Parents and best friends were perceived as the most satisfying supporters during adolescence followed by romantic partners in later adolescence. Grandparents were perceived as an important support source but only in preadolescence. There were developmental differences during the various stages of adolescence with regard to the importance placed on each social support source. Both parents remained a very a satisfying support source, although they were consulted less often. Romantic partners and best friends gained importance as supporters in older adolescents, whereas grandparents represented a more important support source for preadolescents. Although teachers were not frequently consulted, they remained a stable and satisfying source of support.Android and iOS mobile operating systems use permissions to enable phone owners to manage access to their device's resources. Both systems provide resource access dialogues at first use and per-resource controls. Android continues to offer permission manifests in the Android PlayStore for older apps but is transitioning away from this. #link# Neither manifests nor first-use dialogues enable people to easily compare apps based on resource requests, and the corresponding privacy and security risks. Without the ability to compare resource requests when choosing an app, customers cannot select those apps that request fewer resources. Unnecessary and excessive permission requests, overuse of resources, information exfiltration, and risky apps are endemic. To address this issue we built upon past work in warning science and risk communication to design multimedia indicators to communicate the aggregate privacy and security risk associated with an app. Specifically, we provided participants with a privacy rating using the familiar padlock icon and used audio notifications to either warn or reinforce user choices. We empirically tested participants' app decisions with these padlock i