dementia. Future research is needed to confirm the substantial mortality burden of heat and cold.Focusing attention on a movement effect that is farther away from the body (distal external focus) has been shown to result in more effective motor performance or learning than focusing on an effect that is in greater proximity to the body (proximal focus). The present study examined whether the distance of the external focus impacts the performance of relatively inexperienced and experienced performers differently. Low-skilled and high-skilled volleyball players passed a volleyball continuously to a target. In the proximal focus condition they were asked to concentrate on the "platform," whereas in the distal focus condition they were instructed to concentrate on the target. The high-skilled group's accuracy scores were higher in the distal relative to proximal focus condition. However, low-skilled players' accuracy scores was greater in the proximal relative to distal focus condition. We argue that the optimal distance of the external focus depends on the level of expertise when the skill requires a specific movement technique. An external focus on that technique seems to be more advantageous for low-skilled performers. In contrast, when the movement pattern has become more automatic (high-skilled performers), a focus on the overall movement effect is more beneficial. Due to the rapid increase in healthcare costs of low back pain (LBP), it is important to provide clinically effective and cost-effective interventions to individuals with the condition. To evaluate all recent economic evaluations of physiotherapeutic interventions for patients with LBP. A literature search of Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, MEDLINE, the National Health Service Economic Evaluation Database, Health Technology Assessment and Database of Abstracts of Review of Effects (January 2008 to October 2018) was undertaken. Rando