Site-specific modification approaches have been extensively employed in the development of protein-based technologies. In this field, stability and activity integrity are the envisioned features of chemically modified proteins. These methods are especially used in the design of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). Nevertheless, a biochemical feature of the target protein in these reactions is often overlooked, residue specificity. Usually, in the course of developing chemical probes to modify a protein of interest (POI), specific amino acids are selected due to their reactivity. It is not critical which residue is modified as long as its modification does not compromise the POI's activity. However, no attention is paid as to why certain residues are preferentially modified over others. Physicochemical and structural constraints are often involved in the reactivity of the residue and account for the preferential modification. We propose that site-specific protein modification approaches can be applied beyond the development of ADCs or protein-drug conjugates, and used as a tool to reveal functionally relevant residues. By preferentially modifying certain side chains in the POI, chemical probes can uncover new binding motifs to investigate. Here we describe methods for protein modification, and how some pitfalls in the field can be turned into tools to reveal and exploit druggable pockets. Thus, allowing the design of innovative inhibitors against disease-relevant POIs. We discuss methodologies for site-specific modification of lysine, tryptophan, cysteine, histidine and tyrosine and comment on instances where the modified residues were used as targets for functionalization or drug design.In recent years, nanomaterials of different shape, size, and composition have been prepared and characterized, such as gold and silver nanoparticles, quantum dots, mesoporous silica nanoparticles, carbon nanomaterials, and hybrid nanocomposites. Because of their unique physical and chemical properties, these nanomaterials are increasingly used in point-of-care testing (POCT) to improve analytical performance and simplify detection process. They are used either as carriers for immobilizing biorecognition elements, or as labels for signal generation, transduction and amplification. In this commentary, we highlight recent POCT technologies that employ nanotechnology for the analysis of disease biomarkers, including small-molecule metabolites, enzymes, proteins, nucleic acids, cancer cells, and pathogens. Recent advances in lateral flow tests, printable electrochemical biosensors, and microfluidics-based devices are summarized. Existing challenges and future directions are also discussed.Methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3) nanocrystals (NCs) are emerging materials for a range of optoelectronic applications. Photophysical characterization is typically limited to structurally stable NCs owing to the long timescales required for many spectroscopies, preventing the accurate measurement of NCs during growth. This is a particular challenge for non-linear spectroscopies such as transient absorption. Here we report on the use of a novel single-shot transient absorption (SSTA) spectrometer to study MAPbI3 NCs as they grow. Comparing the transient spectra to derivatives of the linear absorbance reveals that photogenerated charge carriers become localized at surface trap states during NC growth, inducing a TA lineshape characteristic of the Stark effect. Observation of this Stark signal shows that the contribution of trapped carriers to the TA signal declines as growth continues, supporting a growth mechanism with increased surface ligation toward the end of NC growth. This work opens the door to the application of time-resolved spectroscopies to NCs in situ, during their synthesis, to provide greater insight into their growth mechanisms and the evolution of their photophysical properties.Developing degradable and self-healable elastomers composed of reusable resources is of great value but is rarely reported because of the undegradable molecular chains. Herein, we report a class of degradable and self-healable vitrimers based on non-isocyanate polyurethane elastomer. Such vitrimers are fabricated by copolymerizing bis(6-membered cyclic carbonate) and amino-terminated liquid nitrile rubber. The networks topologies can rearrange by transcarbonation exchange reactions between hydroxyl and carbonate groups at elevated temperatures; as such, vitrimers after reprocessing can recover 82.9-95.6% of initial tensile strength and 59-131% of initial storage modulus. Interestingly, the networks can be hydrolyzed and decarbonated in the strong acid solution to recover 75% of the pure di(trimethylolpropane) monomer. Additionally, the elastomer exhibits excellent self-healing efficiency (~88%) and fracture strain (~1,200%) by tuning the monomer feeding ratio. Therefore, this work provides a novel strategy to fabricate the sustainable elastomers with minimum environmental impact.The liquid-phase epoxidation of cyclopentene (CPE) was performed in the Ti-zeolite/H2O2 catalytic system for the clean synthesis of cyclopentene oxide. Among all the Ti-zeolites (Ti-Beta, Ti-MOR, Ti-MCM-68, TS-1, TS-2, and Ti-MWW) investigated in the present study, Ti-MWW provided relatively lower CPE conversion of 13% due to the diffusion constrains but a higher CPO selectivity of 99.5%. The catalytic performance of Ti-MWW was significantly enhanced by piperidine (PI) treatment, with the CPE conversion and CPO selectivity increased to 97.8 and 99.9%, respectively. The structural rearrangement upon PI treatment converted the 3-dimensional (3D) MWW structure to a 2D lamellar one, which enlarged the interlayer space and greatly alleviated the diffusion constrains of cyclic cyclopentene. Furthermore, the newly constructed "open site" six-coordinated Ti active sites with PI as the ligand exhibited higher catalytic activity. The two factors contributed to more significant enhancement of the activity upon PI-assisted structural arrangement compared to the cases in linear alkenes.The world has recently been struck by the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, a situation that people have never before experienced. Infections are increasing without reaching a peak. The WHO has reported more than 25 million infections and nearly 857,766 confirmed deaths. Safety measures are insufficient and there are still no approved drugs for the COVID-19 disease. Thus, it is an urgent necessity to develop a specific inhibitor for COVID-19. One of the most attractive targets in the virus life cycle is the polymerase enzyme responsible for the replication of the virus genome. Here, we describe our Structure-Based Drug Design (SBDD) protocol for designing of a new potential inhibitor for SARS-COV-2 RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase. Firstly, the crystal structure of the enzyme was retrieved from the protein data bank PDB ID (7bv2). Then, Fragment-Based Drug Design (FBDD) strategy was implemented using Discovery Studio 2016. The five best generated fragments were linked together using suitable carbon linkers to yield compound MAW-22.