Percent of Asians, percent of Blacks, and unemployment rate are positively related to COVID-19 mortality rate. More importantly, relative humidity is negatively related to COVID-19 mortality rate. Moreover, among the spatial models estimated, the 'random effects specification of eigenvector spatial filtering model' outperforms the 'matrix exponential spatial specification of spatial autoregressive model'.The estimation of the time since death (minimum Post Mortem Interval, minPMI) is an essential aspect of forensic investigations. This is particularly complex when a human body is found submerged, floating or beached in a marine environment. When a cadaver is found in a terrestrial environment the minPMI estimation is generally based on the presence of carrion insects. However, when a cadaver is found in an aquatic environment, a correct crime scene reconstruction is more complex and requires the consideration of the time the remains spent submerged underwater (minimum Post Mortem Submersion Interval, minPMSI) and/or floating (Floating Interval, FI). In marine crime scene scenarios, the use of barnacles (Crustacea Cirripedia) has recently received some attention, due to their permanent settlement on human remains and their accompanying clothing. Previous research considered barnacle growth on human shoes, but the present research is the first to focus on the colonisation of barnacles on clothing materials (fab the control floats, while all fabrics showed a similar smaller size. Overall, time spent in water and water temperature had a significant positive relationship with both number and size of the colonising barnacles. This study is the first to provide information that will aid in the investigation of human remains recovered from Western Australian marine waters, using the barnacle colonisation on different fabric types.This article seeks to offer a response to the digital transformation of forensic science by emplo