These were morphologically and dimensionally analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and compositionally by EDS, after the spectrometer was calibrated with a standard reference material (SRM) from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). The results showed that the adjusting of acceleration voltage and of the powder particle size significantly influences the spectrum profile and the results of EDS analyses, which can lead to an erroneous primary identification of the analysed calcium phosphate type.The plastic treatment of products reduced to sizes corresponding to the microscale poses difficulties, due to the occurrence of the so-called size effect, which is responsible for the different behavior of the material during the realization of microforming. In this study, a constitutive equation was elaborated taking into account two types of size effects, with the use of a surface model as well as a composite material model. The influence of the size effect referring to both the material grain size and the geometric scaling of the sample size on the material's flow stresses was considered. The surface model took into account the different grain shapes present in actual polycrystalline materials. After the application of the presented model for titanium Grade 2, a good agreement of the experimental results with the FEM simulation results was obtained. Thus, the proper FEM modeling of microforming processes should be conducted with the use of a material model, taking into account the occurring size effects.The functioning of a cell at various organizational levels is determined by the interactions between macromolecules that promote cellular organelle formation and orchestrate metabolic pathways via the control of enzymatic activities. Although highly specific and relatively stable protein-protein, protein-DNA, and protein-RNA interactions are traditionally suggested as the drivers for cellular fu