We determined that the average genome contains 4 ± 3 MscS homologues and 67% of bacterial genomes encode for a MscL homologue. High diet quality is associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases. Metabolomics can be used to identify objective biomarkers of diet quality. We used metabolomics to identify serum metabolites associated with 4 diet indices and the components within these indices in 2 samples from African Americans and European Americans. We studied cross-sectional associations between known metabolites and Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-2015, Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI)-2010, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Trial (DASH) diet, alternate Mediterranean diet (aMED), and their components using untargeted metabolomics in 2 samples (n1=1,806, n2=2,056) of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study (aged 45-64 y at baseline). Dietary intakes were assessed using an FFQ. We used multivariable linear regression models to examine associations between diet indices and serum metabolites in each sample, adjusting for participant characteristics. Metabolites significantly associated with diet indices were meMED reflects the similar food components and similar metabolic pathways involved in the metabolism of healthy diets in African Americans and European Americans. A considerable overlap of metabolites associated with HEI, AHEI, DASH, and aMED reflects the similar food components and similar metabolic pathways involved in the metabolism of healthy diets in African Americans and European Americans. The prevalence and molecular characteristics of deficient mismatch repair prostate cancer in the Japanese population have scarcely been investigated. Immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair proteins (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2) was performed in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections prepared from resected primary prostate cancers in patients who underwent prostatectomy at our institution between January 2001 and May 2016. Genetic and/or epigenetic alterations of mismatch repair genes were investigated in patients with any loss of mismatch repair protein expression in the tumour. Of the 337 patients, four (1.2%) showed loss of mismatch repair protein expression on immunohistochemistry. All four patients showed loss of both MSH2 and MSH6 protein expression. Genetic testing was performed in two of the four patients, demonstrating no pathogenic germline alterations were present. In each of these two patients, at least one somatic alteration inactivating MSH2 without MSH2 hypermethylation was identified, ts with locally advanced, node-positive and/or Gleason score of 8 or greater prostate cancer. Universal tumour screening for Lynch syndrome seems ineffective in patients with prostate cancer.Bread wheat is a major crop that has long been the focus of basic and breeding research. Assembly of its genome has been difficult because of its large size and allohexaploid nature (AABBDD genome). Following the first reported assembly of the genome of the experimental strain Chinese Spring (CS), the 10+ Wheat Genomes Project was launched to produce multiple assemblies of worldwide modern cultivars. The only Asian cultivar in the project is Norin 61, a representative Japanese cultivar adapted to grow across a broad latitudinal range, mostly characterized by a wet climate and a short growing season. Here, we characterize the key aspects of its chromosome-scale genome assembly spanning 15 Gb with a raw scaffold N50 of 22 Mb. Analysis of the repetitive elements identified chromosomal regions unique to Norin 61 that encompass a tandem array of the pathogenesis-related 13 family. We report novel copy-number variations in the B homeolog of the florigen gene FT1/VRN3, pseudogenization of its D homeolog and the association of its A homeologous alleles with the spring/winter growth habit. Furthermore, the Norin 61 genome carries typical East Asian functional variants different from CS, ranging from a single nucleotide to multi-Mb scale. Examples of such variation are the Fhb1 locus, which confers Fusarium head-blight resistance, Ppd-D1a, which confers early flowering, Glu-D1f for Asian noodle quality and Rht-D1b, which introduced semi-dwarfism during the green revolution. The adoption of Norin 61 as a reference assembly for functional and evolutionary studies will enable comprehensive characterization of the underexploited Asian bread wheat diversity. Women's dietary diversity and quality are limited in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Nutrition-sensitive interventions that promote food crop diversity and women's access to income could improve diets and address the double burden of malnutrition in LMICs. We examined the associations among food crop diversity and women's income-earning activities with women's diet quality, as well as effect modification by access to markets, in the context of small-holder food production in rural Tanzania. Data from a cross-sectional study of 880 women from Rufiji, Tanzania, were analyzed. Women's dietary intake was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. The prime diet quality score (PDQS; 21 food groups; range, 0-42), a unique diet-quality metric for women that captures the healthy and unhealthy aspects of diet, was computed. Generalized estimating equation linear models were used to evaluate the associations of food crop diversity and women's income-earning activities with PDQS, while controlling fo access to markets for sales and purchases, while nonfarm income also improves women's diet quality in rural Tanzania. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/oxiglutatione.html Programs to improve women's diet quality should consider improving market access and women's access to income (source of empowerment), in addition to diversifying production. LexExp is an open-source, data-centric lexicon expansion system that generates spelling variants of lexical expressions in a lexicon using a phrase embedding model, lexical similarity-based natural language processing methods, and a set of tunable threshold decay functions. The system is customizable, can be optimized for recall or precision, and can generate variants for multi-word expressions. Code available at https//bitbucket.org/asarker/lexexp; Data and resources available at https//sarkerlab.org/lexexp. Code available at https//bitbucket.org/asarker/lexexp; Data and resources available at https//sarkerlab.org/lexexp.