Recently, medical applications for 3D printing are expanding rapidly and are expected to revolutionize health care, specifically, manufacturing surgical guides and protective face mask against coronavirus (COVID-19). These instruments come in contact with the human tissues, being necessary 3D printed materials free of pathogenic microbes or other contaminants. Therefore, they must be sterilized to avoid that bacteria can attach to the surface and produce biofilm. With the aim of avoiding bacterial biofilm formation and minimize the health risks, acrylic acid (AcAc) coatings applied by plasma-polymerization have been deposited on 3D printed polylactic acid (PLA) Petri dishes. Six antimicrobial-resistant clinical and two susceptible control strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus species were analyzed. AcAc coatings provide the surface with greater hydrophilicity and, consequently, the formation of a hydration layer, whose thickness is related to the surface roughness. This hydration layer could explain the reduction of bacterial attachment and, consequently, the biofilm formation. Antibiofilm coatings are more successful against P. aeruginosa strains than against S. aureus ones; due to some coatings presents a smaller topography scale than the P. aeruginosa length, reducting the contact area between the bacteria and the coating, and causing a potential rupture of the cellular membrane. AcAc coatings with less number of plasma passes were more effective, and showed up to a 50% relative biofilm reduction (in six of the eight strains studied) compared with the untreated plates.The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) disease (COVID-19) has caused a large global outbreak and has had a major impact on health systems and societies worldwide. The generation of knowledge about the disease has occurred almost as fast as its global expansion. Very few studies have reported on the effects of the infection on maternal health, since its onset. The mother and foetus do not seem to be at particularly high risk. Nevertheless, obstetrics and maternal-foetal medicine practice have made profound changes in order to adapt to the pandemic. In addition, there are aspects specific to COVID-19 and gestation that should be known by specialists. In this review an evidenced-based protocol is presented for the management of COVID-19 in pregnancy.The current SARS-coronavirus type 2 pandemic caused, in few weeks, important changes in the health system organization and in the way we attend the patients. Urogynaecological diseases affect quality of life, but without life risk in most cases, so it is possible to delay. Moreover, urogynaecological diseases affect mostly women over 65 years old (a high risk population for contracting COVID-19). In this manuscript we summarise the current evidence about telemedicine efectivity to manage to pelvic floor dysfunctions and, in addition, the recommendations of Urogynaecological scientific societies during state of alarm. We describe the management of the different pelvic floor dysfunctions during COVID-19 pandemic and a proposal to organize the urogynaecological services to diagnose (visits and diagnostic investigations) and to treat (conservative, pharmacological or surgery) in the interpandemic period and in the future.Coexistence with COVID-19 infection (coronavirus disease 2019) in all hospital and health care settings is a current challenge of adaptation, as well as the creation of new protocols and care models. At present, there are still many unknowns about this infection, and much more unknown is the impact into the surgical field. Although evidence regarding the effect of SARS-CoV-2 and laparoscopic surgery is scarce, laparoscopy has been considered the method of choice by different scientific societies for most indications in gynaecology during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is due to the advantages over the open route. There is less morbidity and hospital stay, and in addition, as it involves autonomous and contained surgical procedures with respect to smoke release. Moreover, the instruments and the setting in the operating room mean that there can be safe distance from the surgeon and other staff to the patient. Overall, the main recommendations in laparoscopic surgery during the COVID era include the use of Personal Protective Equipment for operating room personnel, and the adoption of safety measures to reduce CO2 exposure and surgical smoke release.The pandemic caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 virus has led to a process of adaptation to the new situation by society as a whole and, therefore, by assisted reproduction centres. After the acute phase of the health crisis, when activity was drastically reduced, cycles have resumed, guided by the recommendations of scientific societies.In this article, a review is presented of all the published information regarding the virus and the reproductive system, pointing out the presence of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in the female and male reproductive system, at the testicular, ovarian, endometrial and embryonic levels. In addition, a comparative analysis is carried out between the recommendations of the scientific societies regarding the screening of infection, performance standards, and general laboratory measurements.This study investigates the impact of extreme weather events on urban human flow disruptions using location-based service data obtained from Baidu Map. Utilizing the 2018 Typhoon Mangkhut as an example, the spatial and temporal variations of urban human flow patterns in Shenzhen are examined using GIS and spatial flow analysis. In addition, the variation of human flow by different urban functions (e.g. transport, recreational, institutional, commercial and residential related facilities) is also examined through an integration of flow data and point-of-interest (POI) data. The study reveals that urban flow patterns varied substantially before, during, and after the typhoon. Specifically, urban flows were found to have reduced by 39% during the disruption. Conversely, 56% of flows increased immediately after the disruption. In terms of functional variation, the assessment reveals that fundamental urban functions, such as industrial (work) and institutional - (education) related trips experienced less disruption, whereas the typhoon event appears to have a relatively larger negative influence on recreational related trips.