All three compounds showed good biological activity as predicted by the model and confirmed by the docking studies.Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) belongs to a family of enzymes that regulate the posttranslational modification of histones and other proteins via methylation of arginine. Methylation of histones is linked to an increase in transcription and regulates a manifold of functions such as signal transduction and transcriptional regulation. PRMT5 has been shown to be upregulated in the tumor environment of several cancer types, and the inhibition of PRMT5 activity was identified as a potential way to reduce tumor growth. Previously, four different modes of PRMT5 inhibition were known-competing (covalently or non-covalently) with the essential cofactor S-adenosyl methionine (SAM), blocking the substrate binding pocket, or blocking both simultaneously. Herein we describe an unprecedented conformation of PRMT5 in which the formation of an allosteric binding pocket abrogates the enzyme's canonical binding site and present the discovery of potent small molecule allosteric PRMT5 inhibitors. Many individuals reject evolutionary theory due to a perceived conflict with their religious beliefs. To bridge this gap, educators have attempted different approaches including approaching evolution rejection as a consequence of deficit thinking and teaching students the nature of science (including the scientific process and peer review process as well as questions that science can and cannot answer).Teaching the nature of science has shown promising gains in the acceptance of evolution, although acceptance rates remain low. We propose a further approach the use of a reconciliatory model designed to help students accept evolution within the framework of their religious beliefs. We tested this approach in both biology and theology classrooms at a Nazarene-affiliated university. Both professors approached the subject in a reconciliatory fashion. This study found that by utilizing a reconciliatory approach, the students in both classrooms saw significant gains in evolution acceptance, with gains being greatest in the biology classroom. In addition, we saw no decrease in student religiosity. Implications of this are discussed. The results of this study confirm the effectiveness of a reconciliatory model, which opens several avenues for further research. Implications of this are discussed. The results of this study confirm the effectiveness of a reconciliatory model, which opens several avenues for further research.For over 35 years, scholars have searched with little success for a legal safeguard that can sensitize jurors to eyewitness testimony. The present study explored whether expert testimony that uses the I-I-Eye method of analyzing eyewitness testimony can improve juror sensitivity to eyewitness evidence. Participants read a trial transcript with no expert testimony, standard expert testimony or expert testimony that used the I-I-Eye method. The two transcripts for the three expert groups had either strong or weak eyewitness testimony. Unlike the control participants, the I-I-Eye expert participants rendered significantly more guilty verdicts in the strong than in the weak case. The standard expert testimony did not affect verdicts even though it increased participants' knowledge of the eyewitness factors. It appears that the I-I-Eye method improved sensitivity because it not only increased participants' knowledge of eyewitness factors, but also explained how to use that knowledge in assessing eyewitness accuracy.'Communication assistance' is a term that derives from section 80 of the Evidence Act 2006 a legislative provision that has given birth to a whole new profession in the New Zealand legal system. This legislative provision has been used to appoint a new role that of the communication assistant to support complainants, witnesses and defendants of all ages with identified communication needs. This study focuses specifically on the provision of communication assistance for young people who offend in the New Zealand criminal justice system. It provides a qualitative analysis of professionals' descriptions (n = 28 participants) of communication assistance for this population in justice processes. The findings illustrate that communication assistance shares its core with a similar role in England and Wales, that of the intermediary, but that communication assistants in New Zealand have broader scope than their counterparts working in the area of youth justice.Vicarious or secondary trauma experience has always been part of legal practice although many do not acknowledge the risk it can have on the mental health, well-being and performance of legal professionals. The listening to, observing and then detailing of traumatic events for the purposes of legal process in some cases may harm lawyers who need to work closely with clients, victims and witnesses. This article reviews the research on trauma in many areas of professional human services that could inform and improve our understanding of legal practice. It examines the discursive history of trauma and recent studies on lawyer well-being, before discussing the controversies about recognising vicarious trauma and the stigma against mental health concerns in the legal profession. The article concludes by reviewing options to assist law firms in considering trauma-informed policy, practices and supervision strategies and to help individual lawyers recognise the value of self-care.Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition with life-long implications. Individuals with FASD can experience communication, cognitive, behavioural, social and emotional difficulties that impact their functional capacity. Due to these brain-based impairments, previous research suggests that individuals with FASD are over-represented in the justice system. The current article outlines how individuals with FASD may experience inequities within the justice system, why assessment, diagnosis and intervention is important, and the role of health and justice partnerships in promoting more equitable outcomes for justice-involved individuals with FASD. Increased resources and collaborations between health and justice professionals are required to enable the provision of neurodevelopmental assessments for all complex presentations, including FASD.