Although CD4+ T cell memory is a critical component of adaptive immunity, antigen-specific CD4+ T cell recall responses to secondary infection have been inadequately studied. Here we examine the kinetics of the secondary response in an important immunological model, infection with attenuated Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). We identify CD4+ T cell subsets that preferentially expand during a secondary response and highlight the importance of prime-boost strategies in expanding and maintaining antigen-specific, tissue-resident memory CD4+ T cells. Following intravenous infection with an attenuated strain of Lm, we found that total antigen-specific CD4+ T cells responded more robustly in secondary compared with primary infection, reaching near-peak levels in secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) and the liver by three days post-infection. During the secondary response, CD4+ T cells also contracted more quickly. Primary Lm infection generated two main classes of effector cells Th1 cells that assist macrophages and T follicular helper (Tfh) cells that aid B cells in antibody production. We found that during the secondary response, a population of Ly6C+ Tfh cells emerged in SLOs and was the basis for the skewing of this response to a Tfh phenotype. Deletion of T-bet in T cells precluded development of Ly6C+ Tfh cells, but did not alter anti-Lm antibody responses. Moreover, during recall responses, CD49a+ Th1 cells preferentially expanded and accumulated in the liver, achieving a new set point. Parabiosis experiments indicated that, in contrast to Tfh cells and most splenic Th1 cells, the majority of CD49a+ Th1 cells in the liver were tissue resident. Overall, these data demonstrate a robust secondary CD4+ T cell response that differs in kinetics and composition from the primary response and provide insight into targets to enhance both peripheral and tissue-resident CD4+ T cell responses.Moraxella catarrhalis is a human-specific commensal of the respiratory tract and an opportunistic pathogen. It is one of the leading cause of otitis media in children and of acute exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, resulting in significant morbidity and economic burden. Vaccines and new immunotherapeutic strategies to treat this emerging pathogen are needed. Complement is a key component of innate immunity that mediates the detection, response, and subsequent elimination of invading pathogens. Many pathogens including M. catarrhalis have evolved complement evasion mechanisms, which include the binding of human complement inhibitors such as C4b-binding protein (C4BP) and Factor H (FH). Inhibiting C4BP and FH acquisition by M. catarrhalis may provide a novel therapeutic avenue to treat infections. To achieve this, we created two chimeric proteins that combined the Moraxella-binding domains of C4BP and FH fused to human immunoglobulin Fcs C4BP domains 1 and 2 and FH domains 6 and 7 fused to IgM and IgG Fc, respectively. As expected, FH6-7/IgG displaced FH from the bacterial surface while simultaneously activating complement via Fc-C1q interactions, together increasing pathogen elimination. C4BP1-2/IgM also increased serum killing of the bacteria through enhanced complement deposition, but did not displace C4BP from the surface of M. catarrhalis. These Fc fusion proteins could act as anti-infective immunotherapies. Many microbes bind the complement inhibitors C4BP and FH through the same domains as M. catarrhalis, therefore these Fc fusion proteins may be promising candidates as adjunctive therapy against many different drug-resistant pathogens.The CXCR4 receptor upon binding its ligands triggers multiple signaling pathways that orchestrate cell migration, hematopoiesis and cell homing, and retention in the bone marrow. However, CXCR4 also directly controls cell proliferation of non-hematopoietic cells. This review focuses on recent reports pointing to its pivotal role in tissue regeneration and stem cell activation, and discusses the connection to the known role of CXCR4 in promoting tumor growth. The mechanisms may be similar in all cases, since regeneration often recapitulates developmental processes, and cancer often exploits developmental pathways. Moreover, cell migration and cell proliferation appear to be downstream of the same signaling pathways. A deeper understanding of the complex signaling originating from CXCR4 is needed to exploit the opportunities to repair damaged organs safely and effectively.Recent studies have reported the pathological effect of ICOS+ T cells, but ICOS signals also widely participate in anti-inflammatory responses, particularly ICOS+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. The ICOS signaling pathway endows Tregs with increased generation, proliferation, and survival abilities. Furthermore, there is enough evidence to suggest a superior capacity of ICOS+ Tregs, which is partly attributable to IL-10 induced by ICOS, yet the associated mechanism needs further investigation. In this review, we discuss the complicated role of ICOS+ Tregs in several classical autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases, and cancers and investigate the related therapeutic applications in these diseases. Moreover, we identify ICOS as a potential biomarker for disease treatment and prognostic prediction. In addition, we believe that anti-ICOS/ICOSL monoclonal antibodies exhibit excellent clinical application potential. A thorough understanding of the effect of ICOS+ Tregs and the holistic role of ICOS toward the immune system will help to improve the therapeutic schedule of diseases.Host Defense Peptides (HDPs) are key components of innate immunity that exert antimicrobial, antibiofilm, and immunomodulatory activities in all higher organisms. Synthetic peptidomimetic analogs were designed to retain the desirable pharmacological properties of HDPs while having improved stability toward enzymatic degradation, providing enhanced potential for therapeutic applications. Lipidated peptide/β-peptoid hybrids [e.g., Pam-(Lys-βNspe)6-NH2 (PM1) and Lau-(Lys-βNspe)6-NH2 (PM2)] are proteolytically stable HDP mimetics displaying anti-inflammatory activity and formyl peptide receptor 2 antagonism in human and mouse immune cells in vitro. Here PM1 and PM2 were investigated for their in vivo anti-inflammatory activity in a phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-induced acute mouse ear inflammation model. Topical administration of PM1 or PM2 led to attenuated PMA-induced ear edema, reduced local production of the pro-inflammatory chemokines MCP-1 and CXCL-1 as well as the cytokine IL-6. In addition, diminished neutrophil infiltration into PMA-inflamed ear tissue and suppressed local release of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species were observed upon treatment.