This will allow the development of culture-sensitive preventive and clinical interventions.The urgent need to expand enrollment in Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD) research has synergized calls for an empiric science of research recruitment, yet, progress in this area is hindered by challenges to measuring views toward ADRD research. This paper reports ethical and methodological considerations identified through a prospective qualitative study investigating ADRD patient and caregiver views on research recruitment and participation surrounding acute illness. Ethical and methodological considerations were identified through a combination of memoing, collaboration with a Community Advisory Board (CAB), and analysis of interview data from ADRD patients (N = 3) and/or caregivers (N = 28). These included risk for undue influence attributable to role ambiguity/motivational misconceptions, divergent decision-making preferences, bias contributing to low referrals of ADRD participants, and difficulty answering abstract/hypothetical questions. Many considerations were successfully addressed with multifaceted, proactive strategies, and CAB input. Findings have implications for recruitment science research and the validity of inferences regarding research preferences.Platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1, CD31) is an immunoglobulin superfamily member expressed on the surface of platelets, leukocytes and endothelial cells. The role of CD31 in biology of lymphomas has not yet been systemically studied. Expression of cell surface CD31 was analyzed by flow cytometry on primary MCL cells isolated from peripheral blood, bone marrow or malignant effusions obtained from 29 newly diagnosed MCL patients. CD31 was significantly more expressed in patients with documented extranodal involvement. Knock-down of CD31 expression in JEKO1 and MINO MCL cell lines hampered their subcutaneous engraftment in immunodeficient mice and prolonged overall survival of intravenously-xenografted animals. In contrast, transgenic overexpression of CD31 accelerated growth of subcutaneous JEKO1 and MINO tumors, shortened overall survival of intravenously-xenografted mice, and resulted in significantly increased frequency of extramedullary murine tissue infiltration Our observations suggest that CD31 facilitate survival and regulate extranodal spread of MCL cells.Plants are a rich source of nutraceuticals/supplements/phytonutrients/secondary metabolites. There are many industries, health care systems and academic activities involved in their use and promotion. However, many of these key players are peripherally involved in the science and policy behind their production, processing and utilisation. Here we will explore some key concepts related to the science and innovative strategies on the use of plants and their bioactive compounds for promoting human health and fight chronic diseases. Knowledge of how bioactive compounds are biosynthesized in the plant under different stress conditions and their mode of action against chronic diseases are key elements needed for an effective use of plant bioactives or nutraceuticals. This information can be the basis for developing preventive and therapeutic nutraceuticals to promote human health and could open opportunities for consumers to access low cost-effective use of plants as medicine, revalue crops, create new products and open new markets.Patients diagnosed with the same subtype of atrial fibrillation according to our current classification system may differ in symptom severity, severity of the arrhythmogenic substrate, and response to antiarrhythmic therapy. Hence, there is a need for an electrical biomarker as an indicator of the arrhythmogenic substrate underlying atrial fibrillation enabling patient-tailored therapy. The aim of this review is to investigate whether atrial refractoriness, a well-known electrophysiological parameter that is affected by electrical remodeling, can be used as an electrical biomarker of the arrhythmogenic substrate underlying atrial fibrillation. We discuss methodologies of atrial effective refractory period assessment, identify which changes in refractoriness-related parameters reflect different degrees of electrical remodeling, and explore whether these parameters can be used to predict clinical outcomes. Families increasingly employ foreign domestic workers (FDWs) to care for older loved ones. Caregiver burden reflects FDWs' difficulty adapting to work demands. We test hypothesized associations between burden and six personal characteristics children, marriage, education, Chinese proficiency, eldercare experience, and non-eldercare experience. In total, 299 Indonesian FDWs in Taiwan completed the Zarit Burden Interview. Exploratory factor analysis identified the dimensions of burden. Multiple and multinomial regressions related the variables to overall burden, burden dimensions, and burden severity. Four dimensions were found personal strain, role strain, dependency, and guilt. Children were negatively associated with burden, role strain, dependency, and guilt. Chinese proficiency was negatively associated with severity and guilt. Eldercare experience was positively associated with severity and personal strain. Marriage was non-monotonically related to severity. Caregivers whose earnings benefit their children may be more likely to thrive in Taiwan. Language training may boost caregiver performance and host family satisfaction. Caregivers whose earnings benefit their children may be more likely to thrive in Taiwan. Language training may boost caregiver performance and host family satisfaction.Environment pollution was closely related to human health. The energy consumption is one of the important sources of environmental pollution in the development of economy. This paper used undesirable two-stage meta-frontier DDF (distance difference function) data envelopment analysis model to explore the impact of environment pollutants from energy consumption on the mortality of children and the aged, survival rate of 65 years old and health expenditure efficiency in 27 high income countries, 21 upper middle income countries, and 16 lower middle income countries from 2010 to 2014. High income countries had higher efficiency of energy and health than middle income countries in general. But whether in high income or middle income countries, the efficiency of non-renewable energy is higher than renewable energy. There was much room for both high income countries and middle income countries to improve renewable energy efficiency. Besides, middle income countries need to improve the efficiency of non-renewable energy and reduce pollutant emissions per unit of GDP.