The window weighting procedures performed better than single SNP weighting for CW (11%), EMA (11%), MS (3%), and YW (6%), whereas no gain in accuracy was observed for BFT. Besides, the improvement in accuracy between window WssGBLUP and the un-weighted method was low for BFT and MS, while for CW, EMA, and YW resulted in a gain of 22%, 15%, and 20%, respectively, which indicates the presence of relevant quantitative trait loci for these traits. These findings indicate that WssGBLUP is an appropriate method for traits with a large quantitative trait loci effect.Hybrid sol-gel superhydrophobic coatings based on alkyl silane-modified nanosilica were synthesized and studied. The hybrid coatings were synthesized using the classic Stöber process for producing hydrophilic silica nanoparticles (NPs) modified by the in-situ addition of long-chain alkyl silanes co-precursors in addition to the common tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). It was demonstrated that the long-chain alkyl substituent silane induced a steric hindrance effect, slowing the alkylsilane self-condensation and allowing for the condensation of the TEOS to produce the silica NPs. Hence, following the formation of the silica NPs the alkylsilane reacted with the silica's hydroxyls to yield hybrid alkyl-modified silica NPs having superhydrophobic (SH) attributes. The resulting SH coatings were characterized by contact angle goniometry, demonstrating a more than 150° water contact angle, a water sliding angle of less than 5°, and a transmittance of more than 90%. Confocal microscopy was used to analyze the micro random surface morphology of the SH surface and to indicate the parameters related to superhydrophobicity. It was found that a SH coating could be obtained when the alkyl length exceeded ten carbons, exhibiting a raspberry-like hierarchical morphology.Unmanned autonomous transport vessels (MASS) are the future of maritime transport. The most important task in the design and construction of unmanned ships is to develop algorithms and a computer program for autonomous control. In order for such a computer program to properly control the ship (realizing various functions), the ship must be equipped with a computer system as well as measurement sensors and navigation devices, from which the recorded parameters are processed and used for autonomous control of the ship. Within the framework of conducted research on autonomous ships, an experimental model of an unmanned ship was built. This model was equipped with a propulsion system not commonly used on transport vessels (two azimuth stern thrusters and two bow tunnel thrusters), but providing excellent propulsion and steering characteristics. A complete computer system with the necessary measuring sensors and navigation devices has also been installed in the model of the ship, which enables it to perform all functions during autonomous control. The objective of the current research was to design and build a prototype computer system with the necessary measurement sensors and navigation devices with which to autonomously control the unmanned ship model. The designed computer system is expected to be optimal for planned tasks during control software tests. Tests carried out on open waters confirmed the correctness of the operation of the computer system and the entire measurement and navigation equipment of the built model of the unmanned transport vessel.The dehydration process is the basis to obtain high quality saffron and to preserve it for a long time. This process modifies saffron's main metabolites that define its quality, and are responsible for the characteristic color, taste, and aroma of the spice. In this work, the effect of microwave dehydration on saffron main metabolites (picrocrocin, safranal and crocetin esters) from Crocus sativus L. stigmas at three determinate powers and different time lapses was evaluated. The results showed that this dehydration process obtained similar or lower crocetin esters content, and after three months of storage, higher concentration was shown in treatments at 440 W for 36 s, 55 s, and 73 s; at 616 W for 90 s; and at 800 W for 20 s. Picrocrocin content was lower and safranal content was higher in all treatments compared to the control both before and after storage. Regarding to commercial quality, microwave dehydration obtained Category I of saffron according to International Standard Organization (ISO) 3632. After three months of storage, treatments at 616 W for 83 s and 800 W for 60 s obtained lower categories. The results obtained suggest that microwave dehydration is a suitable process for obtaining high quality saffron, 800 W with 6 lapses of 20 s being the best conditions studied.Soil-borne microbes are major ecological players in terrestrial environments since they cycle organic matter, channel nutrients across trophic levels and influence plant growth and health. Therefore, the identification, taxonomic characterization and determination of the ecological role of members of soil microbial communities have become major topics of interest. The development and continuous improvement of high-throughput sequencing platforms have further stimulated the study of complex microbiota in soils and plants. The most frequently used approach to study microbiota composition, diversity and dynamics is polymerase chain reaction (PCR), amplifying specific taxonomically informative gene markers with the subsequent sequencing of the amplicons. This methodological approach is called DNA metabarcoding. Over the last decade, DNA metabarcoding has rapidly emerged as a powerful and cost-effective method for the description of microbiota in environmental samples. However, this approach involves several processing steps, each of which might introduce significant biases that can considerably compromise the reliability of the metabarcoding output. The aim of this review is to provide state-of-the-art background knowledge needed to make appropriate decisions at each step of a DNA metabarcoding workflow, highlighting crucial steps that, if considered, ensures an accurate and standardized characterization of microbiota in environmental studies.