Endoscopic retrograde mastoidectomy is a new technique to deal with cholesteatoma with excellent results. It is more functional, ideal for sclerotic mastoid, allows faster wound healing, has excellent outcomes, and is a minimally invasive procedure that avoids postauricular incision and tissue dissection. Because the set up for the surgery costs less, it holds a promising future for the developing countries. Endoscopic retrograde mastoidectomy is a new technique to deal with cholesteatoma with excellent results. It is more functional, ideal for sclerotic mastoid, allows faster wound healing, has excellent outcomes, and is a minimally invasive procedure that avoids postauricular incision and tissue dissection. Because the set up for the surgery costs less, it holds a promising future for the developing countries.[Figure see text].Purpose This study examined the frequency of code-switching by Spanish-English-speaking children as a function of language proficiency in each language and diagnosis (developmental language disorder [DLD] or typical language development [TLD]). Method Sixty-two Spanish-English-speaking children, 5-7 years of age, participated in this study (24 with DLD and 38 with TLD). Language samples were used to determine the level of language proficiency in each language as a continuum of performance. Correlational analyses were conducted to evaluate the relationship between Spanish and English language proficiency and the frequency of code-switching considering the total number of code-switched words, intrasentential code-switching (i.e., number of sentences/C-units with code-switched parts), and intersentential code-switching (i.e., code-switched sentences/C-units). Negative binomial and zero-inflated Poisson regressions were conducted to evaluate whether the frequency of code-switched words, code-switched parts, and code-switched sentences is different across children with DLD and their peers with TLD, controlling for Spanish and English proficiency. Results When Spanish was the target language, lower proficiency in Spanish was associated with higher frequency of code-switches to English for the group with DLD, but not for their peers with TLD who code-switched to English regardless of their Spanish and English proficiency. There were no statistically significant effects of diagnosis on the frequency of code-switches. Conclusion Results indicate that code-switching occurs similarly across children with DLD and their peers with TLD; therefore, the frequency and type of code-switches should not be used as an indicator of DLD.Purpose A myriad features can impact the nature, frequency, and length of adult-child interactions important for language learning. Empirical investigations of language learning opportunities for young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) provide limited generalizable insight, with inferences more constrained to the sample than is often considered. The aim of this study was to explore a multidimensional understanding of reliability and define optimal measurement procedures for a measurement approach used to examine the language of preschool educators interacting with children with ASD. Method We employed the logic of Generalizability Theory to differentiate sources of error for two measurement facets, occasion and observer. We video-recorded four 15-min occasions of educator-child interactions for 11 participants with ASD during free-play in their respective inclusive preschool classrooms. Two trained observers coded all videos for six educator language variables open-ended questions/statements, choice questions, yes/no questions, imitation prompts, statements, and other talk. Results The generalizability studies illustrated that, across all variables measured, observer accounted for little to no error. Occasion, however, accounted for much of the error for all language variables. To determine the number of occasions needed to achieve stable estimates of the variables, we manipulated occasion in the decision study. Five to more than 15 occasions were needed to achieve stability in educator language variables. Conclusion To advance our understanding of the language learning environments of preschool classrooms that serve children with ASD, researchers must understand how aspects of the measurement design in those environments, such as occasion, impact the inferences they make.Purpose This study reports on data from a survey of speech-language pathologists' (SLPs) language assessment practices for elementary school-age children. The objective was to investigate the regularity with which SLPs use different types of assessments (described across data types, task types, environmental contexts, and dynamic features). This study also investigated factors that influence assessment practice, the main sources from which SLPs obtain information on language assessment and the main challenges reported by SLPs in relation to language assessment. Method A web-based survey was used to collect information from 407 Australian SLPs regarding the types of assessments they use. Factors that influenced the regularity with which different types of assessments were used were investigated using regression analysis. Results Most SLPs regularly used assessments that are norm-referenced, decontextualized, and conducted in a clinical context and less regularly used other types of assessments. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/OSI-930.html Service agency, Australian state, and SLPs' years of experience were found to influence the regularity with which some types of assessments were used. Informal discussions with colleagues were the most frequently identified source of information on assessment practice. Main challenges related to limited time, lack of assessment materials, and lack of confidence in assessing children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Conclusions SLPs could improve current language assessment practice for elementary school-age children through more regular use of some types of assessments. Actions to facilitate evidence-based assessment practice should consider the contextual differences that exist between service agencies and states and address challenges that SLPs experience in relation to language assessment. Supplemental Material https//doi.org/10.23641/asha.14378948.