OBJECTIVE To understand factors associated with care and survival among babies with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). STUDY DESIGN We used data on California births (2006-2011) to examine birth hospital level of care, hospital transfer before repair, and survival. RESULT Among 577 infants, 25% were born at lower-level hospitals, 62% were transferred, and 31% died during infancy. Late or no prenatal care had the strongest association with birth at lower-level hospitals (adjusted relative risk (ARR) = 1.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.0-3.6). Birth at lower-level hospitals was associated with transfer (ARR = 1.2, CI = 1.1-1.4), and transferred infants tended to be less clinically complex. Infants with low birthweight, other birth defects, low Apgar scores, and late or no prenatal care had two- to fourfold higher risk of mortality than their comparison groups. CONCLUSIONS These data support the importance of prenatal care and delivery planning into higher-level hospitals for optimal care and outcomes for newborns with CDH.OBJECTIVES This study aims to evaluate the impact of hospital setting on outcomes for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome. STUDY DESIGN We conducted a retrospective study in two hospitals and three different hospital units. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/triparanol-mer-29.html The inpatient group (n = 60) was managed on general inpatient floors, the NICU group (n = 50) was managed primarily in an NICU, and the combination group (n = 49) was managed in both NICU and inpatient units. The primary outcome was length of stay. Secondary outcomes included breastfeeding rates, morphine usage rates, and hospital costs. RESULTS The length of stay in the inpatient group (8.5 days) was significantly lower than the combination group (18 days) and NICU group (23 days) (p  less then  0.01). The inpatient group had significantly lower rates of morphine treatment and hospital costs with no difference in breastfeeding rates. CONCLUSIONS Infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome had a significantly shorter length of stay and less use of morphine when managed on inpatient units versus NICU.Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by dopaminergic neuronal loss and the presence of intra-neuronal Lewy body (LB) inclusions with aggregated α-synuclein (α-Syn) as the major component. MAOB, a crucial monoamine oxidase for dopamine metabolism, triggers oxidative stress in dopaminergic neurons and α-Syn aggregation. However, the key molecular mechanism that mediates PD pathogenesis remains elusive. Here we show that C/EBPβ acts as an age-dependent transcription factor for both α-Syn and MAOB, and initiates the PD pathologies by upregulating these two pivotal players, in addition to escalating δ-secretase activity to cleave α-Syn and promotes its neurotoxicity. Overexpression of C/EBPβ in human wild-type α-Syn transgenic mice facilitates PD pathologies and elicits motor disorders associated with augmentation of δ-secretase, α-Syn, and MAOB. In contrast, depletion of C/EBPβ from human α-Syn Tg mice abolishes rotenone-elicited PD pathologies and motor impairments via downregulating the expression of these key factors. Hence, our study supports that C/EBPβ/δ-secretase signaling mediates PD pathogenesis via regulating the expression and cleavage of α-Syn and MAOB.Our understanding of depression and its treatment has advanced with the advent of ketamine as a rapid-acting antidepressant and the development and refinement of tools capable of selectively altering the activity of populations of neuronal subtypes. This work has resulted in a paradigm shift away from dysregulation of single neurotransmitter systems in depression towards circuit level abnormalities impacting function across multiple brain regions and neurotransmitter systems. Studies on the features of circuit level abnormalities demonstrate structural changes within the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and functional changes in its communication with distal brain structures. Treatments that impact the activity of brain regions, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation or rapid-acting antidepressants like ketamine, appear to reverse depression associated circuit abnormalities though the mechanisms underlying the reversal, as well as development of these abnormalities remains unclear. Recently developed optogenetic and chemogenetic tools that allow high-fidelity control of neuronal activity in preclinical models have begun to elucidate the contributions of the PFC and its circuitry to depression- and anxiety-like behavior. These tools offer unprecedented access to specific circuits and neuronal subpopulations that promise to offer a refined view of the circuit mechanisms surrounding depression and potential mechanistic targets for development and reversal of depression associated circuit abnormalities.INTRODUCTION Health needs of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) are unmet in developing countries. Quality of life of these individuals is not on par with global standards. The decline in quality of life can be attributed to lack of a specialised rehabilitation centres, lack of expertise in local hospitals and lack of access to dedicated SCI wards/centres in India. The present case report depicts many such challenges in India. CASE PRESENTATION As part of an online focus group, A 21-year-old male was identified who sustained SCI in motor vehicle. His care was inappropriate at the accident site. He was not taught basic skills such as bed mobility, transfers, and wheel-chair mobility and was not educated about long-term complications before discharged to home. Lack of training made him functionally dependent on others for his basic needs. There were few job opportunities for him in his state. He strongly emphasises the need to create an awareness regarding SCI among the general public in India. DISCUSSION This case report depicts many challenges faced by a person with paraplegia in India. These include mishandling at the accident site, lack of adequate care post injury and lack of follow-up post discharge. In addition, lack of knowledge of SCI among the general public and lack of education regarding SCI for the patient and his care givers post injury are reported.