Aromatic compounds are one of the most abundant classes of organic molecules and find utility as precursors for alicyclic hydrocarbon building blocks. While many established dearomatization reactions are exceptionally powerful, dearomatization with concurrent introduction of functionality, i.e. dearomative functionalization, is still a largely underdeveloped field. This review aims to provide an overview of our recent efforts and progress in the development of dearomative functionalization of simple and nonactivated arenes using arenophile-arene cycloaddition platform. These cycloadducts, formed via a visible-light-mediated [4+2]-photocycloaddition, can be elaborated in situ through olefin chemistry or transition-metal-catalyzed ring-opening with carbon-, nitrogen-, and oxygen-based nucleophiles, providing access to diverse structures with functional and stereochemical complexity. Moreover, the dearomatized products are amenable to further elaborations, which effectively install other functionalities onto the resulting alicyclic carbocycles. The utility of the arenophile-mediated dearomatization methods are also highlighted by the facile syntheses of natural products and bioactive compounds through novel disconnections.This article describes selected historical milestones in the field of neutral ionophore-based sensors, starting with the first discovery by Wilhelm Simon and their impact to analytical sciences despite the initial difficulty to understand their function. The reader is then guided through topics in which the author has been involved over the years, from understanding thermodynamic aspects to the field of non-equilibrium potentiometry, polyion sensors, trace level potentiometry, instrumentally controlled ion sensors and finally potentiometry involving local perturbations and transient currents that allow for new readout possibilities. Discussed applications include clinical diagnostics, environmental in situ sensing/profiling and speciation analysis. The article loosely follows the content of the Simon-Widmer Award lecture of the same title presented by the author at the CH Analysis 2019 conference in Beatenberg, Switzerland.Self-assembled molecular capsules, host structures that form spontaneously when their building blocks are mixed, have been known since the 1990s. They share some basic similarities with enzyme pockets, as they feature defined hydrophobic binding pockets that are able to bind molecules of appropriate size and shape. The potential to utilize such host structures for catalysis has been explored since their discovery; however, applications that solve current challenges in synthetic organic chemistry have remained limited. In this short article, we discuss the challenges associated with the use of molecular capsules as catalysts, and highlight some recent applications of supramolecular capsules to overcome challenges in synthetic organic chemistry.This paper summarizes a personal perspective on key learnings from projects the author was involved in over the last 20 years. For example, the discovery of macitentan, the most successful molecule to date from this personal collection, marketed by J&J for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). [1] Then the discovery of ACT-462206, a dual orexin receptor antagonist for the treatment of insomnia disorder with a serendipitously short story from the screening hit to the drug [2] followed by the identification of daridorexant, another dual orexin receptor antagonist. Daridorexant successfully passed first pivotal phase 3 clinical trial in April 2020 for the treatment of insomnia disorder [3] ("Good things come to those who wait"). Finally, ACT-451840, an antimalarial drug with a novel mechanism of action, identified in the perfect collaboration between academia and industry. The compound is in phase 2 clinical development. [4] In addition, the importance of the screening compound collection is briefly discussed, as a key asset for drug discovery. The measures Idorsia implemented to obtain valuable hits from high-throughput screening (HTS) campaigns are elaborated. [5] Drug discovery is a multi-disciplinary business with unlimited exciting challenges asking for excessive optimism when tackling them in a playful manner.About a decade ago, prompted by regulatory pressure, we at Novartis entered the field of micellar catalysis. We were fortunate to discover some enabling techniques that rapidly allowed for application and deep impact of the technology within our development portfolio. In parallel, we endeavored to push the boundaries of science, building a powerful toolbox of chemistry, and gaining in the understanding of such systems. Of particular importance is the compartmentalization effect that needs to be well understood and mastered to access all the benefits of the technology. The following review article will illustrate our journey more specifically for Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings, with some detours that will further highlight the impact of the technology.Groundwater is a much safer and more dependable source of drinking water than surface water. However, natural (geogenic) hazardous elements can contaminate groundwater and lead to severe health problems in consumers. Arsenic concentrations exceeding the WHO drinking water guideline of 10 μg/L globally affect over 220 million people and can cause arsenicosis (skin lesions and cancers). Fluoride, while preventing caries at low concentrations, has detrimental effects when above the WHO drinking water guideline of 1.5 mg/L and puts several hundred million people at risk of dental and skeletal fluorosis. In this article, we report on the geochemistry and occurrence of arsenic and fluoride in groundwater and on the development of global and regional risk maps that help alert governments and water providers to take appropriate mitigation measures for the provision of safe drinking water. We then summarize research on the removal of arsenic and fluoride from drinking water, focusing on adapted technologies for water treatment. Finally, we discuss the applicability of various measures in a larger context and future challenges in reaching the goal of access to safe drinking water for all.