TNF-α-induced phosphorylation of JNK, p38 and NF-κB was also attenuated by the inhibition of nSMase2. Moreover, NF-kB/AP-1 activity was blocked by the inhibition of nSMase2. SMPD3 was elevated in PBMCs from obese individuals and positively corelated with TNF-α gene expression. These findings indicate that nSMase2 acts, at least in part, as a master switch in the TNF-α mediated inflammatory responses in monocytes/macrophages.Since optimal treatment at an early stage leads to remission of symptoms and recovery of function, putative biomarkers leading to early diagnosis and prediction of therapeutic responses are desired. The current study aimed to use a metabolomic approach to extract metabolites involved in both the diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) and the prediction of therapeutic response for escitalopram. We compared plasma metabolites of MDD patients (n = 88) with those in healthy participants (n = 88) and found significant differences in the concentrations of 20 metabolites. We measured the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) on 62 patients who completed approximately six-week treatment with escitalopram before and after treatment and found that kynurenic acid and kynurenine were significantly and negatively associated with HRSD reduction. Only one metabolite, kynurenic acid, was detected among 73 metabolites for overlapped biomarkers. Kynurenic acid was lower in MDD, and lower levels showed a better therapeutic response to escitalopram. Kynurenic acid is a metabolite in the kynurenine pathway that has been widely accepted as being a major mechanism in MDD. Overlapping biomarkers that facilitate diagnosis and prediction of the treatment response may help to improve disease classification and reduce the exposure of patients to less effective treatments in MDD.CD4 + T-lymphocyte counts are used to assess CD4 + decline and the stage of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) progression in HIV-infected patients. Clinical observation suggests that HIV progress more rapid in females than males. Of the original 5000 HIV-infected population of Western New York HIV/AIDS, Referral Center at Erie County Medical Center (ECMC), 1422 participated in the cohort study. We identified 333 HIV-infected patients with CD4 + T-cell-counts ≥ 500/µƖ, among them 178 met the inclusion criteria for the 10-year study. Females had higher mode (600 vs. 540) and mean (741.9 vs. 712.2) CD4 + counts than males at baseline. However, CD4 + declined faster among females in a shorter time than males (234.5 vs. 158.6, P  less then  0.004), with rapid HIV progression. Univariate analyses determined that females had a 40% higher risk for CD4 + decline than males. The bivariate analyses specified CD4 + decline remained greater in females than males. Multivariate analyses which employed Cox's proportional Hazard-Model to adjust for numerous variables simultaneously identified women had almost twice the risk for CD4 + decline and rapid HIV progression than males (RR = 1.93; 95%CI 1.24, 2.99). Although the biological mechanism remains unknown, findings suggest gender differences in CD4 + decline, with a higher risk of rapid HIV progression and shorter longevity in females.We report a novel state of active matter-a swirlonic state. It is comprised of swirlons, formed by groups of active particles orbiting their common center of mass. These quasi-particles demonstrate a surprising behavior In response to an external load they move with a constant velocity proportional to the applied force, just as objects in viscous media. The swirlons attract each other and coalesce forming a larger, joint swirlon. The coalescence is extremely slow, decelerating process, resulting in a rarified state of immobile quasi-particles. In addition to the swirlonic state, we observe gaseous, liquid and solid states, depending on the inter-particle and self-driving forces. Interestingly, in contrast to molecular systems, liquid and gaseous states of active matter do not coexist. We explain this unusual phenomenon by the lack of fast particles in active matter. We perform extensive numerical simulations and theoretical analysis. The predictions of the theory agree qualitatively and quantitatively with the simulation results.cis-Abienol, a natural diterpene-diol isolated from balsam fir (Abies balsamea), can be employed as precursors for the semi-synthesis of amber compounds, which are sustainable replacement for ambergris and widely used in the fragmented industry. This study combinatorially co-expressed geranyl diphosphate synthase, geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase, Labda-13-en-8-ol diphosphate synthase and diterpene synthase, with the best combination achieving ~ 0.3 mg/L of cis-abienol. An additional enhancement of cis-abienol production (up to 8.6 mg/L) was achieved by introducing an exogenous mevalonate pathway which was divided into the upper pathway containing acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase/HMG-CoA reductase and HMG-CoA synthase and the lower pathway containing mevalonate kinase, phosphomevalonate kinase, pyrophosphate mevalonate decarboxylase and isopentenyl pyrophosphate isomerase. The genetically modified strain carrying chromosomal copy of low genes of the mevalonate with the trc promoter accumulated cis-abienol up to 9.2 mg/L in shake flask. Finally, cis-abienol titers of ~ 220 mg/L could be achieved directly from glucose using this de novo cis-abienol-producing E. coli in high-cell-density fermentation. This study demonstrates a microbial process to apply the E. coli cell factory in the biosynthesis of cis-abienol.Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of compounds used in industry and consumer products. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is the predominant form in human samples and has been shown to induce severe health consequences, such as neonatal mortality, neurotoxicity, and immunotoxicity. Toxicological studies indicate that PFAS accumulate in bone tissues and cause altered bone development. Epidemiological studies have reported an inverse relationship between PFAS and bone health, however the associated mechanisms are still unexplored. Here, we present computational, in silico and in vitro evidence supporting the interference of PFOA on vitamin D (VD). First, PFOA competes with calcitriol on the same binding site of the VD receptor, leading to an alteration of the structural flexibility and a 10% reduction by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Second, this interference leads to an altered response of VD-responsive genes in two cellular targets of this hormone, osteoblasts and epithelial cells of the colorectal tract.