Great need of Fukushima-derived radiocaesium flux through river-estuary-ocean system. This excellent performance is believed to be the result of NPC nanosheet structure on NF derived from the facet-oriented control of pristine Ni-MOF, enabling excellent reaction kinetics. Current food date marking tools fail to take into account variables that impact shelf life, leading to food waste and posing human health risks. Herein, we develop a polydiacetylene/zinc oxide (PDA/ZnO) colorimetric sensor that can indicate milk freshness in real time. The PDA/ZnO system is engineered to indicate the freshness of full cream milk by monitoring its pH based on lactic acid concentration, an indicator of bacterial spoilage. The sensitivity is tuned by selection of the diacetylene monomers from which it is composed. Designs constructed from shorter chain diacetylenes are found to undergo chromatic transitions at a lower lactic acid concentration. Two new methods to tune PDA/ZnO sensitivity to lactic acid are explored, including relocation of the diacetylene functional group and lipid doping. A system constructed from 5,7-hexadecadiynoic acid (HDDA) and ZnO can discriminate between fresh (pH 6.8-6.0), spoiling (pH 6.0-4.5), and spoiled milk (pH 4.5-4.0) by a respective blue to purple to red color change. The chromatic stability of the PDA/ZnO sensor in food is studied as previous reports have shown the system to be unstable. We present a new method that stabilizes the nanocomposite by pre-exposure to the food matrix prior to photopolymerization. Fresh produce shall be thoroughly washed at the retail level prior to serving to the consumer with potable water. Foodborne pathogens if present on a product may transfer to the wash water and cross-contaminate other products immersed in the water. Typically, an entire carton of lettuce (24 heads) is washed together increasing the likelihood of cross-contamination due to the close contact between each head. This study aimed to compare the effects of two wash batch volumes - "low" (8 heads) and "high" (24 heads) on the efficacy of two commercial water antimicrobials and cross-contamination. Red leaf lettuce was spot-inoculated (~5.0 log CFU/g) with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Listeria monocytogenes. In the first batch of washing, inoculated lettuce was washed with non-inoculated lettuce, followed by reuse of the water/antimicrobials twice washing only non-inoculated lettuce. Samples of inoculated and non-inoculated lettuce were collected to determine aerobic plate count (APC) as well as the populations of STEC and L. monocytogenes. Microbiological analysis of the wash water was also conducted. Wash volume (8 versus 24 lettuce heads) had limited effects on the antimicrobial activities of the interventions evaluated. Instead, high-volume wash increased the rate of cross-contamination between non-inoculated and inoculated lettuce, and cross-contamination of non-inoculated lettuce through wash water reuse. Retailers should consider volume of product processed per batch, reuse of wash water, and use of an appropriate water antimicrobial in consideration of mitigating potential product cross-contamination. One of the main objectives of the food industry is to guarantee food safety by providing innocuous food products. Therefore, this sector must consider all the possible biotic or abiotic contamination routes from the entry of raw materials to the release of the final product. Currently, one important problem in this regard is the presence of biofilms on food contact surfaces which can transmit pathogens such as L. monocytogenes. In industrial conditions biofilms are found in a mature state, so it is essential that when carrying out removal effectiveness studies in vitro the tests are realized with models that produce these structures in a similarly mature state. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an alternative treatment (i.e. enzymatic detergent that include natural antimicrobial agents) and a conventional treatment (i.e. chlorinated alkaline) for the elimination of mature L. monocytogenes biofilms. The results showed a cell detachment from the formed mature biofilms with an effectivity of between 74.75%-97.73% and 53.94%-94.02% for the enzymatic treatment and the chlorinated alkaline detergent, respectively. On a qualitative level, it was observed that the dispersion in the structure was much higher for the enzymatic treatment than for the chlorinated alkaline, which continued to show obvious structure integrity. All this leads to the conclusion that treatments with an enzymatic detergent have a significantly greater impact on the removal of mature L. monocytogenes biofilms, although a further disinfection process would be needed, enhancing even more the treatment effectivity. This may imply that the industrial approach to addressing this problem should be modified to include new perspectives that are more effective than traditional ones. OBJECTIVE Emotional difficulties are common in functional movement disorders (FMD), yet their contribution to the disease remains unclear. We explored the potential role of emotional difficulties as risk and maintaining factors of FMD by looking at the effect of emotions on attention. METHOD The dot-probe task was used to investigate attentional biases induced by emotional faces in 25 patients with FMD and 25 healthy controls (HC). A pair of faces, one emotional (happy, angry, sad) and the other neutral, was displayed on a monitor to either the left or the right side of a central fixation cross. The face disappeared and a dot was flashed in place of one of the faces. Participants had to indicate the location of the dot. All participants completed the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Psychological assessment of 23 patients also involved the Short Form Health Survey, the Hamilton Anxiety and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scales. RESULTS A general attentional bias away from emotional faces was noted for the FMD group compared to the HC. A more fine-tuned analysis revealed an attentional bias specifically away from sad faces for the FMD. CONCLUSION Our findings suggest a specific effect of emotions on attention in FMD that likely involves avoidance of sadness. Since this was not related to alexithymia or mood, we excluded these factors in explaining the results. Attentional bias away from sad faces correlated with general health, suggesting that avoidance of sadness might contribute to the perception of a better general health status in FMD.