In conclusion, virus-positive and -negative MCC cell lines with a neuroendocrine growth pattern resemble mutational features observed in MCC tissue samples, which strengthens their utility for functional studies.Since physicians play a key role in vaccination, the initial training of medical students (MS) should aim to help shape their attitude in this regard. The beginning of vaccination programs against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an excellent time to assess the attitudes held by both medical and non-medical students regarding vaccination. A 51- to 53-item questionnaire including the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale was administered to 1971 students (49.21% male; 34.86% MS); two career-related questions were also addressed to the MS. The majority of surveyed students indicated a desire to get vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, with more medical than non-medical students planning to get vaccinated (91.99% vs. 59.42%). The most common concern about SARS-CoV-2 infection was the risk of passing on the disease to elderly relatives. While conspiracy theories regarding the COVID-19 vaccine are less popular among MS, both groups indicated concerns that vaccines may cause autism is equally common (~5%). Further studies exploring social attitudes towards the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine are a necessary first step to optimizing vaccination programs and achieving herd immunity.In this study, the occupational risk assessment of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was performed by means of a probabilistic approach. Chronic and subchronic inhalation exposure studies were retrieved during the hazard identification phase of the study. These studies were then used to obtain a guidance value (BMCh, expressed as a lognormal distribution with geometric mean ± geometric standard deviation = 10.0 ± 4.2 µg/m3) for occupational inhalation exposure to CNTs. An exposure scenario was selected from the scientific literature three different work events (WEs) related to the production of conductive films were considered (WE1) manufacturing of single walled carbon nanotubes films during normal operation using local exhaust ventilation (LEV); (WE2) manufacturing of SWCNT film without LEV; and (WE3) cleaning of one of the reactors. For each WE, a probability distribution function was applied, considering exposure expressed as mass concentration, as derived from three different measurement techniques. The ratio of the exposure and the BMCh distributions (i.e., the risk characterization ratio-RCR) was used to calculate the probability of occurrence of a relevant occupational risk. All the considered WEs indicated the presence of a risk (i.e., RCR distributions ≥ 1); however, only WE2 resulted in a statistically significant level of risk.A novel versatile biocompatible hydrogel of whey protein isolate (WPI) and two types of tannic acid (TAs) was prepared by crosslinking of WPI with TAs in a one-step method at high temperature for 30 min. WPI is one common protein-based preparation which is used for hydrogel formation. The obtained WPI-TA hydrogels were in disc form and retained their integrity after sterilization by autoclaving. Two TA preparations of differing molecular weight and chemical structure were compared, namely a polygalloyl glucose-rich extract-ALSOK 02-and a polygalloyl quinic acid-rich extract-ALSOK 04. Hydrogel formation was observed for WPI solutions containing both preparations. The swelling characteristics of hydrogels were investigated at room temperature at different pH values, namely 5, 7, and 9. The swelling ability of hydrogels was independent of the chemical structure of the added TAs. A trend of decrease of mass increase (MI) in hydrogels was observed with an increase in the TA/WPI ratio compared to the control WPI hydrogel without TA. This dependence (a MI decrease-TA/WPI ratio) was observed for hydrogels with different types of TA both in neutral and acidic conditions (pH 5.7). Under alkaline conditions (pH 9), negative values of swelling were observed for all hydrogels with a high content of TAs and were accompanied by a significant release of TAs from the hydrogel network. Our studies have shown that the release of TA from hydrogels containing ALSOK04 is higher than from hydrogels containing ALSOK 02. Moreover, the addition of TAs, which display a strong anti-cancer effect, increases the cytotoxicity of WPI-TAs hydrogels against the Hep-2 human laryngeal squamous carcinoma (Hep-2 cells) cell line. Thus, WPI-TA hydrogels with prolonged drug release properties and cytotoxicity effect can be used as anti-cancer scaffolds.Ischemic heart disease (IHD) persists as the leading cause of death in the Western world. In recent decades, great headway has been made in reducing mortality due to IHD, based around secondary prevention. The advent of coronary revascularization techniques, first coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery in the 1960s and then percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the 1970s, has represented one of the major breakthroughs in medicine during the last century. The benefit provided by these techniques, especially PCI, has been crucial in lowering mortality rates in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). However, in the setting where IHD is most prevalent, namely chronic coronary syndrome (CCS), the increase in life expectancy provided by coronary revascularization is controversial. Over more than 40 years, several clinical trials have been carried out comparing optimal medical treatment (OMT) alone with a strategy of routine coronary revascularization on top of OMT. Beyond a certain degree of symptomatic improvement and lower incidence of minor events, routine invasive management has not demonstrated a convincing effect in terms of reducing mortality in CCS. Based on the accumulated evidence more than half a century after the first revascularization procedures were used, invasive management should be considered in those patients with uncontrolled symptoms despite OMT or high-risk features related to left ventricular function, coronary anatomy, or functional assessment, taking into account the patient expectations and preferences.