Intestinal microbiota is established to be a crucial element in the control of human health, and keeping the symbiotic relationship between the human body and intestinal microbes will have paramount importance. A number of investigations illustrated that many chronic diseases are associated with intestinal micro-ecological disorders implying intestinal floras as an important component among the environmental factors, and perturbations in their composition are correlated with metabolic disorders, including obesity and diabetes mellitus (DM). Increased evidence suggests that alterations in the gut microbial ecosystem have been involved in part in the pathogenesis of both type 1 and type 2 DM. Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), derived from microbiota, have been studied for their potential action in modulating CNS, gut barrier axis, and the immune system as a promising mechanism for the observed protective effects on diabetes pathogenesis. Besides, the role of bile acid (BA) stimulated receptors to have a significant role in liver metabolism, and pathophysiology of liver-based metabolic diseases has also been investigated. In the current review, we will try to summarize the correlation between intestinal microbiota and diabetes considering the existing current evidence revealing the role of gut microbiota in onset and disease progression. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most serious public health problems, involving increasing costs worldwide. The mental state of a person with DM is varied and ever-changing, such as stress, the pressure to always do everything by the book, sadness, anger, and even denial of the disease, all these are feelings patients with DM will experience throughout their life. The aim of our study was to assess the presence of mental and psychiatric disorders (anxiety, depressive states, paranoid ideation, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder) in a group of patients with DM after hospitalization in the Clinic for Diabetes, Nutrition, and Metabolic Diseases, for various exacerbations of the underlying condition, looking for possible correlations with other cardiovascular risk factors. Clinical and biological parameters, the presence of acute and chronic complications of the diabetic patients have been evaluated. To assess mental health, the symptom checklist (SCL)-90 questionnaire was conducted for all admitted why they should undergo early and regular screening for both psychological and psychiatric conditions, especially at admission. Chinese adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus have impaired diastolic function. This study aims to analyse the association between serum vitamin D levels and cardiac diastolic dysfunction in Chinese adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus. We enrolled Chinese adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus in this study. These patients were divided into two groups those with diastolic dysfunction and those without diastolic dysfunction. We then compared the levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25-(OH)D] between the two groups. The correlation between diastolic function and 25-(OH)D was evaluated by Pearson correlation analysis. Finally, binary logistic regression was used to analyse the relationship between the decrease in diastolic function and 25-(OH)D and other indexes in Chinese adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus. The level of 25-(OH)D in patients with early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with cardiac diastolic dysfunction was significantly lower than twas significantly reduced. 25-(OH)D influences the reduction in diastolic function in adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes and can be used as a predictor of decreased diastolic function in such patients. The incidence of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is significantly higher than in normal controls, and there is a risk of more severe metabolic symptoms when the two diseases occur together. This study compares insulin secretion, insulin resistance (IR) and thyroid function in patients with PCOS with and without HT. A total of 164 patients (52 patients with HT (HT+) and 112 patients without HT diagnosed PCOS at our hospital were enrolled for testing of oral glucose tolerance, insulin release, thyroid function, the presence of thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase antibodies, and blood lipid levels. Patients with PCOS and HT had higher insulin secretion and IR levels than those without HT, while free thyroxine and thyrotropin levels were significantly lower. The ratio of free thyroxine to thyrotropin was higher in patients with HT. HT may related with IR and relatively low thyroid function in patients with PCOS. Thus, thyroid function and autoimmune status in patients with PCOS should be evaluated in clinical practice. HT may related with IR and relatively low thyroid function in patients with PCOS. Thus, thyroid function and autoimmune status in patients with PCOS should be evaluated in clinical practice. Associations between perceived stress and oxidative stress marker and metabolic syndrome (MetS) components were investigated in a cohort of police officers. Cross-sectional data from a cohort of non-diabetic subjects (n=233; 19F), median [interquartile range] age 50 [37-44] years, were analysed. MetS was construed in line with International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria and perceived stress with Cohen's 10-item Perceived Stress Scale. Plasma oxidative stress marker (free 8-iso-prostaglandin F ; 8-iso-PGF ), presence of coronary plaque, carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT), and physical activity level were also determined. Obesity was established in 100 (42.92%), hypertension in 111 (47.64), whereas MetS was identified in 104 (44.63%) of the study subjects. A significant difference (p=0.003) in plasma 8-iso-PGF level, depending on the MetS components status, was noted. The associations of perceived stress with plasma 8-iso-PGF level and the select study variables were gender-specific. the perceived and oxidative stress were found instrumental in promoting hypertension in a cohort of police officers under study, whereas all study outcomes were conclusively gender-related. Both the perceived and oxidative stress were found instrumental in promoting hypertension in a cohort of police officers under study, whereas all study outcomes were conclusively gender-related.