Laboratory executive function (EF) constructs, such as response inhibition, are often conceptually linked with self-report measures of impulsivity, yet their empirical correlations are low. We examined, in two twin studies (Ns=749 and 761 individuals with EF data), the phenotypic and genetic overlap of three EF latent variables (a Common EF factor predicting response inhibition, working memory updating, and mental set shifting tasks, and Updating- and Shifting-specific factors) with five impulsivity dimensions (negative and positive urgency, lack of premeditation and perseverance, and sensation seeking). In both samples, impulsivity dimensions only modestly correlated phenotypically (rs= -.20-.11) and genetically (rAs= -.44-.04) with Common EF. In both samples, Common EF and multiple impulsivity dimensions, particularly negative urgency, independently predicted Externalizing psychopathology, and multiple impulsivity dimensions, but not Common EF, predicted Internalizing psychopathology. These results suggest that EFs and self-reported impulsivity tap different aspects of control that are both relevant for psychopathology.On average, anxious patients show altered attention to threat-including early vigilance towards threat and later avoidance of threat-accompanied by altered functional connectivity across brain regions. However, substantial heterogeneity within clinical, neural, and attentional features of anxiety is overlooked in typical group-level comparisons. We used a well-validated method for data-driven parsing of neural connectivity to reveal connectivity-based subgroups among 60 adults with transdiagnostic anxiety. Subgroups were externally compared on attentional patterns derived from independent behavioral measures. Two subgroups emerged. Subgroup A (68% of patients) showed stronger executive network influences on sensory processing regions and a paradigmatic "vigilance-avoidance" pattern on external beha