We report on experiments demonstrating coherent control of magnon spin transport and pseudospin dynamics in a thin film of the antiferromagnetic insulator hematite utilizing two Pt strips for all-electrical magnon injection and detection. The measured magnon spin signal at the detector reveals an oscillation of its polarity as a function of the externally applied magnetic field. We quantitatively explain our experiments in terms of diffusive magnon transport and a coherent precession of the magnon pseudospin caused by the easy-plane anisotropy and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. This experimental observation can be viewed as the magnonic analog of the electronic Hanle effect and the Datta-Das transistor, unlocking the high potential of antiferromagnetic magnonics toward the realization of rich electronics-inspired phenomena.We discuss general features of charge transport in nonrelativistic classical field theories invariant under non-Abelian unitary Lie groups by examining the full structure of two-point dynamical correlation functions in grand-canonical ensembles at finite charge densities (polarized ensembles). Upon explicit breaking of non-Abelian symmetry, two distinct transport laws characterized by dynamical exponent z=2 arise. While in the unbroken symmetry sector, the Cartan fields exhibit normal diffusion, the transversal sectors governed by the nonlinear analogs of Goldstone modes disclose an unconventional law of diffusion, characterized by a complex diffusion constant and undulating patterns in the spatiotemporal correlation profiles. In the limit of strong polarization, one retrieves the imaginary-time diffusion for uncoupled linear Goldstone modes, whereas for weak polarizations the imaginary component of the diffusion constant becomes small. In models of higher rank symmetry, we prove absence of dynamical correlations among distinct transversal sectors.Ride-sharing services may substantiall