacking. Physicians who administer BCG against bladder cancer should be vigilant for acute exacerbation of IP. Metabolic reprogramming is being recognized as a fundamental hallmark of cancer, and efforts to identify drugs that can target cancer metabolism are underway. In this study, we used human breast cancer (BC) cell lines and established their invading phenotype (INV) collected from transwell inserts to compare metabolome differences and evaluate prognostic significance of the metabolome in aggressive BC invasiveness. The invasiveness of seven human BC cell lines were compared using the transwell invasion assay. Among these, INV was collected from SUM149, which exhibited the highest invasiveness. Levels of metabolites in INV were compared with those of whole cultured SUM149 cells (WCC) using CE-TOFMS. The impact of glycolysis in INV was determined by glucose uptake assay using fluorescent derivative of glucose (2-NBDG), and significance of glycolysis, or tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) and electron transport chain (ETC) in the invasive process were further determined in aggressive BC cell lines, SUM149, MDA-MB Hyper-glycolytic phenotype of invading cells caters to rapid energy production required for invasion while TCA cycle/ETC cater to cellular energy needs for sustenance in aggressive BC. Lower, non-cytotoxic doses of 2-DG can hamper invasion and can potentially be used as an adjuvant with other anti-cancer therapies without the usual side-effects associated with cytotoxic doses. Hyper-glycolytic phenotype of invading cells caters to rapid energy production required for invasion while TCA cycle/ETC cater to cellular energy needs for sustenance in aggressive BC. Lower, non-cytotoxic doses of 2-DG can hamper invasion and can potentially be used as an adjuvant with other anti-cancer therapies without the usual side-effects associated with cytotoxic doses. A lack of perceived social support influences women's infant feeding behaviours. The Infant Feeding Genogram is a visual co-constructed diagram which details people/services that can provide support to women and can facilitate a connection between mothers and their existing assets landscape. The aim of this study is to explore women's and infant feeding helpers' experiences and use of an infant feeding genogram delivered to the intervention group of the "Assets-based infant feeding help Before and After birth (ABA)" randomised feasibility trial. 103 primiparous mothers aged 16+ years were recruited to the trial (trial registration number) in two sites (Site A and Site B) with low breastfeeding prevalence in the UK. Infant feeding helpers (IFHs) co-constructed a genogram at the first antenatal meeting for the intervention group (n = 50), and then provided proactive, woman-centered support from ~ 32 weeks gestation to up to 5 months postnatal. Infant feeding helpers' and women's experiences of the infant fe family and community-centred approach that focusses on building assets for infant feeding. However, variations in genogram application indicate that revised training is required to clarify the purpose and ensure it is used as intended. ISRCTN ISRCTN14760978 ; Registered 30 January 2017. ISRCTN ISRCTN14760978 ; Registered 30 January 2017. The causes of anaemia in patients with end-stage renal disease include a relative deficiency in erythropoietin production and complex clinical conditions. We aimed to investigate the underlying mechanisms of anaemia in patients with end-stage renal disease who were undergoing maintenance dialysis by measuring erythrocyte creatine levels. In a cross-sectional study, we evaluated 69 patients with end-stage renal disease who were receiving haemodialysis (n = 55) or peritoneal dialysis (n = 14). Erythrocyte creatine level, a quantitative marker of mean red blood cell (RBC) age, was measured. The mean RBC age was significantly shorter in the haemodialysis group than in the peritoneal dialysis group (47.7 days vs. 59.8 days, p < 0.0001), although the haemoglobin levels were comparable between the groups. A Spearman correlation coefficient analysis revealed that shortened RBC age positively correlated with transferrin saturation (r = 0.54), ferritin level (r = 0.47), and haptoglobin level (r = 0.39) but inversely related with reticulocyte (r = - 0.36), weekly doses of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs; r = - 0.62), erythropoietin resistance index (r = - 0.64), and intradialytic ultrafiltration rate (r = - 0.32). Shortened RBC age was observed in patients who were receiving maintenance haemodialysis and was associated with iron deficiency, greater haptoglobin consumption, higher ESA requirements, and poor erythropoietin responsiveness, as well as with greater intradialytic fluid extraction. Shortened RBC age was observed in patients who were receiving maintenance haemodialysis and was associated with iron deficiency, greater haptoglobin consumption, higher ESA requirements, and poor erythropoietin responsiveness, as well as with greater intradialytic fluid extraction.