Hyper-thermal (HT) acid hydrolysis of red seaweed Gelidium amansii was performed using 12% (w/v) slurry and an acid mix concentration of 180 mM at 150°C for 10 min. Enzymatic saccharification when using a combination of Celluclast 1.5 L and CTec2 at a dose of 16 U/ml led to the production of 12.0 g/l of reducing sugar with an efficiency of enzymatic saccharification of 13.2%. After the enzymatic saccharification, 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD) fermentation was carried out using an engineered S. cerevisiae strain. The use of HT acid-hydrolyzed medium with 1.9 g/l of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural showed a reduction in the lag time from 48 to 24 h. The 2,3-BD concentration and yield coefficient at 72 h were 14.8 g/l and 0.30, respectively. Therefore, HT acid hydrolysis and the use of the engineered S. cerevisiae strain can enhance the overall 2,3-BD yields from G. amansii seaweed.In Caenorhabditis elegans, SHN-1 is the homologue of SHANK, a scaffolding protein. In this study, we determined the molecular basis for SHN-1/SHANK in the regulation of innate immune response to fungal infection. Mutation of shn-1 increased the susceptibility to Candida albicans infection and suppressed the innate immune response. After C. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/kpt-8602.html albicans infection for 6, 12, or 24 h, both transcriptional expression of shn-1 and SHN-1GFP expression were increased, implying that the activated SHN-1 may mediate a protection mechanism for C. elegans against the adverse effects from fungal infection. SHN-1 acted in both the neurons and the intestine to regulate the innate immune response to fungal infection. In the neurons, GLR-1, an AMPA ionotropic glutamate receptor, was identified as the downstream target in the regulation of innate immune response to fungal infection. GLR-1 further positively affected the function of SER-7-mediated serotonin signaling and antagonized the function of DAT-1-mediated dopamine signaling in the regulation of innate immune response to fungal infection. Our study suggests the novel function of SHN-1/SHANK in the regulation of innate immune response to fungal infection. Moreover, our results also denote the crucial role of neurotransmitter signals in mediating the function of SHN-1/SHANK in regulating innate immune response to fungal infection.The characterization of cytochrome P450 CYP125A13 from Streptomyces peucetius was conducted using cholesterol as the sole substrate. The in vitro enzymatic assay utilizing putidaredoxin and putidaredoxin reductase from Pseudomonas putida revealed that CYP125A13 bound cholesterol and hydroxylated it. The calculated KD value, catalytic conversion rates, and Km value were 56.92 ± 11.28 μM, 1.95 nmol min-1 nmol-1, and 11.3 ± 2.8 μM, respectively. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis showed that carbon 27 of the cholesterol side-chain was hydroxylated, characterizing CYP125A13 as steroid C27-hydroxylase. The homology modeling and docking results also revealed the binding of cholesterol to the active site, facilitated by the hydrophobic amino acids and position of the C27-methyl group near heme. This orientation was favorable for the hydroxylation of the C27-methyl group, supporting the in vitro analysis. This was the first reported case of the hydroxylation of cholesterol at the C-27 position by Streptomyces P450. This study also established the catalytic function of CYP125A13 and provides a solid basis for further studies related to the catabolic potential of Streptomyces species.Exopolysaccharide produced by the yeast Papiliotrema flavescens, isolated from wine grape berries of Champagne vineyard, was investigated for both chemical and functional characterization. SECMALLS and colorimetric assay analyses showed that the EPS is a high MW heteropolymer (2.37 × 106 g/mol) majorily consisting of mannose, glucose, xylose and glucuronic acid as monosaccharide constituents, with two substituents (sulphate and phosphate groups), and a minor protein moiety. Structural enchainment of these carbohydrates based on methylation, GC-MS and NMR analyses revealed a linear main backbone built up of α-(1 →3)-D-mannopyranosyl residues on which are branched side chains consisting of a single β-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid residue and β-(1 →2)- xylopyranoses (2-5 residues). Suggestion of some xylopyranose side chains containing a mannose residue at the nonreducing terminal end was also proposed. This is first report on EPSs from the grape P. flavescens yeast with such structural characteristics. Furthermore, investigations for valuating the application performance of these EPS in relation with their structural features were carried out in 8% alcohol experiment solutions. Very exceptional viscosifying and foaming properties were reported by comparison with commercial biopolymers such as Arabic, gellan and xanthan gums. The intrinsic properties of the natural biopolymer from this wild grape-associated P. flavescens yeast make it a potential candidate for use in various biotechnology applications.Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the leading cause of common malignant neoplasm worldwide. Many studies have analyzed compositions of gut microbiota associated with various diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and colon cancer. One of the most representative bacteria involved in CRC is enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF), a species belonging to phylum Bacteroidetes. We used ETBF colonized mice with azoxymethane (AOM)/dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) and zerumbone, a compound with anti-bacterial effect, to determine whether zerumbone could restore intestinal microbiota composition. Four experimental groups of mice were used sham, ETBF colonized AOM/DSS group, ETBF colonized AOM/DSS group zerumbone 60 mg kg-1 (ETBF/AOM/ DSS + Z (60)), and only zerumbone (60 mg kg-1)-treated group. We performed reversible dye terminators-based analysis of 16S rRNA gene region V3-V4 for group comparison. Microbiota compositions of ETBF/AOM/DSS + Z (60) group and ETBF colonized AOM/DSS group not given zerumbone were significantly different. There were more Bacteroides in ETBF/AOM/DSS + Z (60) group than those in ETBF colonized AOM/DSS group, suggesting that B. fragilis could be a normal flora activated by zerumbone. In addition, based on linear discriminant analysis of effect size (LEfSe) analysis, microbial diversity decreased significantly in the ETBF colonized AOM/DSS group. However, after given zerumbone, the taxonomic relative abundance was increased. These findings suggest that zerumbone not only influenced the microbial diversity and richness, but also could be helpful for enhancing the balance of gut microbial composition. In this work, we demonstrate that zerumbone could restore the composition of intestinal microbiota.