The importance of psychosocial aspects in upper extremity transplantation (UET) has been emphasized since the beginning of the vascularized composite allotransplantation era. Herein a long-term UET failure mainly due to psychiatric disorders is reported. A young woman amputated in 2004 (electrocution) underwent bilateral UET in 2007. At the time of transplantation the patient underwent a psychological evaluation, which did not completely consider some traits of her personality. Indeed, she had an anxious personality and a tendency to idealize. The trauma of amputation, the injuries associated with the accident, and the short delay between the accident and the transplantation elicited vindictiveness, entitlement, and impulsivity. Following transplantation, she had a high anxiety level, panic attacks, depression, and hypomanic episodes. She was poorly compliant to the rehabilitation program and the immunosuppressive treatment. She developed 13 acute rejection episodes (reversed by appropriate treatment) but neither clinical signs of chronic rejection nor donor specific antibiodies. She developed many severe complications due to the treatment and the psychiatric disorders. At her request, after many interviews, the allografts were removed in 2018. Pathological examination and an angiography performed post-amputation revealed signs of graft vasculopathy of varying severity, in the absence of clinically overt chronic rejection. This case highlights the need to detect during the initial patients' assessment even mild traits of personality disorders, which could herald psychiatric complications after the transplantation, compromising UET outcomes. It further confirms that skin and vessels are the main targets of the alloimmune response in the UET setting.Facial rejuvenation is a rapidly advancing field in aesthetic medicine. Minimally invasive techniques represent a powerful tool for rejuvenation, and fillers are a popular modality with which to restore and optimize facial proportions. Currently, our filler armamentarium is characterized by products with an increasing variety of biochemical compositions warranting tailored injection approaches. An intimate knowledge of anatomy, product characteristics, and appropriate injection techniques is essential to achieve optimal results while maintaining patient safety. Here, we review facial anatomy, structural changes secondary to aging, appropriate filler selection, safe injection techniques, and complications.Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare, progressive, fatal, neurodegenerative disorder. There are two main types the parkinsonian type (MSA-P) and cerebellar type (MSA-C). The disease usually presents with genitourinary dysfunction, orthostatic hypotension, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder. Patients rapidly develop balance, speech, and coordination abnormalities. We present a review of the clinical picture and the actualized treatment modalities of the MSA cerebellar type. For the study methods, a PubMed search was done using the following medical subject headings (MeSH) terms "multiple system atrophy/therapy". Inclusion criteria included studies in English, full papers, human studies, and publications in the last 30 years. Case reports and series were excluded. A total of 157 papers were extracted after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and 41 papers were included for the discussion of this review. This review underlines the therapeutic strategies as well as the clinical picture of multiple system atrophy, and how MSA-C and MSA-P differ from each other. We discussed this review in four topics ataxia, autonomic dysfunction (neurogenic orthostatic hypotension and urinary disorders), parkinsonism, and REM sleep disorder. In conclusion, the treatment of MSA-C is mainly symptomatic; there are not many studies on MSA-C. The ataxic component and fewer parkinsonian symptoms are the main difference of MSA-C as opposed to MSA-P.The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic affecting millions of people worldwide. Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients are probably at higher risk of severe infection and associated complications from COVID-19. Data on clinical outcomes of COVID-19 infection in SOT recipients are limited. Using the TriNetX database, patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 from January 20, 2020, to July 7, 2020, were included in the study. We compared clinical outcomes comprising hospitalization, need for critical care services, intubation, and mortality among SOT recipients and patients without SOT. Of 30,573 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients, 288 had SOT. Patients with SOT were more likely to be hospitalized (37.2% vs. 12.2%; p less then 0.0001), needed critical care services (6.9% vs. 2.3%; p less then 0.0001), needed intubation (7.9% vs. 2.0%; p less then 0.0001), and had a higher 30-day mortality (11.1% vs. 3.8%; p less then 0.0001). Patients in the transplant group were older (55.4 vs. 47.6 years; p less then 0.0001) and had a higher prevalence of medical co-morbidities. SOT recipients are at significant risk of adverse COVID-19 related outcomes, including hospitalization, need for critical care services, and 30-day mortality, likely due to multiple co-morbid conditions.Objectives Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer health benefits to the host. Probiotics are currently being recommended and considered for many medical conditions. The Asia-Pacific region contributes to more than 40% of the global industry. Quality of commercial probiotics remains a challenge globally and has been a major concern in various countries in Europe, South Africa, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, and the USA. Research from these countries indicate that the contents do not correspond to the label information in terms of identity, viability, number of microorganisms or purity. The objective of this study is to assess the commercial probiotic bacterial contents and their label accuracy in India. No previous research has been done in this area in India, on commercial probiotics that are sold as "pharmaceuticals". Methods A random selection of the most prescribed probiotics for various clinical indications were chosen with a minimum shelf life of 12 months.