Results We found that trajectories defined by permanent employment were accompanied by lower depressive symptoms than trajectories indicating either retirement or inactivity. However, trajectories combining employment and the absence of depressive symptoms were primarily followed by individuals with advantaged health and social statuses at the baseline. Conclusion Public policies aimed at promoting the mental health of older adults through their labor market integration risk forcing individuals who have accumulated social and health disadvantages across the life course to work longer.What do people know about racial disparities in "The American Dream"? Across six studies (N = 1,761), we find that American participants consistently underestimate the Black-White disparity in economic mobility, believing that poor Black Americans are significantly more likely to move up the economic ladder than they actually are. We find that misperceptions about economic mobility are common among both White and Black respondents, and that this undue optimism about the prospect of mobility for Black Americans results from a narrow focus on the progress toward equality that has already been made. Consequently, making economic racial disparities salient, or merely reflecting on the unique hardships that Black Americans face in the United States, calibrates beliefs about economic mobility. We discuss the importance of these findings for understanding lay beliefs about the socioeconomic system, the denial of systemic racism in society, and support for policies aimed at reducing racial economic disparities. Exercise training improves walking capacity in patients with intermittent claudication (IC). Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), endothelial microparticles (EMPs), and endothelial dysfunction could play a role in this process. We measured EPCs and EMPs in a group of 60 patients with IC, and in a control group of 20 individuals without IC, before a treadmill test and 2, 24, and 48 hours after the test. Thirty patients with IC were randomly assigned to perform a 12-week home-based exercise training program. The EPC count, flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery, pain-free walking time (PFWT), and maximum walking time (MWT) were measured at the baseline and after the exercise training program. In patients with IC, EMPs significantly increased 2 hours after the treadmill test, whereas EPCs significantly increased after 24 hours. Among the subjects assigned to complete the training program, we observed a significant increase in the number of EPCs after 12 weeks, as well as an improvement in FMD, PFWT, and MWT. A significant correlation between the variation of EPCs, FMD, and MWT was found. The increase of EPCs and FMD were independent determinants of the walking capacity improvement, without significant interaction. Our results suggest that EPCs mobilization contributes to the improvement of walking capacity in patients with IC undergoing structured physical training. A number of different, partly independent, mechanisms are involved in this process, and our results highlight the potential role of EMPs release and endothelial function improvement. . Our results suggest that EPCs mobilization contributes to the improvement of walking capacity in patients with IC undergoing structured physical training. A number of different, partly independent, mechanisms are involved in this process, and our results highlight the potential role of EMPs release and endothelial function improvement. Identifier NCT04302571.A readily distinguishable and indigenous member of the plant kingdom in the Indian subcontinent is the 'drumstick tree', i.e. Moringa oleifera Lam. In addition to India, this drought-tolerant and rapidly evolving tree is currently extensively disseminated across the globe, including subtropical and tropical areas. The plant boasts a high nutritional, nutraceutical and therapeutic profile, mainly attributing to its significant repertoire of the biologically active components in different parts protein, flavonoids, saponins, phenolic acids, tannin, isothiocyanate, lipids, minerals, vitamins, amongst others. M. oleifera seeds have been shown to elicit a myriad of pharmacological potential and health benefits, including antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties. Additionally, the seed cakes obtained from post-extraction process are utilized for coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation purposes, benefiting effluent management and the purification of water, mainly because of their capability in eliminating microbes and organic matter. Despite the extraordinary focus on other parts of the plant, especially the foliage, the beneficial aspects of the seeds have not been sufficiently highlighted. The health benefits of bioactive components in the seeds are promising and demonstrate enough potential to facilitate the development of functional foods. In this review, we present a critical account of the types, characteristics, production and isolation of bioactive components from M. oleifera seeds. Furthermore, we appraise the pharmacological activities, cosmetic, biodiesel, lubricative, modern farming, nutritive and wastewater treatment applications of these functional ingredients. We infer that there is a need for further human/clinical studies and evaluation, despite their health benefits. Additionally, the safety issues need to be adequately clarified and assessed, in order to establish a conventional therapeutic profile.Biomineralization of enamel, dentin, and bone involves the deposition of apatite mineral crystals within an organic matrix. Bone and teeth are classic examples of biomaterials with unique biomechanical properties that are crucial to their function. The collagen-based apatite mineralization and the important function of noncollagenous proteins are similar in dentin and bone; however, enamel is formed in a unique amelogenin-containing protein matrix. While the structure and organic composition of enamel are different from those of dentin and bone, the principal molecular mechanisms of protein-protein interactions, protein self-assembly, and control of crystallization events by the organic matrix are common among these apatite-containing tissues. This review briefly summarizes enamel and dentin matrix components and their interactions with other extracellular matrix components and calcium ions in mediating the mineralization process. We highlight the crystallization events that are controlled by the protein matrix and their interactions in the extracellular matrix during enamel and dentin biomineralization.