An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article. Pulmonary infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; COVID-19) has rapidly spread worldwide to become a global pandemic. To collect paediatric COVID-19 cases worldwide and to summarize both clinical and imaging findings in children who tested positive on polymerase chain reaction testing for SARS-CoV-2. Data were collected by completion of a standardised case report form submitted to the office of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology from March 12 to April 8, 2020. Chest imaging findings in children younger than 18years old who tested positive on polymerase chain reaction testing for SARS-CoV-2 were included. Representative imaging studies were evaluated by multiple senior paediatric radiologists from this group with expertise in paediatric chest imaging. Ninety-one children were included (49 males; median age 6.1years, interquartile range 1.0 to 13.0years, range 9days-17years). Most had mild symptoms, mostly fever and cough, and one-third had coexisting st radiography can be used in symptomatic children to assess airway infection or pneumonia. CT should be reserved for when there is clinical concern to assess for possible complications, especially in children with coexisting medical conditions.This article describes the case of a 28-year-old man who suffered an optic nerve evulsion (ONE) after falling from a height of 5 m. On admission visual acuity in the affected left eye was light perception, direct pupillary reaction was unresponsive, and the eye was hypotonic. Because of deep eyelid laceration, hyphemia and severe vitreous hemorrhage a globe rupture was suspected and a surgical exploration with vitrectomy was performed. This resulted in the detection of an ONE. During the following 24 months a painful eyeball due to secondary glaucoma developed and enucleation of the eye became necessary.This work demonstrates the ability of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica cultivated on biodiesel waste to synthesize α-ketoglutaric acid with a minimal content of pyruvic acid as the main byproduct. The key factor promoting the microbial production of α-ketoglutaric acid from the waste is a strong deficiency of thiamine in the cultivation medium. The production of α-ketoglutaric acid by the yeast can be regulated by changing the concentration of nitrogen, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese in the medium, as well as by pH medium and the aeration rate. The optimization of these parameters in flask experiments allowed us to increase the concentration of α-ketoglutaric acid in the medium by 2.6 times and to shift the α-ketoglutaric acid/pyruvic acid ratio from 51 to 301. During cultivation in a fermentor under optimized conditions, Y. lipolytica produced 80.4 g/L α-ketoglutaric acid with a process selectivity of 96.7% and the product yield (YKGA) equal to 1.01 g/g. KEY POINTS • α-Ketoglutaric acid is commercially important biotechnological product. • Biosynthesis of α-ketoglutaric acid from biodiesel waste. • Optimization of cultivation medium and nutrition medium.Kimchi is a traditional Korean fermented food prepared via spontaneous fermentation by various microorganisms originating from vegetables such as kimchi cabbage, radishes, and garlic. Recent advances in meta-omics approaches that integrate metataxonomics, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metabolomics have contributed to explaining and understanding food fermentation processes. Kimchi microbial communities are composed of majorly lactic acid bacteria such as Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Weissella and fewer eukaryotic microorganisms and kimchi fermentation are accomplished by complex microbial metabolisms to produce diverse metabolites such as lactate, acetate, CO2, ethanol, mannitol, amino acids, formate, malate, diacetyl, acetoin, and 2, 3-butanediol, which determine taste, quality, health benefit, and safety of fermented kimchi products. Therefore, in the future, kimchi researches should be systematically performed using the meta-omics approaches to understand complex microbial metabolisms during kimchi fermentation. KEY POINTS • Spontaneous fermentation by raw material microbes gives kimchi its unique flavor. • The kimchi microbiome is altered by environmental factors and raw materials. • Through the multi-omics approaches, it is possible to accurately analyze the diversity and metabolic characteristics of kimchi microbiome and discover potential functionalities.Growing evidence suggests overlap between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) pathophysiology in a subset of patients. Indeed, 50-80% of autopsy cases with a primary clinicopathological diagnosis of Lewy body disease (LBD)-most commonly manifesting during life as PD-have concomitant amyloid-beta and tau pathology, the defining pathologies of AD. Here we evaluated common genetic variants in genome-wide association with AD as predictors of concomitant AD pathology in the brains of people with a primary clinicopathological diagnosis of PD or Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), diseases both characterized by neuronal Lewy bodies. In the first stage of our study, 127 consecutive autopsy-confirmed cases of PD or DLB from a single center were assessed for AD neuropathological change (ADNC), and these same cases were genotyped at 20 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found by genome-wide association study to associate with risk for AD. In these 127 training set individuals, we developed a logistic n set, the AUC was 0.754. Thus, in patients with autopsy-confirmed PD or DLB, a simple model incorporating three AD-risk SNPs and age at disease onset substantially enriches for concomitant AD pathology at autopsy, with implications for identifying LBD patients in which targeting amyloid-beta or tau is a therapeutic strategy.Optic pathway glioma (OPG) is a common and significant complication of neurofibromatosis 1 (NF-1) that might lead to vision loss. The main reason to treat OPG is to preserve vision. Tumor location along the visual pathway largely dictates the presenting signs and symptoms. Clinical ophthalmic evaluation is focused on optic nerve functions including evaluation of pupils' reaction to light, visual acuity, color vision, and visual field, as well as optic nerve appearance. An important relatively new ancillary test is optic coherence tomography (OCT) that measures the volume of retinal nerve fiber layer around the optic nerve and the ganglion cell layer-inner plexiform layer (GCL-IPL) of the macula, both proved to be strongly associated with losing vision in OPG. Accurate evaluation of vision functions plays a critical role in the decision of treatment. In this review, we describe the ophthalmological assessment including new biomarkers in clinical use. We also outline prognostic factors and current recommendations for surveillance and indications for treatment.