sments. The promoting effects of SKP-SC-EVs-incorporating nerve grafts on peripheral nerve regeneration might benefit from in vivo biological cues afforded by SKP-SC-EVs, which had been released from Matrigel and then internalized by residual neural cells in sciatic nerve stumps.Peripheral nerve repair is a common but challenging surgical treatment. Many artificial nerve grafts have been developed, including nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) with biocompatibility, suitable mechanical properties and topography to guide axon growth. However, there remains a need to promote nerve regeneration and accelerate functional recovery using NGCs for nerve reconstruction. Here, silk fibroin (SF) and magnesium (S/Mg) filaments were braided into an inner layer of NGC and freeze-dried with a solution of SF and chitosan (CS). The mechanical stress of these S/Mg-SF/CS conduits reached 2.8 ± 0.2 N and possessed high compression strength. The conduits were evaluated with subcutaneous implantation. Sustainable mechanical function was demonstrated when used to repair 10 mm sciatic nerve gaps in rats. The hollow NGCs improved neurochemotaxis from the damaged nerves. The wet weight ratio of the gastrocnemius muscle, a target muscle for the sciatic nerve related to motor and sensory functions in the NGC group,and good performance after sciatic nerve transplantation demonstrates that the S/Mg-SF/CS NGC in this study promotes the growth of damaged nerves and provides a suitable physio-mechanical guide for potential in artificial nerve transplantation. 3. A facile scalable manufacturing process is achieved by utilizing multidisciplinary engineering, such as textile technologies, biomaterial engineering and medical science.Metastasis is one of the major causes of mortality in patients suffering from breast cancer. The signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is closely related to cancer metastasis. Herein, a multifunctional nanocomplex was developed to simultaneously deliver paclitaxel (PTX) and STAT3 siRNA (siSTAT3) to inhibit tumor growth and prevent metastasis of breast cancer cells. PTX was encapsulated into the synthesized polyethyleneimine-polylactic acid-lipoic acid (PPL) micelle through hydrophobic interaction, while siSTAT3 was condensed onto polyethyleneimine through electrostatic interaction. The surface charge of the drug-loaded nanocomplex (siSTAT3PPLPTX) was then converted to negative by coating with hyaluronic acid (HA). The multifunctional nanocomplex (HA/siSTAT3PPLPTX) effectively entered CD44-overexpressed 4T1 cells via an active targeting mechanism. HA shell was degraded by the concentrated hyaluronidase in the endo/lysosome and the rapid drug release was triggered by the redox micro-environctive tumor targeting, effective endo/lysosomal escape, and rapid intracellular drug release. Both in vitro and in vivo studies indicated that the nanocomplex could lead to superior tumor growth inhibition, as well as metastasis suppression by silencing expression of STAT3 and p-STAT3. This present study implies that the nanocomplex could be a potential platform for targeted treatment of metastatic cancer through chemo-gene combined therapy.Motion parallax and binocular disparity contribute to the perceived depth of three-dimensional (3D) objects. However, depth is often misperceived, even when both cues are available. This may be due in part to conflicts with unmodelled cues endemic to computerized displays. Here we evaluated the impact of display-based cue conflicts on depth cue integration by comparing perceived depth for physical and virtual objects. Truncated square pyramids were rendered using Blender and 3D printed. We assessed perceived depth using a discrimination task with motion parallax, binocular disparity, and their combination. Physical stimuli were presented with precise control over position and lighting. Virtual stimuli were viewed using a head-mounted display. To generate motion parallax, observers made lateral head movements using a chin rest on a motion platform. Observers indicated if the width of the front face appeared greater or less than the distance between this surface and the base. We found that accuracy was similar for virtual and physical pyramids. All estimates were more precise when depth was defined by binocular disparity than motion parallax. Our probabilistic model shows that a linear combination model does not adequately describe performance in either physical or virtual conditions. While there was inter-observer variability in weights, performance in all conditions was best predicted by a veto model that excludes the less reliable depth cue, in this case motion parallax. Producing a reliable large-animal model of AAA has proven challenging. We sought to create a reproducible swine model of AAA using enzymatic degradation of the aortic wall. Twelve male Yorkshire swine received periadventitial injections of type 1 collagenase and porcine pancreatic elastase into a 4 cm segment of infrarenal aorta. Nine survived until postoperative day (POD) 21. Aortic growth was monitored at 7 and 14 days using ultrasound. The animals were euthanized on POD 21, and the suprarenal (control) and infrarenal aorta were harvested for analysis, after gross measurement of aortic diameter (AD). Tensile strength was measured and additional segments were collected for histopathological analysis. PCR of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP9) was conducted. Groups were compared with paired t-tests, or ANOVA, where appropriate. Average percent growth of AD at POD 21 for treated segments was 27% versus 4.5% for control tissue. The average difference in AD by subject, was 26.7% (P<0.001). Aortic medial th 1.8% compared to 9.9% (P less then 0.0001), and 24% versus 37.4%, respectively. Tensile strength was also decreased in treated tissue; 16.7 MPa versus 29.5 MPa (P=0.0002). A 12-fold increase in expression of MMP9 mRNA was also demonstrated in aneurysmal tissue (P=0.002) CONCLUSION A reproducible, large-animal model of AAA, with anatomical, histopathological, and biomechanical properties that are clinically translatable, can be achieved with extraluminal enzymatic degradation.