Qualitative evaluations showed 1.2% of slices had noticeable major errors, including segmenting the wrong target and irregular vessel wall contours. The mean Dice similarity coefficient with manual segmentation was 0.79, which is comparable to inter-rater variations. Repeatability evaluations show most of the vascular features have good to excellent repeatability from repeated scans of same subjects, with intra-class coefficient ranging from 0.80 to 0.98. CONCLUSION This technique can be used in large population-based studies, such as OAI, to efficiently assess the burden of atherosclerosis from routine MR knee scans. © 2020 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.AS offers rapid and sustained relief of symptoms in most patients treated for malignant or benign CAO and can also be curative in itself in cases of benign tracheobronchial stenosis. In the past 30 years, this field has seen significant progress, from the misuse of vascular non-covered metallic stents to the development of silicone airway stents with an increasingly large panel of shapes and of hybrid, partially or fully covered, SEMS customized to the airways. This study aims to offer an overview on (i) the respective advantages and drawbacks of these two main categories of devices; (ii) the main indications for AS and the rationale behind the choice of stent in each situation; and (iii) the main promises borne from the progress made in the field in the past few years, including the development of drug-eluting, biodegradable or patient-specific customized AS. © 2020 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.The generation of catalytically active metalloproteins inside living mammalian cells is a major research challenge at the interface between catalysis and cell biology. Herein we demonstrate that basic domains of bZIP transcription factors, mutated to include two histidine residues at i and i+4 positions, react with palladium(II) sources to generate catalytically active, stapled pallado-miniproteins. The resulting constrained peptides are efficiently internalized into living mammalian cells, where they perform palladium-promoted depropargylation reactions without cellular fixation. Control experiments confirm the requirement of the peptide scaffolding and the palladium staple for attaining the intracellular reactivity. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Traumatic early life stress (ELS) is linked to dopamine (DA) dysregulation which increases the probability of developing psychiatric disorders in adolescence and adulthood. Our prior studies demonstrated that a severe early life stressor, a 24-hr maternal deprivation (MD) in juvenile male rats, could lead to altered DA signaling from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) due to impairment of GABAergic synaptic plasticity (promoting GABAergic long-term depression, LTD) with concomitant changes in the abundance of synaptic regulators including A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP150). Importantly, these MD-induced synaptic changes in the VTA were accompanied by upregulation of histone deacetylase 2, histone hypoacetylation, and were reversible by HDAC inhibition. Using cell-attached and whole-cell patch clamp recordings, we found that MD stress also increased spontaneous VTA DA neuronal activity and excitability in juvenile male rats without affecting intrinsic excitability. Postsynaptic chemical disruption of AKAP150 and protein kinase A interaction increased VTA DA neuronal excitability in control non-MD rats mimicking the effects of MD on DA cell excitability with similar changes in membrane properties. Interestingly, this disruption decreased MD-induced VTA DA hyperexcitability. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/2-nbdg.html This MD-induced DA neuronal hyperexcitability could also be normalized at 24 hr after injection of the class 1 HDAC inhibitor, CI-994. Altogether, our data suggest that AKAP150 plays a critical role in the regulation of VTA DA neuronal excitability and that HDAC-mediated targeting of AKAP150 signaling could normalize VTA DA dysfunction following ELS thereby providing novel therapeutic targets for prevention of later life psychopathology. Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.INTRODUCTION Respiratory viral infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality among stem cell transplant recipients. While there is a substantial amount of information on prognostic factors and response ribavirin therapy is available for RSV infections this information is largely lacking for hMPV. PATIENTS AND METHODS In total 71 patients were included in this study 47 patients with RSV and 24 with hMPV. Forty one patients presented as an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) and 30 as a primary lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Patients were stratified as per ISI criteria into low, moderate and high-risk groups. Twenty two patients in the URTI cohort received treatment with ribavirin (mainly oral), 19 patients received no antiviral therapy. The decision for antiviral treatment was at the discretion of the attending physician. All 30 patients with primary LRTI and 10 patients with secondary LRTI were treated with ribavirin, 95% with the intravenous formulation. 45% of these patients receivficant for mortality (p=0,07). CONCLUSIONS We could detect no differences between RSV and hMPV with respect to progression to LRTI, risk of respiratory failure or need for mechanical ventilation and virus - associated death. The ISI index is of predictive value in hMPV patients with a high ISI score and treatment with oral ribavirin has an equivalent protective effect in RSV and hMPV patients. Treatment of LRTI with intravenous ribavirin results in a similar outcome in RSV and hMPV infected patients. We could not detect any benefit of adjunctive treatment with immunoglobulins in both primary and secondary LRTI. No role of viral load as an independent prognostic marker could be detected either for progression to LRTI or death. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs) facilitate the adaptation of trees to drought stress. There have been a large number of studies exploring NSC changes in individual plant species and individual organ under drought and showed different trends; however, an understanding of the universal pattern of the plant NSCs responses to drought, particularly to drought duration, is still lacking. Here, we compiled data from 47 experimental studies on 52 tree species and conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the responses of soluble sugars, starch and TNSC (total nonstructural carbohydrates including both soluble sugars and starch) concentrations in different tree organs (leaf, stem, and root) to drought intensity and duration. We found that starch in all organs decreased and soluble sugars in leaf increased with prolonged experiment time, and the changes in soluble sugars in all organs were stronger under severe drought than under slight-to-moderate drought. Under slight-to-moderate drought, the NSC content of each organ varied with time, while with the extension of the drought duration, the NSCs gradually approached the control value (no drought stress); this trend remained in the late drought, which means that trees activated physiological regulation processes to increase carbon storage and reduce the risks of carbon starvation.