The obtained results showed that more than 91.7 ± 1% of RhB dye was degraded to CO2, NH4+, NO3-, H2O, and some inorganic acids after 30 min as confirmed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry and total organic carbon (TOC) measurements. Also, GC-MS spectra for water samples drawn from the reaction in successive periods had suggested a conceivable degradation pathway for RhB by hydroxyl radicals. Degradation starts with de-alkylation then carboxyphenyl removal followed by two successive ring-opening stages. Both the effects of the catalyst recycling and treated water reusability on the reaction rate were studied. The catalyst provided noticeable stability over three consecutive cycles.Crack-cocaine is a cocaine by-product widely consumed by general population in developing countries. The drug is low cost and is associated with more intense effects when compared to other illicit drugs. Genotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammatory response are considered crucial events in carcinogenesis, since they actively participate in the multistep process. The purpose of this paper was to provide a mini review regarding the relationship between carcinogenesis and genotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammation induced by crack-cocaine. The present study was conducted on search of the scientific literature from the published studies available in PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, and Google Scholar for all kind of articles (all publications to November 2020) using the following key words crack-cocaine, DNA damage, genotoxicity, cellular death, cytotoxicity, mutation, oxidative stress, inflammation, and mutagenicity. The results showed that published papers available were almost all in vivo test system being conducted in humans or rodents. Crack-cocaine was able to induce genotoxicity and oxidative stress in mammalian cells. However, the role of inflammatory response after exposure to crack-cocaine was not conclusive so far. In summary, this study is consistent with the notion that crack-cocaine is a chemical carcinogen as a result of genotoxicity and oxidative stress induced in mammalian and non-mammalian cells.Rare earth elements (REEs) are contaminants of increasing interest due to intense mining activities for commercial purposes and ultimately released in the environment. We exposed juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to a representative mixture of the five most abundant REEs for 96 h at concentrations similar found in lakes contaminated by mining activities at 0.1, 1, 10, and 100X whereas the 1x mixture contained cerium (Ce, 280 μg/L), lanthanum (La, 140 μg/L), neodymium (Nd, 120 μg/L), praseodymium (Pr, 28 μg/L), and samarium (Sm, 23 μg/L). We investigated the expression of 14 genes involved in oxidative stress, DNA repair, tissue growth/proliferation, protein chaperoning, xenobiotic biotransformation, and ammonia metabolism in the liver. In addition, DNA damage, oxidative stress (lipid peroxidation or LPO), inflammation (cyclooxygenase or COX activity), detoxification mechanisms (glutathione-S-transferase activity or GST), and labile zinc were determined in gills. The data revealed that genes involved in oxidative stress-catalase (cat), heat shock proteins 70 (hsp70), and glutamate dehydrogenase (glud) were upregulated while glutathione S-transferase (gst) and metallothionein (mt) gene expressions were downregulated. The mixture was genotoxic and increased labile Zn in gills of exposed trout. These changes occurred at concentrations 600 times lower than the LC50 for this mixture indicating effects below the 1X concentration. Based on principal component analysis and concentration-dependent reponses, the following sublethal effects were considered the most important/significant DNA strand breaks (genotoxicity), labile Zn, cat, gst, hsp70, sparc, mt, and glud. These effects of fish juveniles are likely to occur in environments under the influence of mining activities.Biflavonoids are divided in two classes C-C type compounds represented by the dimeric compound amentoflavone and C-O-C-type compounds typified by hinokiflavone (HNK) with an ether linkage between the two connected apigenin units. This later sub-group of bisflavonyl ethers includes HNK, ochnaflavone, delicaflavone and a few other dimeric compounds, found in a variety of plants, notably Selaginella species. A comprehensive review of the anticancer properties and mechanism of action of HNK is provided, to highlight the anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic activities of HNK and derivatives, and HNK-containing plant extracts. The anticancer effects rely on the capacity of HNK to interfere with the ERK1-2/p38/NFκB signaling pathway and the regulation of the expression of the matrix metalloproteinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 (with a potential direct binding to MMP-9). In addition, HNK was found to function as a potent modulator of pre-mRNA splicing, inhibiting the SUMO-specific protease SENP1. As such, HNK represents a rare SENP1 inhibitor of natural origin and a scaffold to design synthetic compounds. Oral formulations of HNK have been elaborated to enhance its solubility, to facilitate the compound delivery and to enhance its anticancer efficacy. The review shed light on the anticancer potential of C-O-C-type biflavonoids and specifically on the pharmacological profile of HNK. This compound deserves further attention as a regulator of pre-mRNA splicing, useful to treat cancers (in particular hepatocellular carcinoma) and other human pathologies. Patients with advanced-stage breast cancer often demonstrate pancreatic metastases. However, pancreatic metastases resection from breast cancer has been rarely performed, with only 20 cases having been reported to date. A 49-year-old woman presented to our hospital in September 2003 with complaints of uncontrollable oozing from her left breast tumor. Computed tomography revealed a left breast tumor approximately 9.3cm in diameter as well as heterogeneously enhanced solid mass lesions with necrotic foci in the pancreatic tail and body, up to 6.2cm, which were radiologically diagnosed as pancreatic metastases from breast cancer. An emergent left simple mastectomy was performed to control bleeding. After epirubicin and cyclophosphamide hydrate treatment failed to improve her condition, the pancreatic metastases responded to weekly paclitaxel treatment, but eventually regrew. The patient underwent distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy, left adrenalectomy, partial stomach resection, and paraaortic lymph nodes excision in December 2004 after no other metastasis was confirmed.