Results The prevalence of HBP was 24%, being 37% among workers aged between 35-44 years, and 51% among workers aged between 45-54 years. The multivariate model showed that workers who were active in one form of physical activity only or no forms had 62% higher BP levels and that these levels were 25% higher among workers who were active in two out of three physical activity forms. Being a male, being older (> 31 years old) and being overweight were characteristics associated with HBP, with prevalence ratios of 1.62, 2.10 and 2.26, respectively. Conclusions There was a cumulative effect of the form of physical activity on the occurrence of HBP. Classifying active subjects at work or at home as inactive persons by relying only on the leisure form can lead to methodological errors. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(5)755-761).The composition of the diet of two species of characids (Knodus heteresthes and Moenkhausia lepidura) was evaluated in the Teles Pires and Juruena Rivers, sampled in September and October 2016. We analyzed 226 stomachs of K. heteresthes and 425 of M. lepidura. The analysis of the stomach contents was based on volumetric and frequency of occurrence methods, applying the food importance index. For the similarity of the diets between the species we calculated the niche overlap with Pianka's index. Both species in the Juruena River have a dietary preference for arthropods (IAi > 0.95). In the Teles Pires River the diet is concentrated in three sources for both species arthropods (IAi > 0.52), vegetables (IAi > 0.33) and fish (IAi > 0.12). The diet was dissimilar when compared to environments (ANOSIM, R ≥ 0.57, p 0.97), regardless of the sampled environment. In the Teles Pires River, both species were classified as omnivorous with an insectivorous tendency and in the Juruena River the insectivorous behaviour occurs.Comparisons between the implications of commercial and recreational fisheries for estuarine conservation have been a topic of debate. A review on the available data from Guaratuba Bay, Southern Brazil, identifies six threats for conservation, other than those concerning the fishing effort on target resources. Differing from the popular view that fishing for pleasure could be innocuous for the environment, the identified threats concern both commercial and non-commercial fisheries (1) catching of reproductive individuals; (2) catch of big old fat fecund females; (3) loss and abandonment of fishing gears; (4) use of natural baits; (5) bycatch of rays, turtles and non-target finfish; and (6) bad practices associated with catch-and-release or discarding. Environmental disturbances and fauna depletion are detected as potential impacts. Recommended actions for estuary conservation include fishing closures in mangrove and shallow waters areas, release of fish larger than the critical size, and measures against abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gears.CKB3 is a regulatory (beta) subunit of CK2. In this study Arabidopsis thaliana homozygous T-DNA mutant ckb3 was studied to understand the role of CKB3 in abscisic acid (ABA) signaling. The results shown CKB3 was expressed in all organs and the highest expression in the seeds, followed by the root. During seed germination and root growth the ckb3 mutant showed reduced sensitivity to ABA. The ckb3 mutant had more stomatal opening and increased proline accumulation and leaf water loss. The expression levels of number of genes in the ABA regulatory network had changed. This study demonstrates that CKB3 is an ABA signaling-related gene and may play a positive role in ABA signaling.This study aimed to evaluate the parasitic fauna of Opisthonema oglinum (Lesueur, 1818) from Southeastern Brazil. Between September 2017 and March 2018, a total of 100 specimens of O. oglinum from the Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (22°54'S, 43°34'W) were examined. Ninety one specimens of O. oglinum were parasitized by at least one species of metazoan with a mean of 5.84 ± 7.98 parasites/fish. Seven species were collected 2 digeneans, 2 monogeneans, 2 copepods and 1 nematode. The digenean Parahemiurus merus (Linton) was the most abundant and dominant species, representing 43% of metazoan parasites collected. The parasite species richness was positively correlated with the total length of the hosts. Only Neobomolochus elongatus Cressey showed a positive correlation between host's total length and parasite prevalence. The mean parasite species diversity was not correlated with host's total length, but significant differences among the mean parasite diversity between males and females was observed. Opisthonema oglinum represents a new host record for Caligus mutabilis Wilson, Hysterothylacium sp. and Cribomazocraes travassosi Santos and Kohn. The copepod N. elongatus is recorded for the first time on the Brazilian coast.Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) is widely distributed throughout riverine habitats in Trinidad. However, there is a scarcity of information on the biology of this species. This study provides the first baseline examination that describes growth aspects for P. dentata. Juvenile crabs were obtained from berried females collected in northwest Trinidad. Carapace width (CW), length (CL), moult incident, intermoult period and qualitative aspects were recorded for crabs (N = 23) over 9 months. CW, CL and intermoult period were used to derive percentage size increment, specific growth rate (SGR) and size at structural maturity for both sexes. Growth curves and logistic equations were also generated for each sex. Hatched crabs ( 0.05), with logistic equations expressed as CW = 32.81 (1+exp (1.481 ̵ 0.031t))-1 for males and CW = 34.07 (1+exp (1.516 ̵ 0.027t))-1 for females. Yet, breakpoint analyses indicated dissimilar sizes for structural maturity (male 28.40 mm CW; female 16.84 mm CW). These patterns reflect a shorter life span for this species in comparison to what has been reported for other trichodactylid relatives. This can have implications for P. dentata populations residing in anthropogenically disturbed habitats; thus, highlighting the need for conservation strategies to ensure preservation of native wild stock.