To address knowledge gaps and the lack of benchmarks on the toxicity of dilbit oiled sediments, weathered Cold Lake Blend (CLB) and Western Canadian Select (WCS) were assessed in 10-day sediment tests with the amphipods Hyalella azteca and Leptocheirus plumulosus. Lowest observed effect concentrations (LOECs) and 20% effect levels (EC20s) were determined for wet weight sediment concentrations of TPH and total PAHs normalized to 1% organic carbon. LOECs and EC20s for TPH ranged from 216 to 1165 mg/kg sediment in H. azteca, and from 64 to 75 mg/kg sediment in L. plumulosus. Dilbit LOECs and EC20s for total PAHs ranged from 2.9 to 11.8 mg/kg sediment in H. azteca, and from 0.75 to 0.87 mg/kg in L. plumulosus. Comparison of toxicity-based benchmarks derived from the current study to sediment concentrations from past spills indicate that dilbit spills in aquatic habitats may pose substantial risks to freshwater and estuarine benthic organisms.Identifying leading publications, authors, and countries in microplastic and nanoplastic research is beneficial for regulatory decisions, determining standardized research methodology, and solidifying definitions. Here, bibliometric analysis was performed using Web of Science's Core Collection to evaluate publication trends. A total of 3820 publications were downloaded and analyzed with the majority being journal articles. Since 2009, the number of publications has substantially increased. Results revealed that although the USA and China are the topmost publishing countries, two out of three of the top publishing institutions lie outside of these countries. The year with highest total number of citations was 2019 (42,000 citations), followed by 2018 (25,000 citations) and 2017 (13,000 citations). The journal Marine Pollution Bulletin published the highest number of records and included the top cited publications. Top publishing countries and the top cited publications and authors will likely pave the way for standardization in both microplastic and nanoplastic research. A cross-sectional inter-examiner agreement and reliability study among physical therapists in primary care. musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSU) is frequently used by physical therapists to improve specific diagnosis in patients with shoulder pain, especially for the diagnosis rotator cuff tendinopathy (RCT) including tears. To estimate the inter-examiner agreement and reliability in physical therapists using MSU for patients with shoulder pain. Physical therapists performed diagnostic MSU in 62 patients with shoulder pain. Both physical therapists were blinded to each other's results and patients were not informed about the test results. We calculated the overall inter-examiner agreement, specific positive and negative inter-examiner agreement, and inter-examiner reliability (Cohen's Kappa's). Overall agreement for detecting RC ruptures ranged from 61.7% to 85.5% and from 43.9% to 91.4% for specific positive agreement. The specific negative agreement was lower with values ranging from 44.4% to 79.1% for RC ruptures. Overall agreement for other pathology than ruptures related to SAPS, ranged from 72.6% to 93.6% and from 77.3% to 96% for specific positive agreement. The specific negative agreement was lower with values ranging from 44.4% to 79.1% for RC ruptures and 52.5%-83.3% for other pathology than ruptures related to SAPS. Reliability values varied from substantial for any thickness ruptures to moderate for partial thickness ruptures and fair for full thickness tears. Moreover, reliability was fair for cuff tendinopathy. The reliability for AC arthritis and no pathology found was fair and moderate. There was substantial agreement for the calcifying tendinopathy. Physical therapists using MSU agree on the diagnosis of cuff tendinopathy and on the presence of RCT in primary care, but agree less on the absence of pathology. Physical therapists using MSU agree on the diagnosis of cuff tendinopathy and on the presence of RCT in primary care, but agree less on the absence of pathology. Negative attitudes and beliefs about back pain in patients with low back pain (LBP) are associated with high levels of pain and negatively influence clinical outcome. The Back Pain Attitudes Questionnaire (Back-PAQ) was developed to assess back beliefs of patients and healthcare professionals. The minimal detectable change (MDC) is defined as the smallest amount of change that can be detected not due to inherent variation or "noise" in the measure. The MDC values at 68%, 90% and 95% confidence levels of the Back-PAQ ArgSpan are unknown. to calculate standard error measurement (SEM) and MDC to confirm the feasibility of Back-PAQ ArgSpan as a reliable outcome measure in clinical and research settings. a secondary analysis was carried out using a subgroup of data from the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Argentine version of the Back PAQ. SEM was calculated (SD×√1 - ICC) and MDC as (SEM×z-value×√2). MDC was calculated as percentage as well. the SEM was 5.16 points. The MDC , MDC and MDC of the Back-PAQ were 7.30, 12 and 14.3 points, respectively. The percentages of MDC , MDC and MDC of the Back-PAQ were 6.7%, 11.0% and 13.1%, respectively. The present study demonstrated that the Back-PAQ ArgSpan is a reliable and interpretable measurement tool. When assessing a patient, a change in the score in the Back-PAQ ArgSpan over 15 points shows a true change at 95% confidence level. The present study demonstrated that the Back-PAQ ArgSpan is a reliable and interpretable measurement tool. When assessing a patient, a change in the score in the Back-PAQ ArgSpan over 15 points shows a true change at 95% confidence level. IGF-1 deficiency in prenatal period is known to be a definite pathophysiology of retinopathy of prematurity(ROP), which is more frequent in infants with fetal growth restriction(FGR). Of note, recent reports demonstrated intra-amniotic inflammation(IAI) closely linked to acute histologic chorioamnionitis(acute-HCA) is associated with a decrease in intact-form of IGFBP-1, ultimately rising the probability of an increase in IGF-1. Therefore, we hypothesized ROP in preterm-infants without FGR would be decreased with the progression of acute-HCA. The frequency of ROP was examined in 85 singleton preterm-infants(24.5weeks≤gestational-age[GA] at delivery<30weeks) due to either preterm-labor and intact-membranes(PTL) or preterm premature rupture of membranes(preterm-PROM) without FGR(birth-weight<5th percentile for GA). Patients were divided according to the progression of inflammation in extra-placental membranes(EPM) and the progression of inflammation in chorionic-vessel(CV) and umbilical-cord(UC). 1) ROP was present in 40%(34/85) of study-population; 2) Of note, there was a significant stepwise-decrease in ROP with the progression of inflammation in EPM(inflammation-free EPM vs.