Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound is a standard tool used in the setting of recent sub-arachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). By tracking velocity in the circle-of-Willis vessels, vasospasm can be detected as interval velocity increase. For this disease process, repeated TCD velocity measurements over many days is the basis for its usefulness. However, a key limitation to TCD is its user dependence, which is itself largely due to the fact that exact information about probe positioning is lost between subsequent scans. Surface point cloud ultrasound (SPC-US) was recently introduced as a general approach combining ultrasound and three-dimensional surface imaging of patient + probe. In the present proof-of-principle demonstration, we have applied SPC-US to TCD and co-registered the skin surface with that from MRA images to provide a roadmap of the vasculature in 3D space for better speed, accuracy, reproducibility, and potential semi-automation of TCD. Collating the acronyms, we call the combined approach SPC-US-TCD. Tive to external skin surface landmarks as well as 3D vessel location relative to TCD probe placement offers the potential to provide a roadmap that improves exam reproducibility, speed of acquisition, and accuracy. The goal of future work is to demonstrate this improvement statistically by application to multiple patients and scans.Reports are the standard way of communication between the radiologist and the referring clinician. Efforts are made to improve this communication by, for instance, introducing standardization and structured reporting. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is another promising tool which can improve and enhance the radiological report by processing free text. NLP as such adds structure to the report and exposes the information, which in turn can be used for further analysis. This paper describes pre-processing and processing steps and highlights important challenges to overcome in order to successfully implement a free text mining algorithm using NLP tools and machine learning in a small language area, like Dutch. A rule-based algorithm was constructed to classify T-stage of pulmonary oncology from the original free text radiological report, based on the items tumor size, presence and involvement according to the 8th TNM classification system. PyContextNLP, spaCy and regular expressions were used as tools to extract the correct information and process the free text. Overall accuracy of the algorithm for evaluating T-stage was 0,83 in the training set and 0,87 in the validation set, which shows that the approach in this pilot study is promising. Future research with larger datasets and external validation is needed to be able to introduce more machine learning approaches and perhaps to reduce required input efforts of domain-specific knowledge. However, a hybrid NLP approach will probably achieve the best results.Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents experience elevated levels of internalizing problems and use more substances than heterosexual adolescents. The minority stress and psychological mediation framework are complementary theoretical frameworks that were developed to explain these disparities. However, limited empirical research has integrated both frameworks to study health disparities between heterosexual and LGB adolescents. This study attempts such an integration, using data from the first five waves (participant age 11-22) of the TRacking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS), a cohort study of Dutch adolescents (N = 1738; 151 LGB; 54.8% girls). It was tested whether an LGB identity was linked to internalizing problems and substance use through a serial mediation process, in which sexual identity would be associated with peer victimization and negative relationships with parents (first set of mediators, in keeping with the minority stress framework), which in turn would be associated with out.PURPOSE In radiofrequency ablation near coronary arteries (CA), coronary angiography is traditionally recommended to estimate distance between catheter and CA. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility of an alternative approach for intuitively demonstrating spatial location of catheter and CA during ablation of ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) originating from aortic root (AR) and great cardiac vein (GCV). METHODS During mapping and ablation, 3D-reconstructed cardiac CT and electroanatomic mapping were merged, and distance between CA and catheter was monitored. Coronary angiography, for distance verification, was used when the distance was less than 5 mm in image integration model (IIM). RESULTS Twenty-three patients (52.26 ± 17.89 years, 12 men) with ablation originating in left cusp (LCC, n = 8), right cusp (n = 2), and left-right cusp junction (LCC-RCC, n = 12) and GCV (n = 1) were enrolled. In IIM, the distance between origin and CA was less than 5 mm in 2 VAs originating in LCC and one in GCV (3/23), whereas distance for ablation was always safe (12.3-22.3 mm) for VAs of LCC-RCC origin. IIM avoided angiography use in 20 patients, reducing radiation exposure by 80.6% (650.18 ± 624.31 vs 3356.97 ± 1529.46uGycm2, P = 0.088). VA termination failed in two cases of LCC origin due to proximity to CA, and was achieved in all other patients (91.3%). No CA damage occurred during the procedures. CONCLUSION Mapping and ablation under IIM guidance of VAs of AR and GCV origin appears feasible and safe, while avoiding angiography use particularly in VAs of LCC-RCC origin.In a constantly changing environment, it is advantageous for animals to encode a location (such as a food source) relying on more than one single cue. A certain position might, in fact, be signalled by the presence of information acquired through different sensory modalities which may be integrated into cohesive memories. Here, we aimed to investigate multi-sensory learning capabilities and multi-modal information integration in Lasius niger ants. Individual ants were placed in a Y-maze where odour information always led to a food reward; moreover, arm and wall colour were also predictive but only when co-occurring with odour in a specific combination. At test, the odour cue was made uninformative (it was present in both arms). Ants were still able to correctly locate the reward by integrating odour with the right colour and side combination. In a second experiment, we tested whether multi-modal cue integration can take place in a single trial. To this end, ants were exposed to a rewarded odour in a single-arm maze and could experience the Y-maze (with all available cues) only once.