Finally, the simulated results are compared and found to be in good agreement with the experimental profiles. The present analysis can serve as a reference guide to optimize the technological parameters of the discharge process in IECF devices.Cell membranes show an intricate organization of lipids and membrane proteins into domains with distinct composition and hydrophobic thickness. Using mechanosensitive ion channels as a model system, we employ the membrane elasticity theory of lipid-protein interactions together with the Landau-Ginzburg theory of lipid domain formation to quantify protein-induced lipid bilayer thickness deformations in lipid bilayers with heterogeneous hydrophobic thickness. We show that protein-induced lipid bilayer thickness deformations yield, without any assumptions about preferential interactions between particular lipid and protein species, organization of lipids and membrane proteins according to their preferred hydrophobic thickness, and couple the conformational states of membrane proteins to the local membrane composition. Our calculations suggest that protein-induced lipid bilayer thickness deformations endow proteins in cell membranes with diverse and controlled mechanical environments that, in turn, allow targeted regulation of membrane proteins.Recently, researchers have found time cells in the hippocampus that appear to contain information about the timing of past events. Some researchers have argued that time cells are taking a Laplace transform of their input in order to reconstruct the past stimulus. We argue that stimulus prediction, not stimulus reconstruction or redundancy reduction, is in better agreement with observed responses of time cells. In the process, we introduce new analyses of nonlinear, continuous-time reservoirs that model these time cells.We have used molecular dynamics simulations for a comprehensive study of phase separation in a two-dimensional single-component off-lattice model where particles interact through the Lennard-Jones potential. Via state-of-the-art methods we have analyzed simulation data on structure, growth, and aging for nonequilibrium evolutions in the model. These data were obtained following quenches of well-equilibrated homogeneous configurations, with density close to the critical value, to various temperatures inside the miscibility gap, having vapor-"liquid" as well as vapor-"solid" coexistence. For the vapor-liquid phase separation we observe that ℓ, the average domain length, grows with time (t) as t^1/2, a behavior that has connection with hydrodynamics. At low-enough temperature, a sharp crossover of this time dependence to a much slower, temperature-dependent, growth is identified within the timescale of our simulations, implying "solid"-like final state of the high-density phase. This crossover is, interestingly, accompanied by strong differences in domain morphology and other structural aspects between the two situations. For aging, we have presented results for the order-parameter autocorrelation function. This quantity exhibits data collapse with respect to ℓ/ℓ_w, ℓ, and ℓ_w being the average domain lengths at times t and t_w (≤t), respectively, the latter being the age of a system. Corresponding scaling function follows a power-law decay ∼(ℓ/ℓ_w)^-λ for t≫t_w. The decay exponent λ, for the vapor-liquid case, is accurately estimated via the application of an advanced finite-size scaling method. The obtained value is observed to satisfy a bound.We consider a fluid interface in contact with an elastic membrane and study the static profiles of the interface and the membrane. Equilibrium conditions are derived by minimizing the total energy of the system with volume constraints. The total energy consists of surface energies and the Willmore energy; the latter penalizes the bending of the membrane. It is found that, while the membrane is locally flat at the contact line with the contact angle satisfying the Young-Dupré equation, the gradient of the mean curvature of the membrane exhibits a jump across the contact line. This jump balances the surface tension of the fluid interface in the normal direction of the membrane. Asymptotic solutions are obtained for two-dimensional systems in the limits as the reduced bending modulus ν tends to +∞ and 0, respectively. In the stiff limit as ν→+∞, the leading-order solution is given by that of a droplet sitting on a rigid substrate with the contact angle satisfying the Young-Dupré equation; in contrast, in the soft limit as ν→0, a transition layer appears near the contact line and the interfaces have constant curvatures in the outer region with apparent contact angles obeying Neumann's law. These solutions are validated by numerical experiments.The total entropy production quantifies the extent of irreversibility in thermodynamic systems, which is nonnegative for any feasible dynamics. When additional information such as the initial and final states or moments of an observable is available, it is known that tighter lower bounds on the entropy production exist according to the classical speed limits and the thermodynamic uncertainty relations. Here we obtain a universal lower bound on the total entropy production in terms of probability distributions of an observable in the time forward and backward processes. For a particular case, we show that our universal relation reduces to a classical speed limit, imposing a constraint on the speed of the system's evolution in terms of the Hatano-Sasa entropy production. Notably, the obtained classical speed limit is tighter than the previously reported bound by a constant factor. Moreover, we demonstrate that a generalized thermodynamic uncertainty relation can be derived from another particular case of the universal relation. Our uncertainty relation holds for systems with time-reversal symmetry breaking and recovers several existing bounds. Our approach provides a unified perspective on two closely related classes of inequality classical speed limits and thermodynamic uncertainty relations.Components in many real-world complex systems depend on each other for the resources required for survival and may die of a shortage. These patterns of dependencies often take the form of a complex network whose structure potentially affects how the resources produced in the system are efficiently shared among its components, which in turn decides a network's survivability. Here we present a simple threshold model that provides insight into this relationship between the network structure and survivability. We show that, as a combined effect of local sharing and finite lifetime of resources, many components in a complex system may die of lack of resources even when a sufficient amount is available in the system. We also obtain a surprising result that although the scale-free networks exhibit a significantly higher survivability compared to their homogeneous counterparts, a vertex in the latter survives longer on average. Finally, we demonstrate that the system's survivability can be substantially improved by changing the way vertices distribute resources among the neighbors.