Our results provide inferential evidence for comorbidity of PE and HIV in the downregulation of placental 11β-HSD2 enzyme function, which mediates the programmed outcomes of an adverse maternal environment during pregnancy and long-term impacts on offspring health and consequently affects fetal neurodevelopment.Mucosal immunity defines the relationship of surfaces in contact with the environment and integrates diverse tissues such as epidermis, gum, nose, gut, uterus and prostate with the immune system. Although considered part of a system, each mucosa presents specific immune features beyond the barrier and secretory functions. Information regarding the mucosal immunology of the male reproductive tract and the prostate gland in particular is scarce. In this review, we approach the prostate as an epithelial barrier and as part of the mucosal immune system. Finally, we also raise a series of questions that will improve the understanding of this gland, its role in reproduction and its sensitivity/resistance to disease.Tuberculosis is a worldwide pandemic. Estimated that about 25% humans are colonized by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and about 1% are believed to develop the infection in the central nervous system (CNS-TB). Given the importance of this disease and its high levels of morbidity and mortality, it is imperative that every radiologist must be reminded of the most common findings of CNS-TB as there are several related differential diagnoses for this disease. The most common form CNS-TB is tuberculous meningitis (TBM), characterized mostly by basal meningitis, but infarction, hydrocephalus and tuberculomas could be present. Intracerebral tuberculosis is characterized by tuberculomas that can have different imaging features according to their stage. Vascular and spinal complications of tuberculosis are also reported. This review compiles the classic and unusual findings regarding CNS-TB together with new diagnostic scores in which neuroimaging have an important role.The predominant pulmonary imaging findings on chest CT in the novel 2019 coronavirus infection (COVID-19) are bilateral ground glass opacities. The reverse halo sign is uncommon. This is a report of the new "bullseye sign," which is considered a variant of the reverse halo sign and favored to represent a focus of organizing pneumonia. The specificity of this finding is unclear, however its presence should alert radiologists to the possibility of COVID-19 infection.The concentration of Acid Leachable Trace Metals (ALTMs) was assessed in urbanized tourist beaches (96 samples from Marina beach, 34 samples from Edward Elliot's beach, and 28 samples from Silver beach) of southeast coast of India. The concentration of metals accumulated in the beach sediment was less than the Upper Continental Crust (UCC) background reference values. The mean enrichment of ALTMs in the studied urban tourist beaches showed the following descending order Marina beach - Cr > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cu > Mn > Co; Edward Elliot's beach - Cr > Pb > Ni > Mn > Co > Zn > Cu; Silver beach - Cr > Pb > Ni > Co > Mn > Cu > Zn. The ALTMs such as Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, and Zn were probably derived from natural weathering and mild anthropogenic influences whereas other metals were derived from anthropogenic induced factors.Although seabirds are frequently used as sentinel species for anthropogenic pollution, the extent and impacts of synthetic debris ingestion remains poorly studied for many water bird species. Here, we assess ingestion of synthetic particles (≥0.5 mm) by barnacle geese, Branta leucopsis, wintering on a remote island. Faecal samples were collected over a period of four wintering seasons. In total, 71 individual samples were assessed, with 79% of samples displaying at least one debris particle (maximum lengths 0.5-5 mm) from anthropogenic sources. The recovered synthetic debris were identified as micro-fibres (n = 166) and micro-fragments (n = 165). The number of synthetic particles detected per sample was generally low at 4.7 ± 0.9, 43 (mean ± SE, maximum) micro-fibres 2.3 ± 0.3, 10; micro-fragments 2.3 ± 0.8, 40. Particle numbers detected per gram of faecal sample differed amongst wintering seasons. Our results suggest that non-marine water birds can frequently ingest low quantities of synthetic particles in remote coastal habitats.The occurrence, abundance and distribution of microplastics (MPs) were studied in sediments and surface waters of the Anzali coastal wetland, southwest of the Caspian Sea. Sediment and surface water samples were taken at 11 and 6 stations in June 2018 and January 2019 respectively. The abundances of MPs in sediment samples were 140-2820 and 113-3690 items/kg dry weight while in surface waters were 0.40-4.41 and 0.19-2.85 items/m3 in June and January respectively. Fiber was the most common shape, followed by fragment and film. Red, black and blue were the most frequent colors. Particles 1-2 mm were the dominant size. SEM/EDS and ATR-FTIR analyses were used to identify MPs. Polypropylene, polyethylene and polyester were the most frequently found polymers. Our results highlighted the widespread dispersion of MPs in Anzali Wetland which in turn might be a pathway of MPs pollution transporter to the adjacent and connected Caspian Sea.The present study aimed to investigate the water quality characteristics and the ecological indicators of wastewater of white legged shrimp Penaeus vannamei ponds along the Southeast coast of India. The wastewater samples were collected from 15 shrimp farms covering 11 districts located along the coastal line of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, India. By adopting standard methods, the collected samples were subjected to analyses of physico-chemical and biological characteristics, especially the microbial load and metal and plankton composition. The nitrate-nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, THB, TCB, and Cu concentrations of the samples were found to exceed the permissible limit as recommended by WHO, USEPA, CPCB, and CAA. Principal component analysis and canonical correspondence analysis have suggested that the phosphate, nitrate, silicate, ammonia, and total phosphorus are the important chemical factors. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Gefitinib.html The generated data would be of interest to farmers for their shrimp crop management vis-à-vis culture pond wastewater treatment.