For reference strains, the sensitivity and specificity of NG-test Carba 5, RESIST-5 O.O.K.N.V., and IMP -SeT were all 100 and 100%, respectively. As efficient, rapid, and convenient diagnostic methods, NG-test Carba 5, RESIST-5 O.O.K.N.V., and IMP -SeT could help to simplify the complex routine workflow for detecting carbapenemases. Rapid and accurate identification of carbapenemase is of significance for both epidemiological and infection control purposes. As efficient, rapid, and convenient diagnostic methods, NG-test Carba 5, RESIST-5 O.O.K.N.V., and IMP K-SeT could help to simplify the complex routine workflow for detecting carbapenemases. Rapid and accurate identification of carbapenemase is of significance for both epidemiological and infection control purposes.The Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck is a Chinese merchant ship in the Southern Song Dynasty, and now it is stored in a huge enclosed glass warehouse in Maritime Silk Road Museum in Guangdong Province. At present, the hull of the Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck is still being excavated, and a small part of the hull wood is soaked in a specific solution to desalt. Through long-term exploration, we found that the above two states of hull wood had undergone biodeterioration, so the purpose of this study is to analyze the fungal community of exposed and soaked wood from the Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck. We sampled 10 exposed hull wood and sea mud samples, two wood storage water samples, and air samples in the glass warehouse. We used scanning electron microscope and optical microscope to find that there were obvious fungal structures in exposed wood and wood storing water samples. High-throughput sequencing of fungi revealed that the most abundant genera in exposed and soaked wood were Fusarium sp., and Scedosporium sp., respectively. In addition, Fusarium solani and Scedosporium apiospermum were successfully isolated from the hull wood surface and wood storing water samples, and the degradation tests of lignin and cellulose, the sensitivity tests of biocides and growth curve assay were carried out. We also found that Penicillium sp. and Cladosporium sp. are the most abundant in the glass warehouse air. Our research results show that F. solani and S. apiospermum should be regarded as a major threat to the preservation of the Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck. These results provide a reference for our protection of shipwrecks and other similar artifacts. is a leading cause of bacterial bloodstream infections. The heterogeneity in patient outcomes in bacteremia (SAB) can be attributed in part to strain characteristics, which may influence host response to infection. We specifically examined the relationship between lipoteichoic acid (LTA) release from and disease phenotype, strain background, and antibiotic exposure. Seven strains of causing different clinical phenotypes of bacteremia and two reference strains (LAC USA 300 and Mu3) were analyzed for LTA release at baseline and following exposure to antibiotics from different pharmacologic classes (vancomycin, ceftaroline, and tedizolid). LTA release was quantified by LTA-specific ELISA. Whole genome sequencing was performed on the clinical strains and analyzed using open-source bioinformatics tools. Lipoteichoic acid release varied by 4-fold amongst the clinical strains and appeared to be related to duration of bacteremia, independent of MLST type. Low LTA releasing strains were isolated from pherapeutic strategy and deserve confirmation with larger number of strains with known clinical phenotypes.Vertebrate decomposition processes have important ecological implications and, in the case of human decomposition, forensic applications. Animals, especially domestic pigs (Sus scrofa), are frequently used as human analogs in forensic decomposition studies. However, recent research shows that humans and pigs do not necessarily decompose in the same manner, with differences in decomposition rates, patterns, and scavenging. The objective of our study was to extend these observations and determine if human and pig decomposition in terrestrial settings have different local impacts on soil biogeochemistry and microbial activity. In two seasonal trials (summer and winter), we simultaneously placed replicate human donors and pig carcasses on the soil surface and allowed them to decompose. In both human and pig decomposition-impacted soils, we observed elevated microbial respiration, protease activity, and ammonium, indicative of enhanced microbial ammonification and limited nitrification in soil during soft tissue dly higher ammonium and protease activities compared to humans. We identified several metabolites that were elevated in human decomposition soil compared to pig decomposition soil, including 2-oxo-4-methylthiobutanoate, sn-glycerol 3-phosphate, and tryptophan, suggesting different decomposition chemistries and timing between the two species. Together, our work shows that human and pig decomposition differ in terms of their impacts on soil biogeochemistry and microbial decomposer activities, adding to our understanding of decomposition ecology and informing the use of non-human models in forensic research.Polydnaviruses (PDVs), classified into two genera, bracoviruses (BVs) and ichnoviruses (IVs), are large, double-stranded DNA viruses, which are beneficial symbionts of parasitoid wasps. PDVs do not replicate in their infected lepidopteran hosts. BV circles have been demonstrated to be integrated into host genomic DNA after natural parasitization. However, the integrations of IV circles in vivo remain largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the integration of Diadegma semiclausum ichnovirus (DsIV) in the genomic DNA of parasitized Plutella xylostella hemocytes. We found that DsIV circles are present in host hemocytes with non-integrated and integrated forms. Moreover, DsIV integrates its DNA circles into the host genome by two distinct strategies, conservatively, and randomly. We also found that four conserved-broken circles share similar motifs containing two reverse complementary repeats at their breaking sites, which were host integration motifs (HIMs). We also predicted HIMs of eight circles from other ichnoviruses, indicating that a HIM-mediated specific mechanism was conserved in IV integrations.