Rehabilitation from sport injury involves not only physical, but also psychological considerations. Re-injury worry, confidence and attention are characteristics that may affect athletes' returning to competition after a sport injury. The study aimed to describe the predictive ability of the re-injury worry, confidence, and attention to the total of re-injuries at the new competitive season. The sample was 80 male athletes with at least three years of competitive experience who had a sport musculoskeletal injury in the last 8 months and had followed properly their physiotherapy program. They were ready for re-entry into competitive sport. They completed on returning to competition (a) the Causes of the Re-Injury Worry Questionnaire, (b) the Sport Confidence Questionnaire of Rehabilitated Athletes Returning to Competition and (c) the Attention Questionnaire of Rehabilitated Athletes Returning to Competition. The three valid and reliable instruments predict the total of re-injuries at the beginning and at the middle of the competitive season. Future research should be conducted to examine the relationship between the physical and psychological characteristics in re-injury's prediction from different contact sports.Suicide is a global public health concern. The Stigma of Suicide Scale-Short Form (SOSS-SF) is a brief measure on the stigma toward suicide. This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the SOSS-SF in a sample of 1,946 adolescents and early adults (M age = 23.3, 69% females) in Hong Kong. The participants completed the SOSS-SF, measures on suicidal ideation and perceived distress, and binary items on lifetime risk behaviors online. Exploratory structural equation modeling evaluated the factor structure and reliability of the SOSS-SF in split samples and its measurement invariance, convergent validity, and discriminant validity in the overall sample. Contrary to a poor fit for the three-factor structure in the original 16-item SOSS-SF, the four-factor model showed a good fit in the revised 12-item version in both subsamples. The four factors (Glorification, Isolation, Disgrace, and Selfishness) loaded significantly on three items each (λ = .52-.93) and had adequate reliability (ω = .78-.88). The SOSS-SF displayed scalar invariance across age group, gender, and suicidal ideation and significant associations with validating variables. These results demonstrate a valid and reliable four-factor structure for the SOSS-SF and support its use for assessment of multifaceted stigma toward suicide.Objectives Loneliness and depression are of increasing concern in long-term care homes made more urgent by viral outbreak isolation protocols. An innovative program called Java Mentorship was developed that engaged community volunteers and resident volunteers (mentors) as a team. The team met weekly, received education, and provided visits and guidance in pairs to socially disengaged residents (mentees). The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of conducting a larger study. Method We conducted a mixed-methods pre-post study to evaluate the program. We collected feasibility data associated with the program implementation, including assessment of the sample and ability to recruit; procedures for data collection; retention, program adherence and acceptability; and residents' responses including loneliness, depression, purpose in life, social identity and sense of belonging outcomes. We enrolled community mentors (n = 65), resident mentors (n = 48) staff facilitators (n = 24) and mentees (n = 74) in 10 Canadian sites. Results Most feasibility objectives were met, and adherence and acceptability were high. Some resource challenges and low retention rates among resident mentors were noted. We found a 29% reduction in depression scores (p = .048; d = .30) and 15% reduction in loneliness scores (p = .014; d = .23). Purpose in life, social identity and sense of belonging were unchanged. Interviews among participants indicated high acceptability and positive perceptions of the program. Conclusion The study findings reveal a potential role for mentorship as a viable approach to reducing loneliness and depression in long-term care settings and lay the groundwork for future research.Sixty-one children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury completed the Child and Adolescent Memory Profile (ChAMP; Sherman & Brooks, 2015) within 1 to 12 months post injury. Most of the ChAMP index scores demonstrated statistically significant negative correlations with time to follow commands following traumatic brain injury. Compared with demographically matched neurologically healthy controls, selected from the ChAMP standardization sample, participants with traumatic brain injury had statistically significantly lower scores on all ChAMP index scores but sensitivity and specificity were suboptimal. We conclude that the ChAMP has modest clinical utility as part of a more comprehensive evaluation of sequelae of traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents. This study investigated whether transcutaneous electrical acupuncture point stimulation (TEAS) at PC6 can reduce the proportion of elderly patients experiencing a drop of ⩾4% in peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO ) while undergoing colonoscopy under sedation. A total of 32 elderly patients (aged ⩾ 65 years) scheduled for colonoscopy were randomly assigned in a 11 ratio to receive either real or sham TEAS (treatment or control groups, respectively). Each patient received oxygen (2 L/min) delivered routinely via nasal cannula. The treatment group was given TEAS at PC6 for 20 min at 2 Hz frequency and 6 mA intensity; the control group underwent the same procedures but with zero frequency/intensity. SpO and other physiological parameters were measured prior to sedation and colonoscopy (baseline) and at seven other timepoints through departure from recovery. Depth of anesthesia was measured using a Narcotrend monitor. Significantly fewer patients in the treatment group experienced a ⩾4% decrease from baseline SpO (2/16) than patients in the control group (10/16; p = 0.004). The two groups were comparable with regard to respiratory rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, mean arterial pressure, and heart rate. TEAS applied at PC6 with 2 Hz frequency was feasible and may be helpful in reducing the rate of hypoxia in elderly patients during colonoscopy. NCT03775122 ( TEAS applied at PC6 with 2 Hz frequency was feasible and may be helpful in reducing the rate of hypoxia in elderly patients during colonoscopy.Trial registration number NCT03775122 (