The Influences of ICD-10-CM upon Ough.S. Affiliate marketer Injuries Surveillance. High refractive index organic solvents are commonly used as an imaging medium in tissue clearing approaches. While effective, such solvents provide serious concerns for the safety of users and the equipment, especially in a central microscopy unit. To overcome these concerns, we have developed a large and re-usable imaging chamber compatible with the universal mounting frame AK (PeCon GmbH). This chamber is easy to assemble, and significantly improves the working environment in a central microscopy unit, where hazardous chemicals could negatively affect equipment and people. To encourage the uptake of these chambers, the design is made publicly available for download. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Japanese Society of Microscopy. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by persistent fear memory of remote traumatic events, mental re-experiencing of the trauma, long-term cognitive deficits, and PTSD-associated hippocampal dysfunction. Extinction-based therapeutic approaches acutely reduce fear. However, many patients eventually relapse to the original conditioned fear response. Thus, understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms of this condition is critical to developing new treatments for patients. Mutations in the neuropsychiatric risk gene CACNA1C, which encodes the Cav1.2 isoform of the L-type calcium channel, have been implicated in both PTSD and highly comorbid neuropsychiatric conditions, such as anxiety and depression. Here, we report that male mice with global heterozygous loss of cacna1c exhibit exacerbated contextual fear that persists at remote time points (up to 180 days after shock), despite successful acute extinction training, reminiscent of PTSD patients. Because dopamine has been implicated in contextual fear memory, and Cav1.2 is a downstream target of dopamine D1-receptor (D1R) signaling, we next generated mice with specific deletion of cacna1c from D1R-expressing neurons (D1-cacna1cKO mice). Notably, D1-cacna1cKO mice also show the same exaggerated remote contextual fear, as well as persistently elevated anxiety-like behavior and impaired spatial memory at remote time points, reminiscent of chronic anxiety in treatment-resistant PTSD. We also show that D1-cacna1cKO mice exhibit elevated death of young hippocampal neurons, and that treatment with the neuroprotective agent P7C3-A20 eradicates persistent remote fear. Augmenting survival of young hippocampal neurons may thus provide an effective therapeutic approach for promoting durable remission of PTSD, particularly in patients with CACNA1C mutations or other genetic aberrations that impair calcium signaling or disrupt the survival of young hippocampal neurons.The gut microbiota are being called the human "second brain," as they play a key role in the regulation of the central nervous system (CNS). Recent findings provide strong evidence for the presence of bidirectional communication networks between the gut microbiota and the CNS, and such crosstalk has been correlated with alterations in major depressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Further, germ-free animal models have been used to investigate the effect of the microbiota on MDD and other psychiatric disorders, which have greatly expanded our knowledge of the role of the microbiota in the etiology of MDD and promoted causality studies of this psychiatric disorder and others as well. In this review, we first introduce the methodological approaches used for microbiota research and then provide an overview of current research progress on the modulatory function and composition of the gut microbiota in MDD and the therapeutic effect of probiotics that has been gained using data from human studies as well as animal experiments. Future research should focus on identification and characterization of specific bacterial strains involved in MDD with the hope of applying these findings in the prevention and treatment of MDD.The formation and maintenance of synapses require long-distance delivery of newly synthesized synaptic proteins from the soma to distal synapses, raising the fundamental question of whether impaired transport is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. We previously revealed that syntabulin acts as a motor adapter linking kinesin-1 motor and presynaptic cargos. Here, we report that defects in syntabulin-mediated transport and thus reduced formation and maturation of synapses are one of core synaptic mechanisms underlying autism-like synaptic dysfunction and social behavioral abnormalities. Syntabulin expression in the mouse brain peaks during the first 2 weeks of postnatal development and progressively declines during brain maturation. Neurons from conditional syntabulin-/- mice (stb cKO) display impaired transport of presynaptic cargos, reduced synapse density and active zones, and altered synaptic transmission and long-term plasticity. Intriguingly, stb cKO mice exhibit core autism-like traits, including defective social recognition and communication, increased stereotypic behavior, and impaired spatial learning and memory. These phenotypes establish a new mechanistic link between reduced transport of synaptic cargos and impaired maintenance of synaptic transmission and plasticity, contributing to autism-associated behavioral abnormalities. This notion is further confirmed by the human missense variant STB-R178Q, which is found in an autism patient and loses its adapter capacity for binding kinesin-1 motors. Expressing STB-R178Q fails to rescue reduced synapse formation and impaired synaptic transmission and plasticity in stb cKO neurons. Altogether, our study suggests that defects in syntabulin-mediated transport mechanisms underlie the synaptic dysfunction and behavioral abnormalities that bear similarities to autism.In Vietnam, harm reduction programs to control HIV among people who inject drugs (PWID) were implemented approximately 10 years ago. Since then, the HIV prevalence has declined in this population, however, the impact of these programs on the rate of new HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) infections remains unknown as high mortality can exceed the rate of new infections. We evaluated HIV and HCV incidences in a cohort of active PWID in HaiPhong in 2014, who were recruited from a community-based respondent driven sampling (RDS) survey and followed for 1 year. Only HIV-negative or HCV-negative participants not on medication assisted treatment (MAT) were eligible. HIV/HCV serology was tested at enrollment and at 32- and 64-week follow-up visits. Among 603 RDS participants, 250 were enrolled in the cohort, including 199 HIV seronegative and 99 HCV seronegative PWID. No HIV seroconversion was reported during the 206 person-years (PY) of follow-up (HIV incidence of 0/100PY, one-sided 97.5%CI0-1.8/100 PY). Eighteen HCV seroconversions were reported for an incidence of 19.