47 (95% CI 1.09-10.98)). Conclusion Patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma and T2DM were mostly women and aged around 60. T2DM did not have a significant effect on tumor profile. T2DM did not significantly affect survival, although other comorbidities, such as hypertension, did.Inadequate adherence to best practice guidelines may have a negative impact on the processes of critical care and patient outcomes. Instant gratification has been used to modify human behavior in industries such as gaming, lottery, and social media. We hypothesize that, if properly and purposefully utilized, IG can become a successful tool for encouraging best practice guideline adherence among critical care providers. Four major databases were searched with a medial librarian. Covidence application was used to identify studies pertaining to the instant gratification being used to improve provider adherence with best practice guidelines. A total of 712 studies were identified, and, through duplicates removal, title and abstract screening, and full-text screening, a total of 13 studies were included in the final review. The exclusion criteria used included the following no provider gratification, wrong focus/intervention, wrong study design, patient-focused intervention, not generalizable, and no conclusion. There is a knowledge gap regarding instant gratification utilization to influence practice guideline adherence among providers. The intervention functions of the Behavior Change Wheel (BCW) were evident, especially 'persuasion' and 'incentivization', which are most pertinent to our field. The restorative process that promotes positive reinforcement can be a potential solution for alleviating inadequacies in guideline adherence. Examining interventions based on functions of the BCW has shown that an instant gratification process may have the potential in altering critical care providers' behavior and improving guideline adherence. This review is the first step towards creating smart algorithms to instantly alert providers for their actions compliant with best practices. Developing, testing, and validating the algorithms will be the next several steps.Crohn's disease is a granulomatous systemic illness with extra-intestinal manifestations. Of these extra-intestinal manifestations, lung involvement (0.4%) is the rare manifestation. Bronchopulmonary signs and symptoms are underrecognized, so suspicion should be high when granulomas are seen in lung biopsies. We report the case of a 27-year-old female who presented with bilateral pleuritic chest pain and shortness of breath. Chest X-ray showed left lung masses measuring up to 3.3 cm in the greatest dimension with right mid lung nodular opacity. Given the possibility of metastatic disease, positron emission tomography CT (PET-CT) scan was done, which showed activity in multiple liver lesions and multiple bilateral lung nodules. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/cdk2-inhibitor-73.html Both liver and lung biopsies were done, which showed multiple necrotizing and non-necrotizing granulomas. The patient was discharged home on antibiotics and antifungals. Few months later, she presented with loose stools and abdominal pain. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed diffuse colonic wall thickening concerning for colitis. Colonoscopy showed ulcerated mucosa involving multiple parts of the colon. Biopsy of the colon showed mild to moderate acute colitis with submucosal non-necrotizing epithelioid granulomas, consistent with Crohn's disease.Neurological manifestations are common in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. We present three cases of COVID-19 patients with seizures. Two patients had a history of seizures but very well controlled. They presented with seizure activity likely triggered by COVID-19. The third patient had no history of seizures and presented with new onset of seizure activity. All these patients were routinely screened for COVID-19 on admission and tested positive on nasopharyngeal real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR). None of these patients had respiratory symptoms. Electroencephalography (EEG) was abnormal in all three patients. All these patients recovered and were discharged in a stable condition.Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EGE) is an uncommon disease characterized by immune cell-mediated inflammation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract resulting in vague abdominal symptoms, most commonly nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. We report the case of a 16-year-old male presenting with a six-week history of progressive pruritus, jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, acholic stools, and dark-colored urine. This patient was diagnosed via endoscopy with biliary obstruction caused by a large, solitary, duodenal ulcer secondary to EGE. This is a severe complication of EGE and to our knowledge, this is the first reported case of biliary obstruction caused by a duodenal ulcer in a pediatric patient with EGE. Additionally, we describe the first pediatric combined percutaneous-endoscopic rendezvous technique after failed therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP) to relieve the biliary obstruction.Masseter muscle rigidity following administration of succinylcholine for induction of general anesthesia is considered an early warning sign for the possibility of an episode of dreaded complication i.e., malignant hyperthermia. This report describes a case of masseter muscle rigidity encountered at the start of an emergency surgical procedure. After succinylcholine administration, laryngoscopy and intubation were not possible due to the masseter muscle spasms. This led to the use of laryngeal mask airway and propofol for the successful conclusion of the procedure with no intraoperative or postoperative complications. Later, the patient was discharged with instructions to avoid the contributing triggers in the future and recommendations of caffeine-muscle biopsy.Pro-protein convertase subtilisin/Kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitors are relatively new, non-statin, lipid-lowering drugs that reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by 60%. PCSK9 inhibitors reduce the blood concentrations of cholesterol by the degradation of LDL receptors, which subsequently extracts cholesterol from cells. This leads to cardiovascular risk reduction in various at-risk populations, including atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Despite their promise for advanced lipid-lowering ability, cost-effectiveness is a barrier to their routine use. While searching PubMed, we extracted land-mark trials on two of the anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies, alirocumab and evolocumab. When combined with statins or ezetimibe, they show an exponential fall in LDL-C levels, helping achieve target values in high-risk populations and decreasing cardiovascular adverse events. Ongoing research is exploring the long-term efficacy of these antibodies in established coronary artery disease and familial hypercholesterolemia with more prospects for this novel lipid-lowering therapy.